MBCET featured in Higher Education Digest

Higher Education Digest – An Independent Higher Education Portal has recognized Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) as the 25 Must-Watch Engineering Colleges in India.

A Big Thankyou to all those who made this possible for us!!

Outstanding Thesis Award @ ICI-UltraTech Awards 2020

Mr. Thouzeef Hussain A., an alumnus of M. Tech Structural Engineering received the Award for Outstanding Thesis in the field of Concrete Masters for the topic “Flexural Behaviour of Prestressed Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Beams” during Concrete Day Celebrations at ICI-UltraTech Awards 2020 jointly organized by Indian Concrete Institute and UltraTech Cement Ltd.

The thesis was guided by Dr. Jayasree S., HoD, Dept. of CE

MoU signed with BSNL RTTC

An MoU was signed between BSNL Regional Telecom Training Centre (RTTC) and Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) on 15 March 2021. This will help our students to attend training, internships, projects etc

Special Recognition Award for IEEE EMBS Student Chapter

Dr. M. J. Jayashree, Professor & HoD, Dept. of ECE receiving the Special Recognition Award during AGM on 20 February 2021.

IEEE EMBS Student Branch Chapter bags two awards:
1. Emerging Student Branch Chapter Award
2. SBC with maximum number of student members

MoU with GTech

GTech (Group of Technology Companies) is an association of over 200 IT companies comprising of Innovative Start-ups, Small & Medium size companies, large Home Grown companies and International Majors like Infosys, TCS, Tata Elxsi, Wipro, Cognizant, Ernst & Young, Allianz Technology, UST Global, IBS, Quest Global, NeST, Qburst, Envestnet and SunTec.
MBCET Corporate Relations has signed an MoU with GTech on 12 February 2021 for Industry – Institute Collaboration by engaging in skill development, peer learning, curriculum development, internships etc.