
Crossroads 2022:

The Logo launch for the techno-cultural fest Crossroads, was conducted on 19th March,2022 from 9 am to 2:30 pm. Gowri Lekshmi was the chief guest for that day. The music performance for the day was performed by the band, Moksha United.

Crossroads 2022, was conducted on 26,27 and 28 June, 2022 at Girideepam Convention Centre. Crossroads 2022 was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. John Varghese, Bursar and Dr. Abraham T Mathew, Principal by lightning the lamp on 26th  June. On 27th, a talk show was conducted with renowned Malayalam film actor and director Mr. Basil Joseph. There were 17 competition events with 438 participants from various colleges and two non-competitions. All events were evaluated by eminent personalities from respective fields. On 28th, College Day was celebrated. The inaugural ceremony on 28th June, was presided by Bishop Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Mar Eusebius, Diocese of Parassala. The Chief guest was Mr. Unni Menon, playback singer. The college day included a proshow which was an interactive music performance by the very popular band Masala Coffee.

Akhil C – Event Head
Sidharth S Ashok – Finance Head
Rupesh R – Cultural Head
Litto K Lal – Program convenor
Shahin Sadath , Rhea Merin – Creative Heads
Ashwin SS – Marketing Head
 Hritika  – Technical Head
Arjun sajeev – logistics Head
Salman Faariz – Publicity Head
Hrithik R -Discipline Head
Gautham Krishna, Rohit p kurup – Invitation Heads
Vasundhara G – control room , P.R.O
 parvathy – Registration Head
 Anupam shaji – Food and Refreshment

Crossroads 2020 – Logo Release

Crossroads 2019

more info crossroads 2019
Crossroads 2018

Crossroads 2018, the annual techno-cultural fest was held on March 3rd, 4th and 5th 2018. Every edition of crossroads has a theme and we attempt to assimilate this into the very fabric of the fest. This time, the tagline is: MANIFEST THE INFINITE. It provides a platform for all college students to showcase their talents and also provides an arena to compete against the best in the country.

The various prizes and awards were distributed to the students during the prize giving ceremony after which the audience was treated to a vibrant and rich display of cultural programs performed by the students. The following two days were exciting and fun-filled, with over 17 Technical and 31 Cultural events. The event was organized and executed by the Crossroads Core Committee:

  • Ajesh – Events Head
  • Paul Mathew – Program Convenor
  • Akhil P. Nair –  Cultural Head
  • Jithin Jose – Technical Head
  • Rahul Mathew Jacob – Creative Head
  • Vyshnav Sunil – Marketing Head
  • Aaron George – Finance Head
  • Jithin Babu – Publicity Head
  • Jacob A. John – Logistics Head
  • Anand Joseph – Food and Refreshments Head
  • Suhail Nizam – Discipline Head
  • Aditya Raj – Invitation Head
  • Sree Saranyan – Control Room Head
  • Merlin M. Abraham – P. R. O.
  • Vidhya Sajeev – Registration Head

Crossroads 2017

Crossroads 2017, the annual techno-cultural fest was held from 31st March, 2017 to 2nd April, 2017 with the tagline: Dream. Impel. Explore. The event was inaugurated by Shri. Kunchako Boban, a well known cine artist, following which we had the College Day Celebrations. The various prizes and awards were distributed to the students during the prize giving ceremony after which the audience was treated to a vibrant and rich display of cultural programs performed by the students. The following two days were exciting and fun-filled, with over 15 technical and 30 cultural events. Around 25 colleges from different parts of the country participated for the same. The event was organized and executed by the Crossroads Core Committee:

  • Rahul Raj – Event Co-ordinator
  • Kannan Mahesh – Program Convenor
  • Vivek M. Jude –  Cultural Head
  • Harikrishnan Menon – Technical Head
  • Gokul Santhosh – Creative Head
  • Ananthakrishnan P – Marketing Head
  • Augustine B S – Finance Head
  • Abhishek Krishnan – Publicity Head
  • Anand Dhas – Logistics Head
  • Karan Kishor – Refreshment and Stalls Head
  • Swaroop Thomas – Discipline Head
  • Rejin Balachandran – Invitation Head
  • Vinay R Chandran – Control Room Head
  • Devika Ashok – P. R. O.
  • Pooja G S – Registration Head

The second and first year students stood with the third year students and together the various events were wonderfully conducted. It would not have been possible without the guidance and advice given by the senior students. Overall, Crossroads 2017 helped all the students work together and understand the importance of teamwork and mutual respect leading to the grand success of the fest.