Prof. Raju K Gopal

Professor & Head ITMS

Employee Code / ID No. 10212021
Qualifications B.Sc(Engg), M.Tech, MISTE, MIEEE, MCSI, MACM
Orcid ID 0000-0001-7680-3836
Industry / R & D Experience 16 years (Industry), 12 years (R & D)
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 8089411498
Areas of Interest / Current Research Computer Networks, Cyber Security, Computer Vision
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • Raju K Gopal, Bhagya SL, A novel data storage solution for cloud, IEEE Xplore: October 2017.
  • Raju K Gopal, Sherin Pter Multi-level authentication system for smart home-security analysis and implementation, IEEE Xplore: January 2017.
  • Mr. Raju K Gopal, Arunima S Kumar, “Data Mining Based Crime Investigation Systems:Taxonomy and Relevance”, Proceedings of 2015 Global Conference on Communication Technologies (GCCT), 2015.
  • Jinu Ann Tomy ,Neeta Elizabeth Philip ,Nisha Thankam Cherian , Priyatha R.P, Mr. Raju K  Gopal ,”Image Spam Detection Based on Feature Extraction and SVM classification” , MBCET Journal of Research, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Nov 2015.
  • Mr. Raju K Gopal and Anilekha Thampi, “A Review on Different Encryption Algorithms for a Wellness Tracking System”, IEEE Global Conference on Communication Technologies, 2015.
  • Mr. Raju K Gopal and Arunima S Kumar, “Data Mining Based Crime Investigation Systems: Taxonomy and Relevence”, IEEE Global Conference on Communication Technologies, 2015.
  • Nikitha Bhasu and Raju K Gopal, “Enhanced Security Solution to Prevent Online Password Guessing Attacks”, SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRG-IJCSE), Vol.1, Issue 6, August 2014.
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) —-
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities —-
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations MISTE, Sr. MIEEE, MCSI, MACM
Community Outreach Activities —-
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any —-