Mr. Deepak B

Assistant Professor

Employee Code / ID No. 10612035
Qualifications M.Tech
Orcid ID 0000-0001-6509-5336
Industry / R & D Experience R&D: Research Scholar in VIT from 2018 onwards.
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No.
Areas of Interest / Current Research Alternate fuels, Renewable Energy, Emulsion Fuels
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • Deepak B and Salman Nizarudin, Thermo catalytic approach to breaking down long chain polymers to short chain polymers, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering. Volume 4, Issue 3, PP 183-189, ISSN 2347-5188.
  • Deepak B, Salman Nizarudin, Rohit Anoop Choodan and Anwin mathai, Effective disposal of plastic waste, International journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology. Volume 3, Special Issue 5. ISSN 2394-3785.
  • A. Ramesh, G. Madhu and B. Deepak, A decomposition analysis on CO2 emission of Indian Cement Industries. International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management. Volume 3, PP 23-36, ISSN 2231-1319.
Ph.D Research Guidance (Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle)
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations LM – ISTE
Community Outreach Activities
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any