Faculty Activities

Awards and Recognition's


Dr. Manju Dominic, Professor CE Department completed a 5-day Faculty Enablement Program (FEP) Phase 3 on Artificial intelligence using Infosys Springboard platform from June 24th to June 28th 2024. The campus connect initiative of Infosys Springboard was a rich blend of theory and hands-on practice on Artificial Intelligence and its application. FEP enables the faculties to integrate technology into teaching.

Completed training programme on BIM

Dr. Alice Thomas, successfully completed a three-week training programme conducted during November to December 2023 by KTU on Building Information Modeling and received certificate of completion on May 24th 2024.


  • Ms. Anupama Krishna D, faculty of Civil Engineering Department has received her PhD certificate in the first convocation ceremony of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University from the Honorable Governor Shri. Arif Muhammad Khan, for the work titled Behaviour of reinforced concrete under elevated temperature Guided by  Dr. Narayanan S and Dr. Priyadarsini R S.  registered under the center, College of Engineering Trivandrum.

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering Department, Dr. Anupama Krishna D attended the 9th World Congress on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CSEE 2024), conducted in London, United Kingdom, from April 14-16, 2024 in online mode and presented the paper titled ‘Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frames under Various Load Conditions with Pre-Applied Elevated Temperature’. Co authors: Dr. Priyadarsini R S (College of Engineering, Trivandrum and Dr. Narayana S, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum.
  • Neethu Roy, Dean (Research & Consultancy), successfully completed the 12 week NPTEL course on NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) with Elite certification, conducted by Indian Institute of Science Bangalore and 12 week course on Traffic Engineering with Elite certification, conducted by Indian institute of Technology Kharagpur during January to April 2024.
  • Akhila A M, Assistant professor, Department of CE, successfully completed the 12 week NPTEL course on Data Analysis and Decision Making – I with Elite certification, conducted by Indian institute of Technology Kharagpur during January to April 2024.
  • The Faculties of CED Mr. Divyaprasad S P, Ms. Indhu Luke, Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan (Elite + Silver certification) and Dr. Alice Thomas (Elite certification) has successfully completed an 8 week course on Subsurface Exploration: Importance and Techniques involved, conducted by Indian institute of Technology Guwahati during July to September 2023. Mr. Divyaprasad S P was one of the toppers of this course.
  • ELIZABETH C KURUVILLA faculty of Civil Engineering Department has successfully completed an 8 week course on Research Methodology with Elite certification, conducted during July to September 2023.
  • Jaya S Pillai, faculty of Civil Engineering Department has successfully completed an 8 week course on Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning conducted during July to September 2023.
  • Neethu Roy, faculty of Civil Engineering Department has successfully completed a 12 week course on Sustainable Transportation Systems with Elite certification conducted during July to September 2023.
  • Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) fellowship was awarded to Dr. JISHA S V, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology. The grant is of Rs. 18,30,000/- for a duration of 36 months. The project is mentored by Prof. Suriya S. Prakash, of Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. The project started on 25 October, 2022.
  • Ms. Anupama Krishna D, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil has successfully defended her Ph. D thesis titled ‘ Behaviour of reinforced concrete under elevated temperature’ under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Narayanan S, Professor, Marian Engineering College and Dr. Priyadarsini R S, Professor, College of Engineering, Trivandrum and awarded doctorate degree on 22nd August 2022.
  • Aneena Babu was awarded NPTEL- AICTE Faculty Development Programme Certificate for successfully completing the course “Reinforced Concrete Road Bridges” with a consolidated score of 96%, 2019
  • Anjana Krishnan was awarded NPTEL Online certification for successfully completing the course “Theory of elasticity” with a consolidated score of 95%, 2019
  • M. Satyakumar was appointed as Research and Standardization Expert in Independent Consultant Associated with Deloitte,2019
  • Jayasree S. was awarded ICI Ultratech Endowment Award- 2018, for the best PhD thesis in the field of concrete
  • Jayasree S. was awarded for best Doctoral Thesis in the field of concrete titled “Studies On Strength and Behaviour of Corrosion Damaged RCC Structural Elements and Effect of Ferrocement Retrofitting”, 23-10-2018
  • M. Satyakumar was awarded Indian Roads Congress Commendation Certificate for best paper on Significant Work in “Traveller Preferences Towards Advanced Traveler Information Systems: A Case Study in Thiruvananthapuram City” 19-12-2015
  • M. Satyakumar was constituted as a member for Assessment Promotion of Scientific Staff in KSCSTE Headquarters on 15-10-2014
  • Akhil Raj S. R. received ICI-UltraTech Endowment Award, Kerala 2014’ for ‘Outstanding M. Tech Thesis in the Field of Concrete’, on the topic ‘Strength and Behavior of Concrete Containing Admixed Recycled Aggregate’, during the concrete day celebrations by ‘Indian Concrete Institute, Kochi Centre.
  • Akhil Raj S. R. received ‘Best paper award in Concrete Technology’ for the work on “Fresh and Hardened Properties of Concrete Containing Admixed Recycled Aggregate”, at the National Conference on Furthering Aspirations in Civil Engineering Techniques (FACET’14)’, organized by Government College of Engineering Kannur, 2014
  • Akhil Raj S. R. received ‘Best paper award’ for the work on “Strength and Durability of Concrete Containing Admixed Recycled Aggregate”, at the National Conference on Green Technologies (NET’14)’, organized by Government College of Engineering Calicut, 2014.
  • Dr. Neethu Roy received Sree Gayathree Devi Award for the female scholar in Civil Engineering with highest CGPA for the year 2013, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
Seminar/Workshops/FDPs organized by Faculty

Skill Development Programme on Revit Architecture


The Department of Civil Engineering organized a 5-day Skill Development Programme on Revit Architecture by Intercad Systems, Pvt. Ltd for the third-semester B.Tech students from 1st to 6th July 2024. The faculty coordinators were Mr. Sijo M Saji and Ms. Indhu Luke, Assistant Professors, Civil Department.


Skill Development Programme on Building Information Modeling

The Department of Civil Engineering organised a 5 day Skill Development Programme on “ Building Information Modeling” by Bimlabs Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. for the fifth and seventh semester B.Tech students from 8 th to 12 th July 2024. The faculty coordinators were Mr. Sijo M Saji and Ms. Indhu Luke, Assistant Professors, CE department.



The Department of Civil Engineering, MBCET, organized a 5day Laboratory Training programme from June 28th to July 5th, 2024. The training programme enhanced theoretical learning and provided hand-on experience in handling laboratory instruments. Technical staff from the department and other institutions attended the programme.The sessions were handled by the faculties of the Civil Engineering Department. Dr. Anupama Krishna D and Mr. Divyaprasad S P, Assistant Professors, CED Coordinated the event. 


Outreach Cell of Civil Engineering Department organised a creative workshop ‘AAKAR’  from 22nd to 24 th May 2024 focussing highschool and higher secondary school students. The workshop included various sessions about designing and creating sustainably. Outreach Cell also organised sessions on  ‘Stress Free Entrance’ delivered by Dr. A. Basheer Kutty, Clinical Psychologist and former Associate Professor, Govt. Medical College, Trivandrum and ‘Tips to Write KEAM Entrance’ delivered by Mr. Saneesh Janardhanan, Faculty at Xylem Coaching Center on 25 th May 2024. The events were coordinated by Dr Alice Thomas and Ms Rakhi J H.


A career guidance talk was given to semester 4 and semester 6 B Tech students of the Civil Engineering department on17 th May. Mr.Jacob Thomas , Delivery Manager of TCS was the guest speaker for the event. The talk was coordinated by Ms.Radhika P and Dr Alice Thomas.

Skill Development Programme on BIM


A 3-day Skill Development Programme on ‘Building Information Modeling’ for S8 students was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, MBCET in association with CAD CENTER, Thiruvananthapuram from April 4 to 6, 2024. The resource persons were Mr. Midhun S and Mr. Vijeesh Kumar V, Technical Assistants, CAD CENTER, Thiruvananthapuram. The Faculty Coordinators were Mr. U P GovindMr. Divyaprasad S P and Dr. Alice Thomas, Assistant Professors, CED. The Student Coordinators were Mr. Reghu Nandanan S and Mr. Balu Sankar B S of S8CE.

Mr. Sijo M Saji, Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan, Mr. Divyaprasad S P and  Ms Indhu Luke attended a one week online faculty development programme titled “Recent Advances and Research Scope in Geotechnical Engineering” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Jorhat Engineering College, Assam from 3rd to 7th June 2024. 

Faculty of Civil Engineering Department, Dr. Anupama Krishna D attended the 9th World Congress on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CSEE 2024), conducted in London, United Kingdom, from April 14-16, 2024 in online mode and presented the paper titled ‘Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frames under Various Load Conditions with Pre-Applied Elevated Temperature’. Co authors: Dr. Priyadarsini R S (College of Engineering, Trivandrum and Dr. Narayana S, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum.

Five Day Faculty Development Programme on LiDAR Applications in Advanced Surveying

The Department of Civil Engineering has conducted a five-day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on LiDAR Applications in Advanced Surveying, from January 8 -12, 2024. The function was formally inaugurated by Chief Guest, Sri. Nizamudeen A. IAS, Director, Kerala State Remote Sensing and Environment Centre and Guest of Honour, Sri. Narayanan Namboodiri T V, Chief Engineer, Kerala Water Authority. Dr. Abraham T Mathew, Principal, Rev. Father John Vargheese, Bursar and Dr. Viswanatha Rao, Vice Principal, convened the function.

Resource persons from eminent domain in the field of GIS and LiDAR from Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB), National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS), Indian Institute of Space Science (IIST), Government College of Engineering, Barton Hill and College of Engineering Trivandrum handled the sessions.

The FDP had a total of 30 participants from various government and non-government organisations, from different parts of the state.

A visit to the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Indian Institute of Space Science, IIST, Valiamala was conducted on 12th January as part of the FDP. A detailed overview of the latest remote sensing techniques and LiDAR equipment was demonstrated by Dr. Rama Rao Nidamanuri (HoD) and his team.

The FDP enriched the knowledge about LiDAR applications and remote sensing techniques and received excellent feedback. The event was coordinated by Mr Nitin S and Ms Akhila AM (Assistant Professors. Department of Civil Engineering, MBCET).


  1. Training Program on Essentials in Civil Engineering

A Training Program on “Essentials in Civil Engineering” was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering from 24 th to 28 th April 2023. The program included Lecture and Hands on training on concrete Mix design, handled by Mr. U P Govind, Faculty Civil department MBCET. Field experience on Setting out a building plan by Mr. Amal Sisruthan, Mr. Sarath Chandran and team, AHAM BUILDERS Trivandrum, GIS Software training by KIIFB Engineers and English language workshop and Group discussion training by Dr. Veena Nair, Faculty Science and Humanities, MBCET. Ms. Anupama Krishnan and Dr. Minu Ann Peter coordinated the event.


2. One Day Training Programme for Environmental Engineering Laboratory

The Department of Civil Engineering conducted a one day Training Program for Environmental Engineering Laboratory on 21st August 2023 for the technical staff of the department. The program was organised and conducted by Dr. Jaya S Pillai and Ms. Nimisha Anna Jacob, Assistant Professors of the Civil Engineering Department. Four sessions on the practical and theoretical aspects of the Environmental Engineering Laboratory were conducted as part of the training.

3. One Day Training Programme for Concrete Laboratory

The Department of Civil Engineering conducted a one day Training Programme for Concrete Laboratory for the technical staff of the department on 16th August 2023. The programme was organized and conducted by Dr. Minu Ann Peter, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering. Four sessions on the theoretical and practical aspects of testing of the materials such as cement, aggregates, concrete, bricks and tiles were conducted as part of the training.

Title Coordinators Duration and Period
Training on Essentials in civil Engineering Ms. Anupama Krishnan, Dr.Minu Ann Peter 24/04/2023 to 28/04/2023
Assistive Technology Internship Dr.Alice Thomas 17/04/23 to 28/04/23
AICTE-ATAL FDP on “Design and Production of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures: A Step towards sustainable green pavement” Dr. Neethu Roy


09/01/2023 – 20/01/2023
Workshop on Concrete Mix design and Workability by adding admixture Ms. Nimisha Anna Jacob
Ms. LekshmiChandran, CESA MBCET
AICTE FDP ON UHV-II Dr.ElizabethC.Kuruvilla UHV CELL ,MBCET 29-08-2022 to 02-09-22
Workshop on Concrete Mix design and Workability by adding Admixture Ms. Nimisha Anna Jacob
Ms. LekshmiChandran, CESA MBCET
  • DrJisha S. V Ms. BinduBiju and Ms. Tisny D. B., organised a two-day workshop on “Finite ElementAnalysis of Structures using ANSYS” during 10th to 11th January 2019.
  • Ms Jean Molly Simon organized a Two Day Training Workshop on “Primavera P6 Contractor” was organized in theDepartment of Civil Engineering on the 7th and 8th of January, 2019.
  • Dr. Senthil Kumar R. and Ms. BinduBiju conducted International Conference on Infrastructure Development: Issues, Innovations &The Way Forward, from 21st to 23rd June, 2018. ICID 2018 was conducted in association with Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB)
  • Ms. Jayasree S., Mr. Akhil Raj S R and Mr.Jithin J S conducted FDP on “Product development on IoT device” in association with APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and Kerala Startup Mission on 26th to 28th July 2017 at MBCET
  • Ms. Muthulekshmi P. and Mr. Shemin T. John organized a Short Term Training Programme on ‘Civil Engineering Laboratory, Principles and Applications’, during December 2015.
  • Mr. Shemin T. John organized a Short Term Training Programme on Introduction to MATLAB, during November 2015.
  • Mr. Tom George Organized a Workshop on “The Vision of Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios in Sustainable Development and His Association with Padmasree Laurie Baker” in connection with Centenary Celebration of Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios, During September 2015.
  • Ms. Tisny D. B., Mr. Arun V.M., and Mr. Akhil Raj S. R. organized a five-day training program ‘Metamorphosis’ for the final year Civil Engineering students, During May 2015.
  • Ms. Jaya S. Pillai. Organized a Short term programme on Staad Pro duringMarch 2015.
  • Ms. Jayasree S. and Ms. Jean Molly Simon organized two days National Seminar on Advances in Structural Engineering during January 2015.
  • M. Tom George organized a Short term programme on AutoCad duringSept-October 2014.
  • Ms. Deepthi B. Krishanan, Organised Two week ISTE workshop on Fluid Mechanics, During May 2014.
  • Ms. Jayasree S. and Mr. P.N. Mohan organized two days National Seminar on Advances in Structural Engineering during December 2013.
  • Mr. Ajimon Thomas organized Two week ISTE workshop on Engineering Mechanics, During Nember- December 2013.
  • Ms. Tisny D. B. organized a Short term programme on AutoCad during Aug.- Sep. 2013
  • Mr. Arun V. M. organized Half day ISTEworkshop on Green Building Awareness during August 2013.
  • Ms. Jayasree S. organized a Short term training programe on Ansys duringJan.- Feb.2013.
  • Mr. Ratheesh Kumar organized a Short term programme on AutoCad duringSep.- Oct.2012
  • Prof. P.N.Mohan organized a Short term programme on AutoCad during Feb/Mar, 2012
  • Mr. Arun V. M. organized National Seminar on Advances in Civil Engineering, During decemebr 2011.
  • Ms. Jayasree S. organized a Short term training programe on AutoCad during Feb/March 2011.
  • Dr. Neethu Roy Organized a Short Term Training Programme on “Highway Development and Management Tool (HDM-4) (TEQIP Activity)”, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, February 2008.
Faculty Participation 2024-25

Faculty Participation 2024-2025

Attending FDP

  • Mr. Divyaprasad S P and Mr. U P Govind, Assistant Professor of the Civil Engineering Department have successfully completed a 6 days online FDP on “Innovation, IP Management and Industry Connect” organized by St. Thomas College of Engineering and Technology, Chengannur from Jan 20 to 25, 2025.
  • Dr. Jaya S Pillai, Ms. Anupama Krishnan, Ms. Nimisha Anna Jacob, Ms. Rintu Johnson, Ms. Akhila AM and Dr. Alice Thomas of the Department of Civil Engineering successfully completed 6 days AICTE ATAL FDP on “CLIMATE CHANGE: IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT Energy, Sustainability & Climate Change Engineering and Management” conducted by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering and Technology from Jan 20 to 25, 2025.
  • Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, attended a 6-day ATAL FDP on “Advanced Ground Improvement Techniques”, at LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Poojappura, from 18th to 23rd November 2024.
  • Dr.Alice Thomas, Faculty of Civil Engineering Department attended a five day training program on Flood modelling and Simulation  using HEC-RAS conducted  by TPLC from 14th-18th of October 2024 at Barton Hill.
  • Mr. Divyaprasad S P, Dr. Minu Ann Peter and Dr. Alice Thomas, Faculties of Civil Engineering Department successfully completed a 5 day online faculty development program on Universal Human Values-I,  conducted from 9th to 13th September 2024 by AICTE.
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering Department Prof. Dr. Manju Dominic has participated in the Faculty Development Programme (Online Mode) on “Applications of soft Computing in Civil Engineering” held from 02/09/2024 to 06/09/2024 at Department of Civil Engineering, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Attended one-day conclave on the Role of Science and Technology in Landslide Management

Faculties of the Civil Engineering Department Dr. Jaya S Pillai, Ms. Rintu Johnson and Dr. Alice Thomas attended a one-day conclave on the Role of Science and Technology in Landslide Management organised by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment (KSCSTE) on 8th October 2024. The conclave brought together a diverse group of stakeholders including researchers, academicians, technology providers, and policymakers to engage in comprehensive discussions on the latest advancements in landslide management in light of the recent catastrophic landslide in Wayanad.

Faculty Participation 2023-24
  • Faculties from the civil engineering department Dr. Anupama Krishna D, Ms. Ann George, Ms. Lekhsmi Chandran M, Ms. Smrithi Cheriyath, Mr. Sreeju Nair SB and Mr. Nitin S attended a two-day workshop on ‘Sensors and Transducers for Testing Structural Elements’ sponsored by SERB, DST, Govt. of India from February 29th to March 1st, 2024, conducted by the department of civil engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum. Workshop had two sessions, statics and dynamics, handled by experts from TIERA Pvt Ltd – Tyrannus Innovative Engineering and Research Academy Pvt Ltd, which included handson session on various.
  • Ms. Jean Molly Simon, Ms. Smrithi Cheriyath, Dr. Anupama Krishna D, Dr. Archana J Satheesh, Mr. Nitin S and Mr. Sreeju Nair S B, Assistant Professors, Department of Civil Engineering participated in the five day faculty development programme on “Advanced Composites and Smart Materials for Structural Engineering Applications” from February 12th to 16th, 2024 organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum and sponsored by the Directorate of Technical Education, Kerala sensors.
  • Dr Alice Thomas, faculty of Civil Engineering Department, attended a 5 day  FDP on “Disaster Risk reduction under changing climate”  from February 1st  to 6 th, 2024 she also attended a 5 day online FDP on “Research Trends in AI Innovation & Solutions on contemporary challenges” organized by Saveetha Engineering College from January 22th to 27th, 2024.

Attending FDP

Mr. Govind U P, faculty of the Civil Engineering Department, completed the 5-day Faculty Development Program on “Counselling and Academic Mentoring” organized by the Human Resources Development Center (HRDC) of the university from 20.05.2024 to 24.05.2024.


  • Faculties of Civil Engineering department, Dr. Jaya S Pillai, Ms. Rintu Johnson and Ms. Jisa Jose attended an FDP on “Sustainable Development Goals – The Way Ahead” organised by the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum from 8th to 13th January 2024 in online mode.
  • Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan, Ms. Radhika P and Ms. Jomy James faculties of Civil Engineering Department attended an FDP on the topic “Unveiling the latest advancements in Material Characterization in Civil Engineering” conducted at College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram from 04/12/2023 to 08/12/2023.
  • Dr. Jisha S V and Mr. Sreeju Nair S B, AP CE attended the International Conference on Condition Assessment, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Structures (CARRS 2023) from 11th to 13th December 2023 at IIT Hyderabad. Mr. Sreeju Nair S B presented his paper titled ‘BEHAVIOUR OF FIRE-DETERIORATED REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM COLUMN JOINT – A REVIEW’ in the conference co-authored by Dr. Jisha S V and Dr. Anupama Krishna D.
  • Faculties of Civil Engineering department, Dr. Neethu Roy, Dr. Jisha S V and Ms. Anupama Krishnan attended an FDP on “Application of Machine Learning in Transportation Engineering” organised by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum from 20th to 24th November 2023.
  • Dr. Neethu Roy has participated in the Short Term Training Programme on “Tools for Transportation Data Analysis & Modelling” organised in online mode by the Centre for Transportation Research, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut from 09th to 14th October, 2023.
  • Dr.Jayasree S, Dr. Archana J Satheesh, Ms. Ansu mathew, Ms. Bindhu Biju & Ms. Rakhi J H has attended a Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures organised by the, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum from 09th to 13th October, 2023.
  • Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan, Ms. Sangeetha Sajeev, Ms. Anupama Krishnan, Mr. Nitin S and Ms. Lekshmi Chandran, faculties of Civil Engineering Department attended a 5- day online FDP on “Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education” (UHV- 1) organised by AICTE from September 25 to 29, 2023.
  • Minu Ann Peter, Asst. Prof, CED, attended a four-day Hands-on Training on the Fundamentals of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing organised by the Centre for Geoinformatics, IRTC, Mundur, Palakkad from 2nd to 5th August 2023.
  • Jaya S Pillai and Ms. AkhilaA.M. participated in the Indian Environment Congress 2023 organized by the Centre for Environment and Development (CED), Thiruvananthapuram from July 11-13, 2023. The focal theme of the Environment Congress was Sustainable Waste Management- Challenges, Opportunities and Innovations.
  • Ms. Diana Alice Sugunanattended 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Civil and Environmental Engineering conducted by Dr. D.Y. PATIL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA from 15/05/2023 to 16/05/2023 and a webinar on Bridge Construction in India: Practice and Challenges organiced by IGS Jabalpur Chapter and Students Chapter TIET, Madhya Pradesh on 02/07/2023.
  • Dr Jaya S Pillai, Ms. Ansu Mathew and Dr. Alice Thomas attended a course on Disaster risk reduction and management conducted by KSDMA and Washington University with the Kerala programme of the US consulate at Kerala State Disaster Management Authority Headquarters in June 2023. Different approaches to disaster management and sociological perspectives were the focal theme of the event.
  • Jisha S V, attended a seminar, Bridge 2023 organised by Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers and IIT Hyderabad from 23 rd to 24th of June 2023
  • Jean Molly Simon and Diana Alice Sugunan attended an FDP on Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering, Vellamal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai from 29/05/2023 to 06/06/2023
  • Ansu Mathew attended an FDP on “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by AICTE from 29 May 2023 to 02 June 2023
  • Dr. Neethu Roy, Dr. Jaya S Pillai, Dr. Anupama Krishna D and Ms. Nimisha Anna Jacob attended Awareness and Internal Auditor Training with ISO 9001:2015 from 25th to 26th of April 2023.
Faculty Participation 2022-23
Conferences and FDP Attended
Dr. Jisha S V International Colloquium on Translational Engineering & Research (ICTER 2022) by Translational Research and Professional Leadership Centre (TPLC),Government Engineering College Baton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram during 27/05/2022 – 28/05/2022
Dr. Jaya S Pillai International Colloquium on Translational Engineering & Research (ICTER 2022) by Translational Research and Professional Leadership Centre (TPLC),  Government Engineering College Baton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram during 27/05/2022 – 28/05/2022
Ms. Lekshmi Chandran Conference on Recent Developments in Civil Engineering (RDC 2022) by Department of Civil Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad  from 20/10/2022 to 21/10/2022
Dr. Jisha S V ·         FDP on ‘Applications of artificial intelligence in civil engineering’ by TKM College of Engineering from 30/01/2023 to 03/02/2023

·         KTU sponsored Faculty Development Program on “Orientation Programme for NSS Program Officers” by NSS unit no 230, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology Autonomous, Trivandrum from 10/08/2022 – 12/08/2022

·         5-day Face-to-Face UHV-II FDP by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) at Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology Autonomous, Trivandrum from 29/08/2022 to 02/09/2022

Dr. Jaya S Pillai Online FDP on ‘Recent Advancements in Waste to Energy Technologies’ by College of Engineering Trivandrum, Department of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala from 09/01/2023 to 14/01/2023
Dr. Elizabeth C. Kuruvilla UHV-II FDP by AICTE at Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology during 29-08-2022 to


Ms. Ann George ·         Blended/Hybrid FDP on Design and Production of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures: A step towards sustainable green pavement” by COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TRIVANDRUM from 09 to14 Jan 2023(Online) and 16 to20 Jan 2023 (offline)

·         Online FDP Structural Engineering and Concrete Technology by LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Thiruvananthapuram during 12/12/2022 to 14/12/2022

Ms. Jean Molly Simon Online FDP on Geotechnical Practices by Department of Civil Engineering, LBS College of Engineering Trivandrum from 10-10-2022 to 14-10-2022
Ms. Lakshmi Chandran M Online FDP on Geotechnical Practices by Department of Civil Engineering, LBS College of Engineering Trivandrum from 10-10-2022 to 14-10-2022



Ms. Nimisha Anna Jacob Online FDP on ‘Recent Advancements in Waste to Energy Technologies’ by College of Engineering Trivandrum, Department of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala  from 09/01/2023 to 14/01/2023
Ms. Anupama Krishnan Blended/Hybrid FDP on Design and Production of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures: A step towards sustainable green pavement” by  College of Engineering Trivandrum, from 09 to14 Jan 2023(Online) and 16 to20 Jan 2023 (offline)
Dr. Archana J Satheesh ·         FDP on Recent advances in precast and prefabricated constructions by Department of civil engineering, Marian Engineering College from 20/02/2023 to 24/02/2023

·         Virtual FDP on Sustainable Repair and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities by School of Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai from 13/03/2023 to 17/03/2023

·         5 day training on Building
Information Modeling ( REVIT,
NAVISWORKS,PRIMAVERA) by Department of Civil Engineering, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology from 10/06/2022 to 16/06/22


Dr. Alice Thomas Virtual FDP on Sustainable Repair and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities
Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan ·         Short Course on Geotechnical Aspects of ‘Earthquake Engineering’ at IIT Indore from 21/7/2022 to 23/7/2022

·         Online FDP on ‘Environmental issues in societal development” by Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor from 22-8-2022 to 26-8-2022

·         Online FDP on Geotechnical Practices by Department of Civil Engineering, LBS College of Engineering Trivandrum from 10-10-2022 to 14-10-2022

·         Virtual FDP on Sustainable Repair and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities by School of Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai from 13/03/2023 to 17/03/2023


Ms. Lekshmisree A.S. Online FDP on ‘Environmental issues in societal development” by Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor from 22-8-2022 to 26-8-2022


Ms. Radhika P ·         Online FDP on Geotechnical Practices by Department of Civil Engineering, LBS College of Engineering Trivandrum from 10-10-2022 to 14-10-2022

·         Virtual FDP on Sustainable Repair and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities by School of Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai from 13/03/2023 to 17/03/2023

·         FDP on Recent Advances in precast and prefabricated constructions  by Department of civil engineering,, Marian Engineering College from 20/02/2023 to 24/02/2023

Mr. Sreeju Nair S.B ·         FDP on Recent advances in precast and prefabricated constructions by Department of civil engineering, Marian Engineering College during 20/02/2023 to 24/02/2023

·         Virtual FDP on Sustainable Repair and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities by School of Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai from 13/03/2023 to 17/03/2023

Mr. Nitin S. FDP on Recent advances in precast and prefabricated constructions by Department of civil engineering, Marian Engineering College during 20/02/2023 to 24/02/2023
Dr. Minu Ann Peter Training programme on Remote Sensing GIS and BIM Integration by TPLC, Govt. Engg. College Barton Hill, Department of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala from 27/02/2023 to 03/03/2023
Mr. Sijo M. Saji ·         Virtual FDP on Sustainable Repair and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities by School of Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai from 13/03/2023 to 17/03/2023

·         Training on Geospatial Technology and Trends by Model finishing school facility of Kerala State Remote Sensing and Environment Centre, Government of Kerala from 15/09/2022 to 17/09/2022

Faculty Participation 2021-22
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Faculty Participation 2020-21
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Faculty Participation 2019-20
Jaya S Pillai 1. National Seminar on “Waste to Wealth: Opportunities and Challenges” TPLC, Govt. Engg.College Barton Hill & DTE, Govt. of KERALA Mar 4-6, 2020
2.Online Training Programme “Sustainability Commitment in Educational Campuses” Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi July 16-17,2020
3. Effective online teaching tools TLC, MBCET July 29-31, 2020
4. Webinar on Scientific Publishing Dept. of Civil Engg, MBCET July10,2020
5. Role of Science and Humanities Department in Engineering Colleges Dept . of S&H, MBCET Nov 27, 2020
Linda Jose 1. National Seminar on “Waste to Wealth: Opportunities and Challenges” TPLC, Govt. Engg.College Barton Hill & DTE, Govt. of KERALA Mar 4-6, 2020
2. Effective online teaching tools TLC, MBCET July 29-31, 2020
3.Research Prospects in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering TKM College of Engineering 15th to 19th September, 2020.
4. Recent Research Advances in Geotechnical & Geological Engineering. Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology August 17 – 22, 2020.
Jomy Joseph 1. National Seminar on “Waste to Wealth: Opportunities and Challenges” TPLC, Govt. Engg.College Barton Hill & DTE, Govt. of KERALA Mar 4-6, 2020 (3 days)
2. Achieving Sustainable Concrete through use of Mineral Admixtures Indian Concrete Institute – Bangalore Centre May 8, 2020 (1 day)
3. Role of civil engineers for sustainable developement Dept. of Civil Engineering, MBITS 14 July – 16 July, 2020 (3 days)
4. Pile Foundations – An Overview of Load Tests ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET July 28, 2020 (1 day)
5. Precast Construction for Affordable Housing ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET August 6, 2020 (1 day)
6. Geosynthetics Engineering ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET August 10, 2020 (1 day)
7. An Introduction to Floating Solar PV Plants ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET August 14, 2020 (1 day)
8. Sustainable Building and Design processes- Online training Centre for Science and Environment 21 Sept – 26 Sept, 2020 (6 days)
9. Online workshop on ” Effective Onine Teaching Tools” Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 29th – 31st July, 2020 (3 days)
10. Workshop on “Role of Science and Humanities Department in an Engineering College” Dept of S & H, Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 27th Novemeber, 2020 (1 day)
Ann George 1. One Week Online Zonal Level Training Program on “Fundamentals of Remote Sensing & GIS” Department of Studies in Civil Engineering, University BDT College of Egineering,Davangere 5th -9th October, 2020 (5 days )
2.Recent advances in Pavement Material Testing & Design MISRIMAL NAVAJEE MUNOTH JAIN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Chennai 14-19 December, 2020 (6days)
Akhila A M 1. Webinar on “Pile Foundations – An Overview of Load Tests” Department of Civil Engineering,
Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology
28-07-2020.(1 day)
2. Effective use of concrete or RCC structures QCRETE 7/11/2020.(1 day)
Nimisha Anna Jacob 1. National Seminar on “Waste to Wealth: Opportunities and Challenges” TPLC, Govt. Engg.College Barton Hill & DTE, Govt. of KERALA Mar 4-6, 2020 (3 days)
2. Online workshop on “Effective online teaching tools” TLC, MBCET July 29-31, 2020 (3 days)
3.Short term training program on “Research Prospects in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering” TKM College of Engineering 15th to 19th September, 2020 (5 days)
4. Webinar on “Importance of Vasthu Shastra in the Design of Residential Buildings” Department of Civil Engineering,
Universal Engineering College, Vallivattom, Vellangallur P.O., Thrisssur
25.07.2020 (1day)
Aneena Babu 1. International Webinar on “Role of Civil Engineers for Sustainable Development” Mar Baselios Institute of Technology and Science (MBITS), Nellimattom, Kothamangalam July 14th-16th, 2020 (3 days)
2. Webinar on “Effective use of concrete in RCC structures” QCRETE READYMIX (INDIA) PVT LTD 7/11/2020 (1 day)
3. Webinar on “Importance of Vasthu Shastra in the Design of Residential Buildings” Department of Civil Engineering,
Universal Engineering College, Vallivattom, Vellangallur P.O., Thrisssur
25.07.2020 (1 day)
4.Webinar on “Landslides: Causes and Mitigation Measures” Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally 9th July, 2020 (1 day)
5. Webinar on “A Introduction to Floating Solar PV Plants” Department of Civil Engineering,
Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology
17th August, 2020 (1 day)
6. Webinar on “Scientific Publishing” Department of Civil Engineering,
Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology
10th July, 2020 (1 day)
7. NPTEL Online Certification Course on “MAintenance and Repair of Concrete Structures” IITM Jan – April 2020 (12weeks)
8. Three day FDP on “Outcome Based Education (OBE) in Higher Education Sector” Mar Baselios Institute of Technology and Science (MBITS) & Amal Jyothi College of Engineering 23rd- 25th July, 2020 (3 days)
9. Online workshop on ” Effective Onine Teaching Tools” Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 29th – 31st July, 2020 (3 days)
10. Online Training Programme on “” Designing Questions to Assess Outcomes in Higher Learning Levels” TLC, Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 25th November, 2020 (1 day)
11. Workshop on “Role of Science and Humanities Department in an Engineering College” Dept of S & H, Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 27th Novemeber, 2020 (1 day)
Sijo M Saji 1. FDP on “Research Avenues in Transportation Engineering” Albertian Institute of Science and Technology 10th – 15 th August, 2020 (6 days)
2. FDP on “Recent Research Advances in Geotechnical and Geological Engineering” Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology 17th – 22nd August, 2020 (6 days)
3. Webinar on “Importance of Vasthu Shastra in the Design of Residential Buildings” Department of Civil Engineering,
Universal Engineering College, Vallivattom, Vellangallur P.O., Thrisssur
25.07.2020 (1 day)
4. Webinar on “A Introduction to Floating Solar PV Plants” Department of Civil Engineering,
Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology
17th August, 2020 (1 day)
5. Webinar on “Scientific Publishing” Department of Civil Engineering,
Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology
10th July, 2020 (1 day)
6. Online workshop on ” Effective Onine Teaching Tools” Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 29th – 31st July, 2020 (3 days)
7. Webinar on “Pile Foundations – An Overview of Load Tests” ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET July 28, 2020 (1 day)
8. Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Protection” Institution Innovation Council, MBCET 25 June, 2020 (1 day)
9. Workshop on “Role of Science and Humanities Department in an Engineering College” Dept of S & H, Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 27th Novemeber, 2020 (1 day)
10. Symposium on Highway Infrastructure and TSR Lecture Series IGS-Student Chapter Marian Engineering College and IGS Thiruvananthapuram 1st-5th December 2020
11. Webibar on Underground Caverns IGS-Student Chapter Marian Engineering College and IGS Thiruvananthapuram 27th Novemeber, 2020 (1 day)
Dr. Elizabeth C. Kuruvilla 1. Online workshop on Universal Human Values AICTE 20-24TH jUNE 2020 (5 days)
2.Webinar on Accreditation and Quality of Engineering Education from ABET Perspective IEEE Kerala Section in Association with KTU May-20
3.Online Workshop on Effective Online Teaching Tools Dept.of CE, MBCET 29-31 JULY 2020
AICTE sponsored seminar on National Educational Policy 2020 TLC,MBCET,Thiruvanamthapuram 23-Mar-21
Dr. Neethu Roy 1) International Webinar on Ground Improvement Techniques for Highway Construction CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi May 29-30, 2020 (2 days)
2) Online FDP on Pavement Design, Construction and Rehabilitation Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology in association with Telengana Academy for Skill and Knowledge, ICI- Hydb and Bangalore centres June 25-27, 2020 (3 days)
3) Webinar on ABC of Construction:-
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins + BIM + Computer Vision
ASCE-ISWR in association with K. D. K College of Engineering, Nagpur July 28, 2020 (1 day)
4) Webinar on Scientific Publishing Dept. of Civil Engineering, MBCET July 10, 2020
5) Webinar on Online Teaching Tips and Tools Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, Bennett University July 17, 2020
6) Role of Science and Humanities Department in an Engineering College Dept. of S&H, MBCET November 27, 2020
7) Five Days International Virtual Workshop on Modern
Trends in Transportation System (MTTS-2020)
Dept. of Civil Engineering, NIT Silchar 25 -29 July, 2020 (5days)
8) Co-presented a paper on 7th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management KSCSTE-NATPAC and College of Engg. Trivandrum 29-30 December 2020 (2 days)
Anupama Krishnan 1) Webinar on Digital Solutions for Infrastructure – Modern Practices IEDC- Civil Department, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum August 29, 2020.
2) Webinar on “An Introduction to FloatingSolar PV plants” Dept. of Civil Engineering, MBCET August 17, 2020
3) International Webinar on Scope of Civil Engineering Abroad and Women in Construction Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, GUNA Sept.4, 2020
4) FDP on Research Avenues in Tranportation Engineering Dept. of Civil Engineering, AISAT 10th-15th August 2020
5) 6day STTP on Recent Advancesin Pavement Material Testing and Design Dept.of CE,Misrimal navajee munnoth jain engineering college 17-27 August 2020
6) Pile Foundations – An Overview of Load Tests ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET July 28, 2020 (1 day)
Anita A 1) Pile Foundations – An Overview of Load Tests ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET July 28, 2020 (1 day)
2)Webinar on Intellectual property rights Dept of ME, Mount Zion College of engineering 27/07/2020 (1 day)
3)Global FDP on Recent Research Advances in Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology August 17 – 22, 2020 (6 days)
4) National Conference on Geotechnics and Concrete Structures, GeoCon 2020 Department of Civil Engineering, LBSITW, Thiruvananthapuram August 26 – 27, 2020 (2 days)
5) Online workshop on ” Effective Onine Teaching Tools” Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 29th – 31st July, 2020 (3 days)
Lekshmi chandran M 1) Global FDP on Recent Research Advances in Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology August 17 – 22, 2020 (6 days)
2) One week AICTE sponsored (AQIS) STTP on outcome based Education for Technical Institutions-Phase III Outcome based education & Accreditiion Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology,Kochi december 10th to 16th(6days)
3) Intellectual property rights in india and their protection Mar Gregorious collegeof Law,Mar ivanios Vidyanagar,TVM march 20-24 2021(5days)
Anupama Krishna D Advanced Concrete Technology Indian Concrete Institute – Kochi Centre May 16th – june 14th (35 Sessions)
Effective use of concrete for RCC structures Qcrete Readymix India Pvt. Lmt. July 11 2020 ( 1 day)
Advanced Course on “Longevity of Steel and RC Structures against Fire and Corrosion” (LSRSFC-2020) CSIR-SERC, Chennai, November 18- 20 (3 days)
Panchami Lal 1. Online workshop on ” Effective Onine Teaching Tools” Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 29th – 31st July, 2020 (3 days)
2.Short term training program on “Research Prospects in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering” TKM College of Engineering 15th to 19th September, 2020 (5 days)
Athira I C 1. Online workshop on ” Effective Onine Teaching Tools” Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 29th – 31st July, 2020 (3 days)
2) FDP on Research Avenues in Tranportation Engineering Dept. of Civil Engineering, AISAT 10th-15th August 2020
3) Webinar on ABC of Construction:-
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins + BIM + Computer Vision
ASCE-ISWR in association with K. D. K College of Engineering, Nagpur July 28, 2020 (1 day)
4) Webinar on Scientific Publishing Dept. of Civil Engineering, MBCET July 10, 2020
5) National Conference on Geotechniques and Concrete Structure, GEOCON 2020 LBSITW, Thiruvananthapuram 26th-27th August 2020
6)Symposium on Highway Infrastructure and TSR Lecture Series IGS-Student Chapter Marian Engineering College and IGS Thiruvananthapuram 1st-5th December 2020
Parvathy U 1) Webinar on Scientific Publishing Dept. of Civil Engineering, MBCET July 10, 2020
2) Pile Foundations – An Overview of Load Tests ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET July 28, 2020 (1 day)
3) Workshop on “Role of Science and Humanities Department in an Engineering College” Dept of S & H, Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 27th Novemeber, 2020 (1 day)
Sherin Mathew IIC Online Sessions Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD’s Innovation Cell, New Delhi 28th april-22nd may 2020
Forensics in Civil Engineering Sree Buddha College of Engineering and Technology 27 – 30 July, August 3, 2020
Landslides- causes and mitigation measures Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally July 9, 2020
Effective online teaching tools TLC, MBCET 29 – 31 July 2020
Importance of DGPS in construction engineering Marian engineering college August 10, 2020
Catalyst Chats Catalyst IEDC and IIC, MBCET 3 – 7 August 2020
Bindu Biju 1. Education 4.0 National Level online Workshop on ICT enabled Teaching & Learning Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology 6-12 July, 2020
2. Webinar on Scientific Publication Department of Civil Engineerg, MBCET 10-Jul-20
3. Modern Materials & Structural Systems for Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructures Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 21-26 Sept 2020
4. Conducted FDP on Effective Online Teaching Tools TLC, MBCET 29-31 July, 2020
Akhil Raj S R Effective online teaching tools TLC, MBCET 29 – 31 July 2020
Forensics in Civil Engineering Sree Buddha College of Engineering and Technology 27 – 30 July, August 3, 2020
Smrithi Cheriyath 1. Five day online FDP on Universal Human Values AICTE 28th July – 1st Aug 2020
Webinar on Era of Digital Communication- BIM Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum 14th August 2020
Jobin Joy “Role of Science and Humanities Department in an Engineering College” Dept of S & H, Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology 27th Novemeber, 2020 (1 day)
ERA OF DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION USING BIM Department of Civil Engineering, Marian College, TVM 14-08-2020
Catalyst Chats Catalyst IEDC and IIC, MBCET 3 – 7 August 2020
Effective online teaching tools TLC, MBCET 29 – 31 July 2020
Pile Foundations – An Overview of Load Tests ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET July 28, 2020 (1 day)
Precast Construction for Affordable Housing ASCE Student Chapter, MBCET August 6, 2020 (1 day)
Webinar on Scientific Publishing Dept. of Civil Engineering, MBCET July 10, 2020
National Seminar on “Waste to Wealth: Opportunities and Challenges” TPLC, Govt. Engg.College Barton Hill & DTE, Govt. of KERALA Mar 4-6, 2020 (3 days)
Faculty Participation 2018-19
   Name of faculty Details of the participation(Faculty Development / Training Activities/ STTPs) –(2018 -2019)
Dr. Neethu Roy 1.      FDP on ‘Basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning’ at MBCET from 12 to 13, July 2018

2.      Workshop on ‘Real-time Applications of Intelligent Transportation Systems’ sponsored by Transportation Engineering Research Centre, organised by CET, Trivandrum from 12 to 14 December 2018

3.      FDP on ‘Business Analytics’ at CET School of Management from 19 to 23rd January 2019

Bindu Biju 1.      FDP on ‘Business Analytics’ at CET School of Management from 19 to 23rd January 2019
Ann George 1.      FDP on ‘Real Time Application of Intelligent Transportation System’, at College of Engineering, Trivandrum, 12-14 December 2018

2.      STTP on ‘Scientific Computing’ held at MBCET from 18 to 20 July 2018

3.      FDP on ‘Business Analytics’ at CET School of Management from 19 to 23rd January 2019

Anupama Krishnan 1.      FDP on ‘Real Time Application of Intelligent Transportation System’, at College of Engineering, Trivandrum, 12-14 December 2018
Tom George 1.      FDP on ‘Design of Steel and Timber Structures’ at Marian Engineering College, 25-29 June 2018
Sherin Mathew 1.      FDP on ‘Design of Steel and Timber Structures’ at Marian Engineering College, 25-29 June 2018
Akhil Raj S. R. 1.      FDP on ‘Design of Steel and Timber Structures’ at Marian Engineering College, 25-29 June 2018
Anjana Krishnan 1.      12 weeks NPTEL course on ‘Theory of Elasticity’, July- September 2018

2.      8 weeks NPTEL course on ‘Introduction To Research’, July- October 2018

Jaya S. Pillai 1.      National Workshop on ‘Sustainable Energy Development’ organised by KSCSTE and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum from 2nd to 6th July 2018.

2.      Regional Knowledge Conclave in South India organised by Centre for Science and Environment  on 6th and 7th September 2018 in Mysuru

3.      FDP on ‘Business Analytics’ at CET School of Management from 19 to 23rd January 2019

Aneena Babu 1.      FDP on ‘Design of Steel and Timber Structures’ at Marian Engineering College, 25-29 June 2018

2.      4 weeks NPTEL course on Reinforced concrete road bridges August to September 2018

Dr. Jisha S. V. 1.      GIAN course on Seismic Performance Assessment of Structures Through Numerical and Hybrid Simulations, IIT Hyderabad,  2-12 July 2018
Dr. Senthilkumar R. 1.      FDP on ‘ Research Avenues in Coastal Engineering’ at TKM Engineering College, Kollam  from 14-19 Jan 2019
Akhila A.M. 1.      FDP on ‘Water and Wastewater Management” at TKM Engineering College, Kollam from 17 to 21st January 2019
Faculty Participation 2017-18
Name of faculty Details of the participation(Faculty Development / Training Activities/ STTPs) –(2017 -2018)
Dr. Jayasree S. 1.      AICTE-QIP Short term course on ‘Professional Capacity Building in Structural Engineering’ at RIT on 4-16 December 2017

2.      GIAN course on ‘Seismic Performance Assessment of Structures Through Numerical and Hybrid Simulations’, IIT Hyderabad, 2-12 July 2018

3.      FDP conducted ‘The product development of an IoT device’ at MBCET from 26-28 July 2017

Bindu Biju 1.      STTP on ‘Research Methods and Mathematical Approach for Engineering Research’ at Mohandas College of Engineering, 3-7 July 2017
Ann George 1.      STTP on ‘Research Methods and Mathematical Approach for Engineering Research’ at Mohandas College of Engineering, 3-7 July 2017

2.      STTP on ‘Sustainable Engineering the Road Ahead’ at College of Engineering’, Trivandrum, 10-15 July 2017

3.      STTP on’Optimisation Techniques for Engineering Applications’ at MBCET, 17-21 July 2017

4.      FDP on ‘Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures’, at Marian Engineering College, 18-22 December 2017

5.      FDP on ‘Research Methodology: A Step into The World of Research’ at SCT College of Engineering, 5-9 February 2018

6.      STTP on ‘Practical Approach to Urban Transportation Planning using CUBE Software’ held at Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur from 20th to 26th May 2018

Tisny D. B. 1.      FDP on ‘Analysis of Indeterminate Structures’ organised by Marian Engineering College from 3rd to 7th July 2017

2.      FDP on ‘Advanced Structural Analysis’, at Marian Engineering College, 9-13 July 2017

3.      FDP on ‘Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures’, at Marian Engineering College, 18-22 December 2017

P. Muthulakshmi 1.      ‘Kerala Renewable Energy Congress 2018’ at Centre for Environment and Development,Trivandrum, 26-27 February 2018
Lekshmi Chandran M. 1.      29thAnnual State Convention and National Seminar on Rebuild Kerala; Challenges and Opportunities at Government Polytechnic College, Kalamassery, 15th December 2018
Anupama Krishnan 1.      STTP on ‘Modelling Transport in Smart City Context’ at College of Engineering, Trivandrum, 14-16 March 2018
Parvathy U. 1.      FDP on ‘Advanced Structural Analysis’, at Marian Engineering College, 9-13 July 2017
Tom George 1.      FDP on ‘Design of Glass Structures’ at College of Architecture Trivandrum, 21-23 May 2018

2.      STTP on ‘Dynamic Analysis of Structures Using ETABS’ at Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, 6-10 January 2018

Sherin Mathew 1.      FDP on ‘Design of Steel and Timber Structures’ at Marian Engineering College, 25-29 June 2018
Akhil Raj S. R. 1.      FDP on ‘Design of Steel And Timber Structures’ at Marian Engineering College, 25-29 June 2018

2.      FDP conducted ‘The product development of an IoT device’ at MBCET from 26-28 July 2017

Anjana Krishnan 1.      FDP on ‘Analysis of Intermediate Structures’, at Marian Engineering College, 03-07 July 2017

2.      12 weeks NPTEL course on ‘Mechanics of Materials’, January- April 2018

Jaya S. Pillai 1.      National Environment and Climate Change Congress-2018 (NECCC-2018) organized by the Directorate of Environment and Climate change, Government of Kerala at Energy Management Centre, Trivandrum ,20-22 March 2018
Aneena Babu 1.      FDP on ‘Design of Steel and Timber Structures’, at Marian Engineering College, 25 -29 June 2018

2.      FDP on ‘Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure’, at Marian Engineering College, 18-22 December 2017

Dr. Jisha S. V. 1.      FDP on ‘Technical Writing for Academicians and Researchers’ at CET 24-28 July 2017

2.      STTP on ‘Designing Isolated, Continuous, and Pile Foundations’ organised by Bentley Institute on 14th October 2017

3.      STTP on ‘Structural Design and Analysis Training ‘ organised by Bentley Institute on 14th October 2017

4.      FDP on ‘Seismic Damage Mitigation of Structures’ at SERC 21-23 March 2018

Rintu Johnson 1.      FDP on ‘Geomatics’ at Marian engineering College, 5 July 2017

2.      FDP on Geo-Environmental Engineering at St Thomas College of Engineering 22-24 July 2017

Athira I. C. 1.      STTP on Modelling Transport in Smart City Context at CET, Trivandrum, 14-16 march 2018
Jithin J. S. 1.      FDP conducted ‘The product development of an IoT device’ at MBCET from 26 to 28 July 2017
Faculty Participation 2016-17
Name of faculty Details of the participation (Faculty Development / Training Activities/ STTPs) –(2016 -2017)
Dr. Neethu Roy 1.      AICTE approved FDP on Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning by IIT Bombay at MBCET, July 2016

2.      FDP organised for MBCET by Teaching Learning Centre, IIT Madras 21-23 April 2017

Dr. Jayasree S. 1.      FDP organised for MBCET by Teaching Learning Centre, IIT Madras 21-23 April 2017
Bindu Biju 1.      FDP on Health Monitoring of RCC/ Steel structures at CET, Trivandrum November 2016

2.      FDP organised for MBCET by Teaching Learning Centre, IIT Madras 21-23 April 2017

Tisny D. B. 1.      FDP on Health Monitoring of RCC/ Steel structures at CET, November 2016
P. Muthulakshmi 1.      FDP organised for MBCET by Teaching Learning Centre, IIT Madras 21-23 April 2017
Lekshmi Chandran M. 1.      National Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects for Pavements at GEC, Barton Hill, 23-25 January 2017
Jaya S. Pillai 1.      AICTE approved FDP on Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning by IIT Bombay at MBCET, July 2016

2.      12th Kerala Environmental Congress (KEC 2016) on Urbanisation and Environment-Issues, Challenges and Potentials organised by Centre for Environment and Development (CED) and Energy Management Centre- Kerala (EMC) from November 28-29 2016

Linda Jose 1.      AICTE approved FDP on Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning by IIT Bombay at MBCET, July 2016
Anita A. 1.      National Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects for Pavements at GEC, Barton Hill, 23-25 January 2017
Dr. Jisha S. V. 1.      STTP on Recent Advances in Project Planning and Management at TKMCE, 9-14 January 2017
Madhav S Kumar 1.      FDP organised for MBCET by Teaching Learning Centre, IIT Madras 21-23 April 2017
Faculty Participation 2015-16
Name of faculty Details of the participation (Faculty Development / Training Activities/ STTPs) –(2015 -2016)
Dr. Jayasree S. 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Bindu Biju 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Short term training program on Advanced Tool Boxes in MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,3 days

3.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Ann George 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      One day workshop on Teaching and Learning at MBCET Dec 2015

Tisny D. B. 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Jean Molly Simon 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Lekshmi Chandran M. 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days
Anupama Krishnan 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB, MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Short term training program on Highway design and safety at NIT Calicut Dec 2015,5 days

Parvathy U 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB, MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Tom George 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Sherin Mathew 1.      One day workshop on Teaching and Learning at MBCET Dec 2015

2.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Akhil Raj S R 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Anjana Krishnan 1.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016
Jaya S. Pillai 1.      2 day workshop on Design and Engineering by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, CE,Tvm,30-31 Oct 2015
Linda Jose 1.      One day workshop on Teaching and Learning at MBCET Dec 2015
Anita A. 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days
Aneena Babu 1.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

2.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Shemin T John 1.      ISTE STTP for coordinators on Introduction to Structural Engineering at IIT Karaghpur,Sep-Oct 2015,5 days

2.      Short term training program on Introduction to MATLAB,MBCET,Nov 2015,5 days

3.      One day workshop on Teaching and Learning at MBCET Dec 2015

4.      Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to Structural Engineering by IIT Kharagpur at MBCET from 30 Nov 2015-9 Jan 2016

Faculty as Resource Person

Chaired a Session

  • Dr. Manju Dominic Faculty of Civil Engineering Department Chaired a session in the 5th International Conference on ‘Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering’ (TRACE-2024) held on 15 & 16th october 2024 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida
  •  Dr. M Satyakumar, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Chaired a session on Transportation Engineering at the Second International Conference in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Planet (ICCESP), held at Marian Engineering College, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala, from 6th December to 8th December 2024.

Mr. Sreeju Nair S B, AP CED, successfully delivered a knowledge sharing session on the topic ‘Numerical Analysis and Modelling of Composite Materials’ under the MoU with UiTM on 27 June 2024. The session was a collaborative teaching implemented between two countries for the course Mechanics of Composite Materials at College of Engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia.


  • Dr. Jisha S V delivered a Plenary Lecture titled “Response in Piled Raft Foundation of Tall Chimneys Under Dynamic Loads Incorporating Flexibility of Soil” at the National Conference on Soils and Foundations – SAF 2024. The conference took place from February 15th to 17th, 2024, and was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, LBS Institute of Techology for Women, in association with the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) and the Technical Committee TC 212 (Deep Foundations) of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).
  • Dr. Alice Thomas of Civil Department was an evaluator of the young innovation program projects in the water conservation category conducted by KDISlC and Kerala Startup Mission conducted on 14/10/2023.
Name of the staff Title of the programme Period Organization
Mr. Govind U P  Delivered a Session on Opportunities after B. Tech 28/04/2023 Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Mr. Govind U P Lecture on Concrete Mix Design 24/04/2023  Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Dr. Amal Raj Resource person for FDP on Application of Remote Sensing, GIS and Total Station in Civil Engineering February 1-3, 2023 College of Engineering, Pathanapuram



Dr. Neethu Roy Training Programme on “Maintanence of Rural Roads – Road Asset Management and Budgeting” 28 -30 November 2022 Department of  Civil Enginnering , IIT Guwahati
Dr. Alice Thomas Webinar on Kerala Floods and Dam management 02/07/2022 Mangalam College of Engineering

Sessions Chaired

Name of Faculty Title of the Program Period Organization
Dr. Neethu Roy Co-chaired the International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems (IMPACTS2023) 20 – 22 March 2023 CET in association with NITC and NATPAC
Dr. M Satyakumar Chaired the International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems (IMPACTS2023) 20 – 22 March 2023 CET in association with NITC and NATPAC
Dr. Jaya S Pillai Chaired the National Conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering Practices (NCICEP 2022) organized by GEC, Barton Hill July 6-7, 2022 GEC, Barton Hill
  • Dr. M. satyakumar, Professor, chaired a session and was in the the advisory committee for the international conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transport Systems (IMPACTS2023) organised by transportation Engineering research Center (TRC) College of Engineering Trivandrum on march 20-22, 2023.
  • Dr. Alice Thomas, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, was the resource person for the webinar on ‘ Kerala Floods and Dam Management’, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Mangalam College of Engineering
  • Dr. Jaya S Pillai, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering has been session chair in the National conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering Practices (NCICEp 2022) organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, 6th – 7th July 2022.