Lab Instructor

Room No.:  E 11, B 301 Extn: 454

Email: [email protected]

Mob: 8547973557


ITI (NCVT) – Electrician Trade

Diploma – Doing

License – Electrical Wireman License

Area of interest

Electrical Maintenance and Design

Administrative duties:

Staff Club member (2014-2015)

General Maintenance (Electrical Maintenance Unit, MBCET)

ISTE, STTP supporting staff 2015

IEEE Green Technology supporting staff 2015

Discipline duty

Experience: 12 yrs

Training Course Attended

  1. Indian Center for Research and Development of Community Education (ICRDCE) Chennai
  2. PLC SCADA (Industrial automation training 2011)
  3. AUTO CAD (auto desk) 2013
  4. Safety Requirements for Engineering Institutions

Design Engineers (GIDE) 2015