Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan

Assistant Professor

Employee Code / ID No. 10122093
Qualifications M.Tech
Orcid ID
Industry / R & D Experience 1yr
Email ID diana,
Alternate E-mail ID
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 9495882991
Areas of Interest / Current Research Rock Mechanics, Soil Stabilisation, Sub-surface soil investigation
Research, Consultancy, Publication Geotechnical Site Investigation (going on, MBCET)
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) “A Study on Soil stabilization using Cement and Fly Ash”, Diana Alice Sugunan, G. Balamurali, S.Muthulakshmi, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 9, Issue 11, (November  2018)
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities Study on the Properties of Refractory Concrete with Recycled Aggregates”, B.Kavitha, Diana Alice Sugunan, S. Swathini, M.Ashokpandiyan, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems (JARDCS), Vol. 11, 04-Special Issue, 2019
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations
Community Outreach Activities
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any Life Member of IGS
Topper in NPTEL examinations for the subjects “Foundation Engineering” and “Geotechnical Engineering Lab”