Australian Immersion Program 2019 @ Swinburne University

Final year students from various departments of MBCET participated in the Australian  Immersion Program 2019 conducted by Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia in July 2019.

The focus of this program was to design projects and make the students capable of developing new ideas to bridge the gap between the two countries. During the first week, students were familiarized with the history of the university. Various sessions for developing students’ communication skills were also conducted. Students’ ingenuity was tested by asking them to come up with an innovative idea and presenting it to a panel of experts. If the panel liked it, then it would be implemented in their country. The program ended with acknowledging the student team for their efforts.

The students who took part in this program were:

Aparna K. (S7 CS1)

Marcia Rajan (S7 CS2)

Vaishak Ramachandran (S7 CS2)

Jeswin James (S7 ME)

Intel Top Innovator Award to MBCET Alumnus!

Sanju Mathew Kayalvarath is an alumnus of 2007 – 2011 batch of Electronics and Communication Engineering. He has received 3 Top Innovator awards consecutively for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 and was specially recognized for his work at Intel SA and Innovator Summit, 2019.
Intel Top Innovator is an award given by Intel to Top Performing Intel Innnovators by gauging the projects and publications they have worked on and their contributions to the community, through training, workshops and mentorship, during the previous year.
Sanju Mathew Kayalvarath is also the CEO of Onbyz.


73rd Independence Day Celebration

73rd Independence Day Celebration…. Our beloved Bursar Fr. John Vilayil hoisted the national flag in the presence of Principal Dr T M George, Vice Principal Prof. S. Viswanatha Rao, other staff members and students. Bursar and Principal delivered the independence day message… Followed by the national anthem.

Second Prize @ Kerala Social Impact Challenge 2019

TEAM FOOTSLOG of Mechanical Engineering bagged the Second Prize in Kerala Social Impact Challenge 2019 organised by National Service Scheme Cell of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. They also received a cash prize of Rs. 5000/-. The project is titled as “Walker Chair”. The University level event was held at College of Engineering, Trivandrum on 21 June 2019.

Dual MoUs inked with IOCL by MBCET Alumni!

Neuroplex Pvt. Ltd. and Demustango Technologies Pvt. Ltd. signed an agreement with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) on 18 April 2019 at Indian Oil R & D Centre, Faridabad in the “Indian Oil Startup Scheme – Face to Face with Mentors”. Neuroplex Pvt. Ltd. is the Startup owned by Alumni of MBCET – Savio Victor (CS) and Pranoy Radhakrishnan (EC) of 2012 – 2016 Batch. Demustango Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is also a Startup owned by Alumni of MBCET – Gokul V. Nath (ME) of 2006 – 2010 Batch.

Neuroplex Pvt. Ltd. entered into an agreement with IOCL to use Artificial Intelligence in boosting the functioning of petrol pumps whereas Demustango Technologies Pvt. Ltd. for developing a robot to clean the sludge in their crude oil tanks.

Demustango Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is the only Startup handling Technical and Business Development Project.

Congratulations to Savio Victor, Pranoy Radhakrishnan and Gokul V. Nath!


A twin pride moment for MBCET!!