Winners of PROCOMB Competition

Ganga S. S., Ganga P. S., Thara Govind and Gayathri Nair of 2016-2020 batch of CE received the First Prize for B. Tech Project Competition, PROCOMB 2019-20 conducted by Graduate Association of Civil Engineers, Ernakulam Centre and AISAT for best B. Tech Project under APJKTU.

The project was guided by Ms. Athira I. C., Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE
Congratulations Team

MoU signed with Vydyuthi Energy Services

On 3rd December 2020, the IET MBCET On Campus crossed a new milestone, with the signing of the MoU between MBCET and Vydyuthi Energy Services for the collaborative venture of IET Outreach 150.
Dr. Abraham T. Mathew, Principal, MBCET and Ms. Indira Babu, MD of Vydyuthi Energy Services exchanged the signed documents marking the start of our collaboration with  alumni start ups towards shaping a better and brighter future.
For celebrating the 150th year of IET, the UK headquarters had opened a Global Engagement Fund asking proposals from all over the world for events pertaining to Sustainability.
Based on that theme, our Student chapter had also submitted a proposal, called the IET Outreach 150. Its an initiative to reachout to the community to extend our skills as well as to learn how the engineering fraternity can make an impact or change, for a better and sustainable living among those in need.
The IET MBCET On Campus proposal on Outreach 150 is one among the 4 that got selected from India.
We are proud to collaborate with Vydyuthi Energy Services (VES) led by its Founder and our Alumnus, Mr. Anoop Babu, (EEE 2003-07) for this venture, as our mutual vision is to work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The VES company is listed in United Nations Women Empowerment Program thus ensuring official support of UN in all their activities oriented towards enhancing women capabilities.
The IET MBCET family wholeheartedly thank everyone for their support.

Startup Vydyuthi Energy Services makes its debut

It gives us immense pleasure and pride to introduce our Alumnus, Mr. Anoop Babu (Dept. of EEE, Batch of 2003-2007), with his new startup venture “Vydyuthi Energy Services”.

We wish you all the very best in this new venture that you have embarked upon!!

Dolores-Music generated using AI

Athul C. K. and Savio Rajan K. are alumni of the 2016-2020 batch of CSE. They developed an android application called “Dolores”. It is a music playing app which streams sound tracks generated using Artificial Intelligence. Users can choose among multiple instruments and categories like relaxing, meditation, studying, and much more.
The app provides ambient sounds of rain, wind, and fire to provide a greater depth to the listening experience. It currently has an average rating of 5 stars and 100+ downloads on Google Playstore.
Contact us at: Asimov Studios ([email protected])

CovBot V1.0 delivered @ Govt. Medical College Hospital

Ajmal M. is an alumnus of 2013-17 batch of ME
CET-CovBot V 1.0, a Covid Care Robot developed by students of M.Tech Robotics & Automation (2018-20 Batch) under CET-Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (CCIR), was delivered to Medical College Hospital, Trivandrum on 14-10-2020. One of the team members behind the work is Mr. Ajmal M., MBCET ME 2017 passout. Ajmal was the Chair at IEEE Robotics and Automation Society at MBCET during 2016-17. He holds two research publications to his credit from his undergraduate project work completed at MBCET. Ajmal is currently working as Project Engineer at Wipro Limited.
The specialties of this mobile robot are:
1. It can perform tasks such as automatic sanitizer dispensing, remote patient assistance, delivering food and medicines, collecting samples and specimens, announcement of Covid-19 related messages and warning, etc. at various MCH departments.
2. It can navigate autonomously and can carry a payload of up to 40 kgs.
3. It is capable of mapping the floor plan using LIDAR and autonomously navigating between static and dynamic obstacles. The mobile robot can be alternatively controlled using Joystick.
4. GUI based on Robotic Operating System(ROS) console is employed for the user interface.
5. Running time is 2 hours (with a 2-hours of additional battery backup)
6. This is an open-source hardware project and design details will be available from Dec 2020 at
Congratulations Ajmal M!!

Team Anamnesis in the Top 12 @ Cisco ThinqQbator

Out of 120 teams all over India,
Team Anamnesis got selected as one of the top 12 teams and won a cash prize of Rs. 40,000/- in the Cisco ThingQubator programme.

After different levels of screening and around 4 months mentoring, the team developed a product “BitMedi”, a user friendly secure app for the storage of medical records of patients in an organized manner.

▪︎Abhijeet C – S7 CS1
▪︎Bharath TU – S7 CS1
▪︎Rahul Sunil – S5 CS1
▪︎Kesia Mary Joies – S5 CS1
▪︎Neha Sabu – S5 EC2