Dr. M Pradeep

Employee Code / ID No. 10606007
Qualifications M.Tech, Ph.D 
Orcid ID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5859-2625
Industry / R & D Experience
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No.
Areas of Interest / Current Research Comopsite Materials
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • Sredha Prem, Jeswin Wilson, Shelby Mathew Varghese, Pradeep M, ” BCI Integrated Wheelchair controlled via Eye Blinks and Brain Waves”, Techno Societal-2020, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications.
  • P. Mohan, R. R. Kumar and S. A. Lal, “Analytical approach for large size reinforced square hole with rounded corners in orthotropic circular cylindrical shells,” Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 2021.
  • P. Mohan and R. R. Kumar, “An Analytical Approach for Large Size Optimised Reinforced Hole in Composite Circular Cylindrical Shells,” in 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The Cyber Space Edition, 12-14 October 2020.
  • P. Mohan and R. R. Kumar, “A Non-Singular Anlytical Technique for Reinforced Non-Circular Holes in Orthotropic Laminate,” Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, pp. 92-105, 2020.
  • P. Mohan and R. R. Kumar, “Stresses in Orthotropic Circular Cylindrical Shells with Large Size Reinforced Holes – A Fourier Series Approach,” Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications: An International Journal , p. 10(4):299–309 , 2019.
  • P. Mohan and R. R. Kumar, An Analytical Approach for the Design of Reinforced Circular Hole in a Composite Shell, ICAISET 19, 2019.
  • Pradeep M., R. Ramesh Kumar, “Analytical Prediction of Full Field Stress Distribution in Orthotropic Shell with Reinforced Hole”,  ICCE 25, Rome, Italy, 2017.
  • Prakash I L, Pradeep M, “Reduction in Stress Concentration of Pin Loaded Holes on Composite Plates”, proceedings of National Conference on Futuristic Technologies in Mechanical Engineering NCFT -2015, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Jibin Jacob, Pradeep M, “Kinematic Analysis of Universal Joint and Proposition for Compliant Universal Joint”, proceedings of National Conference on Futuristic Technologies in Mechanical Engineering NCFT -2015, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Aaron G Johns, Arun Mohan Alenchery, Rajin Raju Sachin John, Stephen Mathew and M Pradeep, “Improving Performance of Fiat 118ne Engine & Hydraulic Loading Unit”, MBCET Journal of Research, Volume 3/ November 2014, ISSN 2277-4645.
  • Pradeep M. & Dileeplal J., “Analysis of the effect of variation of process parameters in a turning operation”, National Conference on intelligent control and instrumentation, 2006.
  • Pradeep M. & Dileeplal J., “Statistical analysis and process performance studies for a typical machining process”, National Conference on intelligent control and instrumentation, 2006.
  • Funded Project – “Mitigation of plastic waste”, 2015 -16 funded by KSCSTE (CO PI, 3.5 Lakhs)
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle)
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations ISTE
Community Outreach Activities
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any First Rank for M.Tech

Dr. Nidhi M B

Employee Code / ID No.
Qualifications PhD, Mtech, BTech
Orcid ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3002-8835
Industry / R & D Experience  Industry experience -3- 6 years incluidng consulting , Research and academia-more than 20 years,
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Website https://nidhiscorner.webs.com
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 9447205900
Areas of Interest / Current Research AI, EV, Industry oriented projects
Supply chain management,
Operation research and Industrial engineering applications
Logistics Management
Nature Inspired Algorithm and Optimization
Disassembly and Eco design
Pedagogy and New learning methods,
Education Management etc.
Research,  Consultancy, Publication Prodictivity, Manpower planning, IOT implementation effectiveness in Healtcare Industry etc
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) Mr Varghese T Daniel,   Topic: HR in IT Industry
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities ISTE National Executive Council member New Delhi
Jt. Sec IIIE Trivandrum Chapter,
Mentor SHE ISTE wing,
Publications – 55 plus,
Funded Projects -5 no.s
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations Fellow of IIIE, National Executive Council Member ISTE, Member IEI, ISTD
Community Outreach Activities Prayaana – C2C mission, Volunteering for women empowerment activities,etc.,UHV practisioner
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any Best Faculty award among Engineering College Teachers 2021,Best Faculty advisor awarded by ISTE kerala Section 2019
Fellowship by IIIE 2019,National award for Substantial contributions in Industrial Engineering 2016
Best paper awards- 5 no.s, Invited talks – 60 plus
Author of Books Textbook – Technology Management (KTU MET 466) https://amzn.eu/d/72mFDm0
Musings – collection of Peotry(2021) available at https://www.amazon.in/Musings-Nidhi-MB/dp/9391374824
365 Productivity Sutras (2022) available at https://www.amazon.in/365-Productivity-Sutras-Hardcase-Nidhi

Dr. Premchand V P

Employee Code / ID No. 10609011
Qualifications M Tech, PhD
Orcid ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0060-0634
Industry / R & D Experience 4 years  Research Experience
Email ID  [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom ExtensionNo. 9447711869
Areas of Interest / Current Research Mechanical Vibration, Dynamics and Mechanics of Machinery , Optimization, Artificial  Intelligence, Machine Learning
Research,  Consultancy, Publication International   Journals
·        Premchand V.P., M. D. Narayanan and A. S. Sajith, A new cluster based harmonic balance aided optimization procedure with application to nonlinear vibration absorbers “J. Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, (2019); doi: 10.1115/1.4043527, Q1 Journal, SCI,   Impact factor 1.872
·         Premchand V P, Bipin Balaram, Narayanan M D, Sajith A S. A Cluster Based Algorithm Coupled with Shooting Method for Estimation of Parametric Clusters Yielding Optimal Stable Periodic Solutions in Nonlinear Vibrating Systems. J. Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics Paper No: CND-22-1025 https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4054456. Q1 Journal, SCI,   Impact factor 1.872
·         Premchand, V.P., Balaram, B., Mani, A.K., Narayanan M D, Sajith A S. Estimation of optimal parameters yielding target amplitude–frequency response in nonlinear vibrating systems by a generalised cluster-based algorithm. Nonlinear Dynamics (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-022-07649-3, Q1 journal , SCI,   Impact factor 5.71
Conference  Publications
·        Premchand V.P., M. D. Narayanan and A. S. Sajith. “Cluster based algorithm applied in design of stock bridge dampers, with experimental validations”, Proceedings of INCAM 2019 Conference, 3-5 July 2019, IISc Bangalore.
·         Premchand V P, Narayanan M D, Sajith A S. Parameter estimation and analysis of vibration absorbers with nonlinear spring.” National conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics “, NIT Warangal December 21-23 2016.
·         Premchand V.P., M. D. Narayanan and A. S. Sajith. “Parameter analysis and estimation of belt conveyor system”, Proceedings of the 1st International and 18th ISME Conference NIT Warangal Feb 21-23 2017.
·         Premchand V P, Bipin Balaram, A K Mani Narayanan M D, Sajith A S, Design of a vibration absorber system for tremor reduction in Parkinson patients using a cluster based algorithm. DSTA 2021 POLAND, December 6-9, 2021.
·         Abhijith R.V., Aditya V.N., Gandhilal J.K. , Premchand V.P. and Rajeevnath S.,Mechanical Aid for Stroke Rehabilitation, INCAM 2019 Conference, 3-5 July 2019, IISc Bangalore .
·         Abhijith R.V. , Aditya V.N. , Gandhilal J.K. , Premchand V.P. and Rajeevnath S. ,Dynamic orthotic for spastic hands , ICMPT 2019 Conference, IIT Chennai .
·         V.P. Premchand, K.S. Sajikumar, Fracture analysis in adhesive                bonded joints with centre crack. NCTT-09 10th National Conference on Technological trends, Trivandrum, India (2009)
Membership in professional Societies ISTE  Life Time Member


Dr. Deepak G Dilip

Employee Code / ID No. 10612033
Qualifications M.Tech., PhD.
Orcid ID 0000-0002-3896-031X
Industry / R & D Experience NIL
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No.  —
Areas of Interest / Current Research Sustainable manufacturing, Smart manufacturing, Non conventional machining, MEMS.
Research,  Consultancy, Publication Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8aCKbboAAAAJ&hl=en
International Journal
1. Deepak G Dilip, George John, Satyananda Panda and Jose Mathew, 2020, “Finite-volume-based conservative numerical scheme in cylindrical coordinate system to predict material removal during micro-EDM on Inconel 718”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42 90 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-019-2161-5.
2. Deepak G Dilip, Satyananda Panda and Jose Mathew, 2020, “Characterization and Parametric Optimization of Micro-hole Surfaces in Micro-EDM Drilling on Inconel 718 Superalloy Using Genetic Algorithm”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-04325-4.
3. Deepak G Dilip, Ananthan S P, Satyananda Panda and Jose Mathew, 2019 “Numerical Simulation of the Influence of Fluid Motion in Mushy Zone during Micro – EDM on the Crater Surface Profile of Inconel 718 Alloy”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41: 107. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-019-1595-0.
Book Chapters
1. Deepak G Dilip, Jose Mathew, 2022, “Hybrid Micro-EDM” In: Kuriachen, B., Mathew, J., & Dixit, U.S. (Eds.). Electric Discharge Hybrid-Machining Processes: Fundamentals and Applications (1st ed.). CRC Press., pp.283 – 304. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003202301.
2. Nithin Allwayin, Deepak G Dilip, Satyananda Panda and Jose Mathew, 2020, “Real-Time Numerical Scheme for Crater Geometry Simulation in Micro-EDM Process” In: Bhattacharyya S, Kumar J, Ghoshal K (eds) Mathematical Modeling and Computational Tools. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer, pp 265-281.
3. Deepak G Dilip, Satyananda Panda and Jose Mathew, 2020, “Evaluation of Side Wall Roughness and Material Removal Rate in Vibration Assisted Powder Mixed Micro-EDM Drilling on Inconel 718” In: Shunmugam M., Kanthababu M. (eds) Advances in Micro and Nano Manufacturing and Surface Engineering. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore, pp. 381-389.
International and National Conference
1. Adithyan, S., Nithul, P., Sooraj, S. S., Bharath, K. R., Dilip, D. G., and Gilbert, E. G., 2021, “Design and Analysis Floating Wheel Chair,” Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computing in Mechanical Engineering, SCMS College of Engineering, Kerala, September 22 – 24, 2021. pp. 54 – 55.
2. Dilip, D. G., George, J., Panda, S., Manu, R., and Mathew, J., 2019, “Roundness and Tool wear rate investigations during Micro-EDM drilling of Inconel 718,” Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-11, 2019), IIT Indore, Dec 12 – 14, 2019.
3. Nidhi M. B and Dilip D. G., 2019, “Role of Socially relevant research projects in Engineering Education” Souvenir of 30th Annual state faculty convention of ISTE Kerala section and National Seminar, J.D.T Polytechnic College Kozhikode, Dec 7, pp. 127 – 132.
4. Ananthan, S. P., Dilip, D. G., Panda, S., and Mathew, J., 2017, “Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the Crater Surface Profile Formed During Micro EDM on Inconel 718,” Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-10, 2017), IIT Madras, Dec 6-9. pp. 243 – 246.
5. Dilip, D. G., Nitinraj, M., Panda, S., and Mathew, J., 2017, “Effect of SiC particles in dielectric on geometrical and surface characteristics during micro-EDM drilling,” Proceeding of 10th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-10, 2017), IIT Madras, Dec 6-9. pp.247-250.
6. Dilip, D. G., John, G., Panda, S., and Mathew, J., 2016, ” Numerical Modeling Of Micro-EDM Process Using Finite Volume Method,” Proceedings of 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research conference (AIMTDR 2016), College of Engineering Pune, pp.1556-1560.
7. Dilip, D. G., Subrahmanyam,A., Kuriachen, B., Panda, S., and Mathew, J., 2016, ” Experimental Investigations on HAZ and Recast Layer in WEDM on Inconel 718,” Proceedings of 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research conference (AIMTDR 2016), College of Engineering Pune, pp. 458-462.
8. Nitinraj, M., Dilip, D. G., Panda, S., and Mathew, J., 2016, ” Experimental Studies on Effect of Powder Mixed Dielectric on Surface Quality in Wire EDM,” Proceedings of 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research conference (AIMTDR 2016), College of Engineering Pune, pp.463-467.
9. Dilip, D. G., John, G., Panda, S., and Mathew, J., 2015, “Numerical Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Process Parameters in Micro-EDM Drilling on Inconel-718,” Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Precision Meso Micro and Nano Engineering-COPEN 9, held during Dec 10-12, 2015 at IIT Bombay.
10. Subrahmanyam A, Nithinraj M., Dilip, D. G, Jose Mathew, 2015 “Electro-Thermal Modeling of Temperature Distribution in Tool Electrode during Micro EDM”, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Precision Meso Micro and Nano Engineering-COPEN 9, held during Dec 10-12, 2015 at IIT Bombay.
11. Dinesh Babu P., Dilip, D. G, Somashekhar K.P, Allesu K., J. Mathew.,2014, “Numerical Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro-Wire EDM Process” Proceedings of 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research conference (AIMTDR 2014), IIT Guwahati., vol 1,332:1-6.
12. Dilip, D. G, Basil Kuriachen and Jose Mathew, 2013 “Finite Element Analysis of Temperature Distribution on Various Workpiece Materials Machined using μ-EDM”, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN), Dec. 2013, NIT Calicut, vol. 1, pp. 251-256.
13. Dilip, D. G, Basil Kuriachen and Jose Mathew, 2012 “Multi-objective Optimization of Process Parameters in Vibration Assisted Micro-EDM”, Proceedings of 4th International & 25th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research conference (AIMTDR 2012), Dec. 2012, Jadavpur University Kolkata, Vol. 1, pp. 1025.
14. Jose Mathew, Dilip, D. G, Mathew J. Joseph, Basil Kuriachen, 2012 “Finite element modeling of discharge zone in micro-EDM process”, ASME (2012), International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston Texas USA, Vol. 3, Part B, pp. 1047-1052.
15. Kuriachen Basil, Dilip, D. G, M.S. Navaneeth and Jose Mathew, 2012 “MRR Optimization of Inconel 718 in Low Frequency Work Piece Vibration Assisted Micro-EDM using RSM”, Proceedings of 4th International & 25th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research conference (AIMTDR 2012), Dec. 2012, Jadavpur University Kolkata, Vol. 1, pp.1085 – 1089.
16. Dilip, D. G, Jose Mathew, 2011 “Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Process Parameters in Micro Drilling using Vibration Assisted Micro EDM”, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN), College of Engineering Pune ,Dec. 2011, pp. 174-177.
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) Nil
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities Chief Time Table coordinator, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology since October 2020.
ISTE Student chapter faculty advisor since September 2021.
Stream coordinator – Production.
Reviewer of Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering.
Reviewer of Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering.
Reviewer of Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals.
Reviewer of Materials Today Proceedings.
Served as chair at Triboindia 2021, 02-04 December 2021.
Reviewer ot Triboindia 2021.
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations ISTE Life Member
Community Outreach Activities  —
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any Winner of 2012 ISTE G.S.F.C. National Award for Best M.Tech. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering for the thesis titled : Multi-Objective Optimization of Process Parameters in Micro Drilling using Vibration Assisted Micro EDM.
First rank holder and Gold Medalist for securing highest CGPA in M-Tech Manufacuring Technology, NIT Calicut (2010-2012).
Selected for ONGC Scholarship (2011-2012) in M-Tech mechanical at NIT Calicut for securing the highest CGPA in M-Tech Mechanical Engineering for the year 2010-11.

Mr. Ayswer A.S

Employee Code / ID No. 10610019
Qualifications M.Tech (PhD pursuing)
Orcid ID 0000-0002-6130-162X
Industry / R & D Experience 4 years(Industry)
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 9496100212
Areas of Interest / Current Research Analysis of Performance of SME s

Dr. Arvind P

Employee Code / ID No. 10611028
  • Pursuing PhD(Kerala University, Research Centre: College of Engineering Trivandrum)
  • Mtech Mechanical Engineering (Specialization: Propulsion Engineering)
  • Btech Mechanical Engineering
Orcid ID 0000-0002-1680-2783
Industry / R & D Experience Research Scholar at Kerala University (5 years)
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID —-
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. Intercom (216)
Areas of Interest / Current Research Biofuels, Tribology, Green Energy.
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • Arvind P, Asok Kumar N: Investigation of tribological properties of pure and oxidised blends of RCO derived biodiesel.10th International Conference on Industrial Tribology (IndiaTrib-2019),December 1-4,2019.Indian Institute of Science(IISc),Bangalore.
  • Arvind P, Asok Kumar N: Experimental investigation of wear and lubricant oil dilution in a biodiesel fuelled compression ignition engine.14th International Conference on Eco Materials (ICEM-14),February 5-7,2020,CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum.
  • Arvind P, Asok Kumar N: Friction and wear characteristics of RCO derived biodiesel. International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Management (IMMM-2020), March 5-7,2020,College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
  • Arvind P, Asok Kumar N: Tribological Investigation of Engine Oil degradation induced by Biodiesel.International Conference on Environment and Environment (ICEE 2021),April 9-10,2021,Jyothi Engineering College,Thrissur.
Ph.D Research Guidance (Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle)
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations
  • Indian Society for Technical Education
  • Tribology Society of India
Community Outreach Activities
Awards/Distinctions/Rank/ Other Achievements if any Best Paper Award at International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Management (IMMM-2020)

Dr. P.S. Prasanth

Employee Code / ID No. 10620076
Qualifications M.Tech, PhD
Orcid ID
Industry / R & D Experience
  • Ashok Leyland Limited (Aug 2000 – July 2002)
  • Kerala Water Authority (Jan 2009 – July 2012)
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 9497154209
Areas of Interest / Current Research Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Gas Dynamics
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • Prasanth P.S., Kakkassery J.K., Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC): A numerical method for transition-regime flows–A review, Journal of Indian Institute of Science, 86, pp. 169–192, 2006.
  • Prasanth P.S., Kakkassery J.K., Molecular models for simulation of rarefied gas flows using direct simulation Monte Carlo method, Fluid Dynamics Research, 40(4), pp. 233–252, 2008.
  • Prasanth P.S., Kakkassery J.K., Vijayakumar R., A Variable hard sphere based phenomenological inelastic collision model for rarefied gas flow simulations by the DSMC method, Fluid Dynamics Research, 44(025503), 25pp, 2012.
Ph.D Research Guidance (Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle)
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations
Community Outreach Activities
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any

Mr. Deepak B

Employee Code / ID No. 10612035
Qualifications M.Tech
Orcid ID 0000-0001-6509-5336
Industry / R & D Experience R&D: Research Scholar in VIT from 2018 onwards.
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No.
Areas of Interest / Current Research Alternate fuels, Renewable Energy, Emulsion Fuels
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • Deepak B and Salman Nizarudin, Thermo catalytic approach to breaking down long chain polymers to short chain polymers, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering. Volume 4, Issue 3, PP 183-189, ISSN 2347-5188.
  • Deepak B, Salman Nizarudin, Rohit Anoop Choodan and Anwin mathai, Effective disposal of plastic waste, International journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology. Volume 3, Special Issue 5. ISSN 2394-3785.
  • A. Ramesh, G. Madhu and B. Deepak, A decomposition analysis on CO2 emission of Indian Cement Industries. International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management. Volume 3, PP 23-36, ISSN 2231-1319.
Ph.D Research Guidance (Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle)
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations LM – ISTE
Community Outreach Activities
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any