Employee Code / ID No. | 10122093 |
Qualifications | M.Tech |
Orcid ID | – |
Industry / R & D Experience | 1yr |
Email ID | diana,sugunan@mbcet.ac.in |
Alternate E-mail ID | dianasugunan19790@gmail.com |
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. | 9495882991 |
Areas of Interest / Current Research | Rock Mechanics, Soil Stabilisation, Sub-surface soil investigation |
Research, Consultancy, Publication | Geotechnical Site Investigation (going on, MBCET) |
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) | “A Study on Soil stabilization using Cement and Fly Ash”, Diana Alice Sugunan, G. Balamurali, S.Muthulakshmi, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 9, Issue 11, (November 2018) |
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities | Study on the Properties of Refractory Concrete with Recycled Aggregates”, B.Kavitha, Diana Alice Sugunan, S. Swathini, M.Ashokpandiyan, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems (JARDCS), Vol. 11, 04-Special Issue, 2019 |
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations | – |
Community Outreach Activities | – |
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any | Life Member of IGS Topper in NPTEL examinations for the subjects “Foundation Engineering” and “Geotechnical Engineering Lab” |
Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan
Assistant Professor