
The mission of the Central Library is to facilitate creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge resources and providing for value added services.

The library has an excellent collection of books, journals and non-book materials in Science, Engineering, Technology, Humanities, Social science and Management. It maintains separate collections of Reference Books, standard, bound volumes of Journals, Technical Reports, previous question papers, CD-ROMSs, DVDs, Periodicals, etc. At present, the library has a collection of around 27800 Volumes and 11644 Titles of books, Reports and Reference material. Besides standard textbooks, the library contains books of literature and general interest.

Library Advisory Committee (LAC)  is constituted for effective functioning of the College Central library.

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Books are classified and arranged as per Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), so that members can locate books easily. The library is digitalized and operates on Libsoft software. In addition to the Central Library, there are Departmental Libraries for all Departments which are automated using KOHA OSS. The library is completely computerized and the circulation is based on barcode system.

Consortium / Institutional Membership

  • ESS – E-ShodhSindhu by INFLIBNET – Consortium for higher education electronic resources. (Formerly INDEST-AICTE Consortium) –Clickhere
  • NDLI Club – Institutional Membership with National Digital Library (NDL) of India – Clickhere
  • DELNET – Developing Library Network – Clickhere

A reservoir of Indian Theses (shodhganga) – Clickhere

Apart from the conventional library, there exists a digital library which contains sufficient digital documents such as E-books, E-Journals, Technical Reports, Project Reports, etc. The library has access to around 96 National Journals. The MBCET library access to the 5 set E-journal packages viz. IEEE-ASPP, ASCE, ASME ,IEI Journals and Science Direct.

The above E-resources can be accessed through the campus-wide fiber-optic network to all computers and Wi-Fi enabled laptops in the Institute. i.e., No User-ID & Password needed for accessing full text.  Als o off-campus ( Remote Access) available through Knimbus.

Contact library at

IRINS – Clickhere

MBCET Library on Mobile / Web

E-Books – EBSCO Engineering E-Books    –      7000+ E-Books

Digital Database – Developing Library Network (DELNET)

Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology library has been integrated with cloud based digital solution wherein all online resources subscribed / purchased by the library can be accessed off-campus anywhere, anytime and any device.


Login: Your registered mail ID – MBCET e-mail, i.e ( [email protected])

Password: user@knimbus (for first time login only, after which the system will ask for change of password)

Mobile App: mLibrary (Android / iOS – Login remains the same as web)

Andriod –

iOS –

For the first time please login through web so as to change the password accordingly.

Connect to the library for any queries.

The important library services are:

Borrowing Facility

Category Type No of Books Time
Students B.Tech 3 30 days
Students M.Tech 4 30 days
Faculty 6 4 months/ Last working day of the semester
Research Scholars 4 30 days
Administrative Staff 2 4 months

Library Timings

Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Saturday 9.30 a.m to 4.00 p.m.

Library Team

Post Name Qualification
Librarian Mr. Binu K John B.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCA, NET
Asst. Librarian Ms. Anjana G B.Sc., M.L.I.Sc.
Asst. Librarian Mr. Sambhu B. K B.Com, M.L.I.Sc
Asst. Librarian Mr. Sabeesh.T B.A., M.L.I.Sc
Office Assistant Ms. Sherin Mary Joseph B.Com, PGDCA
Office Attender Mr. Rejy John