Research, Consultancy, Publication |
- Sam Rony Zachariah, Arva S Swami, Libin K Lukose, Aswin Raj, and Rajesh T.N, Design and Analysis of a Rehabilitative aid for Spastic Feet, 2022, AIP Conference proceedings 2463,020061 (2022)
- Rajesh T.N., T.J. Sarvoththama Jothi, Jayachandran T., (2020) “Performance analysis of a vortex chamber under non-reacting and reacting conditions, Sådhanå (2020) 45:43,
- T.N.Rajesh, T.J. Sarvoththama Jothi, Jayachandran T., (2019) ” Preliminary Studies on Non-Reactive Flow Vortex Cooling “, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering,12, DOI: 10.2174/2212797612666190510115403
- Naduvilethil R.T., Jegathjothi S.J.T., Thankappan J, 2018, Hot test studies in a spark ignited vortex combustion chamber, Chemical Energy Transactions, 71, 1345-1350, DOI: 10.3303/CET1871225.
- Rajesh T.N., T.J. Sarvoththama Jothi, Jayachandran T., (2018) ” Cold flow studies in a vortex thrust chamber”, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology,
International Conferences
1) Sam Rony Zachariah, Arva S Swami, Libin K Lukose, Aswin Raj, and Rajesh T.N, “ Design and Analysis of a Rehabilitative aid for Spastic Feet”, in Proceedings of the Recent Innovation in science and Technology RIST 2021, International Virtual Conference(Online platform), June 19 &20, 2021, EKC Technical campus, Kerala, India.
2) T.N. Rajesh, T.J.S. Jothi and T. Jayachandran,“Experimental and numerical analysis of cold flow behavior in a vortex combustion chamber”, in proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Approaches in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, June 15-2017, Paper No. 6,Trinity college of Engineering, Trivandrum, India.
3) T.N. Rajesh, T.J.S. Jothi and T. Jayachandran,“Analysis of Vortex Combustion Cold Wall Chamber”,in proceedings of the 2th International Conference on Thermal, Energy and Environment, 2016,Paper No. 8, March 25-26,Kalasalingam University, Tamilnadu, India.
4) T.N. Rajesh, T.J.S. Jothi, and T. Jayachandran, “Analysis of Vortex Combustion Cold Wall Chamber”,in proceedings of 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference,IHMTC 2015, Paper No. 969, December 17-19, 2015, ISRO, India
National Conferences
1) Harishankar.S, Aswin A Asokan , Madhav Murali, Rejath R.S and Rajesh T.N, “ Design of a centrifugal impeller for lean supercharging of motorcycle engines”, in Proceedings of the 35th Indian Engineering Congress(Online platform), Paper No. MC/120/13, December 18-20 2020.
2) Nithin Jo Varghese, Muhammed N and Rajesh T.N,“ Mathematical modelling of a lower limb extremity using Euler-Lagrangian method”, in Proceedings of the 4th National Conference INCAM 2019 , July 3-5 2019, Paper No. 205, IISc, Bangalore
3) T.N. Rajesh, T. Jayachandran and T.J.S. Jothi,“Studies on vortex cooling of a combustion chamber”,in Proceedings of the 44th National conference on FMFP, December 14-16, 2017, Paper No. 123, Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Kerala.
4) T.N. Rajesh, T.J.S. Jothi and T. Jayachandran,“Cold flow investigation of flow behavior in a vortex combustion cold wall”, in Proceedings of the 42nd National Conference on FMFP, December 14-16 2015, Paper No. 235, NITK, Suratkal. |