Dr. S. Jayasree

Professor in charge Government Consultancy Works

Employee Code / ID No. 10106007
Qualifications MTech Structural Engineering, PhD
Orcid ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8736-3001
Industry / R & D Experience 15 years
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 200
Areas of Interest / Current Research Areas of interest:-
Development of corrosion test methods for steel-in concrete
Bond performance of corroding prestressed (pre-tensioned) concrete systems
Service life estimation and time-variant structural reliability assessment of retrofitted structures
Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures
Green super plasticizers in concrete
Characterization and application of self-compacting concrete
Health Monitoring and Forensic Engineering
Fracture study in RCC members.
Research, Consultancy, Publication Research: 1. Investigation on the Corrosion Performance of Blended Cement Concrete by incorporating Recycled Concrete Aggregate 2012- 15 —- 12 lakhs 2. Development of Sustainable Concrete by Using Black Liquor Sludge as Admixture- Ongoing — 4 lakhs

Consultancy: Soil investigation work at Taluk hospital, Santhivila and soil investigation work at Chala.

Publication: Has around 27 publications

Ph.D Research Guidance  (Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle)
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities 1.Member of Technical Sub Committee of PMURKILSGD 2. Structures and Buildings, published by ICE Publishing, a division of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 3. Construction and Building Materials, Open access journal, Science Direct, Chair of national/ international conference .
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations Institution of Engineers, Indian Institution of Values, American Concrete Institute, Indian Concrete Institute, Indian Institution of Civil Engineers, Indian Association of Structural Engineers.
Community Outreach Activities Part of ‘THANAL’
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any ICI – UltraTech Award for Outstanding Thesis in field of Concrete in Trivandrum Region – 2018.