Final year students from various departments of MBCET participated in the Australian Immersion Program 2019 conducted by Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia in July 2019.
The focus of this program was to design projects and make the students capable of developing new ideas to bridge the gap between the two countries. During the first week, students were familiarized with the history of the university. Various sessions for developing students’ communication skills were also conducted. Students’ ingenuity was tested by asking them to come up with an innovative idea and presenting it to a panel of experts. If the panel liked it, then it would be implemented in their country. The program ended with acknowledging the student team for their efforts.
The students who took part in this program were:
Aparna K. (S7 CS1)
Marcia Rajan (S7 CS2)
Vaishak Ramachandran (S7 CS2)
Jeswin James (S7 ME)