Employee Code / ID No. | 10303005 |
Qualifications | M.Tech (Power Systems) |
Orcid ID | |
Industry / R & D Experience | |
Email ID | praveenraj.rs@mbcet.ac.in |
Alternate E-mail ID | |
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. | 408 |
Areas of Interest / Current Research | Smart Grids, Islanding |
Research, Consultancy, Publication | |
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) | Sarika E P, Mr. Praveen Raj R S, “Comparison of direct torque control of two level fed three phase induction motor with conventional sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation scheme”, in the proceedings of International Conference on Current trends in Engineering and Technology (ICCTET), July 2014. |
Mary Suja Antony, Mr. Praveen Raj R S, “Field oriented control of PMSM with carrier-based Space Vector Pulse width Modulation technique”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Aug 2015. | |
Mary Suja Antony, Mr. Praveen Raj R S, “Four Quadrant operation of Vector Control of PMSM with dynamic Braking”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Aug 2015. | |
Mary Suja Antony, Mr. Praveen Raj R S, “Switching Loss Estimation of SiC Mosfet in LT spice”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Aug 2015. | |
Dawn P Varughese, Mr. Praveen Raj R S, “Solar powered closed loop SVPWM inverter connected to grid”, International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology, May 2017. | |
Athul Satheesh, Govind P.N, Harinarayanan S.M, Mukul Krishna & R.S Praveen Raj,” Surveillance, Fire Detection and Protection System for Substations”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 9, Issue 7, pp. 456 -460, July – 2020 | |
Praveen Raj R S, Sreejaya, Hybrid Islanding Recognition Scheme for PV driven Distributed Generators using Rate of frequency deviation and sub-harmonic injectio in Q axis current, International Journal of Elecetrical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 13, Issue 3, March 2022, pp: 1 – 10. | |
Praveen Raj R S, Sreejaya, Performance Assessment of a Hybrid Islanding Detection Scheme for PV Based Distributed Generators Combining Total Harmonic Distortion and Bidirectional Reactive Power Injection, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems 2022, March 2022, pp: 257 – 262. |
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities | Chairman, Class Committee S2 EE (2021) |
M Tech (PCD) Staff coordinator (2019 to 2021) | |
B- Tech (S6 EE1) Staff Advisor (2019-20) | |
Kerala University Exam Chief Supdt. (2016 to 2019) | |
Asst. HoD (EE- 2011 to 2013) | |
NBA Accreditation Criteria Co-ordinator (Criteria 10) – 2018 onwards | |
NBA Accreditation Criteria Co-ordinator (Criteria 8) – till 2018 | |
Crossroads Technical Event co-ordinator 2016 | |
Cross roads Light and Sound co-ordinator | |
Cross roads Publicity Co-ordinator 2018 | |
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations | ISTE |
Community Outreach Activities | ILLUMINA Activities |
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any |
Mr. Praveen Raj R. S.
Assistant Professor