Research, Consultancy, Publication |
- Renjini M Nair., B Bindhu, & R S Rimal Isaac; Boron nitride nanosheets dispersed biopolymer solution as an effective copper corrosion inhibitor in acidic medium. Polymer. Bulletin. (2023).,
(SCI/Scopus indexed) [Impact Factor 2.870], Springer
- Renjini M Nair, B Bindhu, Reena V L; “A polymer blend from Gum Arabic and Sodium Alginate- preparation and characterization”, Journal of Polymer Research, 27, 154, (2020),, (SCI expanded/Scopus Indexed) [Impact Factor 3.097], Springer.
- Renjini M Nair, B. Bindhu, “An In-Depth Study on the Application of Gum Arabic: A Biopolymer”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, (2019), Issue- 1C2, pp. 1120-1121 (Scopus Indexed).
- Renjini M Nair, B. Bindhu, N.T. Manikandanath, R S Rimal Isaac, “An Eco- Friendly Green biopolymer blend for Copper Corrosion inhibition”, Polymer Bulletin DOI:10.1007/S00289-020-03491-y. (SCI/Scopus indexed) [Impact Factor 2.870], Springer National or International
Conference Proceedings / Presentations.
- Renjini M Nair, B Bindhu, “Functionalized Boron Nitride with Enhanced Property” (Published in AIP conference proceedings), 3r d International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics, 14t h -15t h October, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 2019,
- Renjini M Nair, Vishnu S Surendran, B Bindhu, “Efficient Mixed Solvent Strategy for Boron Nitride Exfoliation” (Published in AIP conference proceedings), Prof. Dinesh Varshney memorial National Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Materials, 27t h -28t h December, Indore, 2018.
- Renjini M Nair, B Bindhu; “An Indepth Review on the Emerging Biopolymer: Poly Lactic Acid” (Published in Technology Letters), ICAN2018: Technology Letters Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Nanostructures. International Conference on Advanced Nanostructures, (ICAN-2018), Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta, 12t h -14t h March 2018.
- Renjini M Nair, B. Bindhu, Susmi Anna Thomas “Hydroxylation of Boron Nitride Nanosheets” (published in AIP conference proceedings) DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 18th -22t h December, 2019.
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities |
- Participated as a judge at Sarvo Techtopia – Science exhibition 2024-2025 at Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Nalanchira, Trivandrum.
- Prof. Dinesh Varshney memorial National Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Materials (NCPCM) 0n Dec 27th- 28th 2018,Indore,India.
- International conference on emerging Trends in mathematical, physical and chemical Science (ETMPC-2019) on 22nd February organised by Noorul Islam Centre For Higher Education.
- Attended the workshop on “Molecular Modelling” on 9th November 2019 organised by Nanotechnology department, NICHE.
- Participated in the workshop on E-Resourses organised by the Department of Library in association with Knimbus online pvt.Ltd , New Delhi on 25th June 2019.
- Completed a short term course on “Energy conservation and Renewable Energy” organised by NIT Haryana.
- The 3rd International Conference on Condensed Matter & Applied Physics (ICC 2019), Rajasthan, India.
- National conference on Nanomaterials for Energy, Environment and Health care (NEEHCON’19) organized by School of Materials Science and Engineering, NIT Calicut.
- International Workshop on Writing and Publishing Research articles in UGC-CARE journals at Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu
- International Conference on Networks, Imaging and Security, ICNIS-2019 organized by Department of Information Technology, NICHE
- National Seminar on Advances in Functional Materials (AFM 2017) organized by Dept of Physics, All Saints College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- International Confernce on Advanced nanostructures (ICAN-2018) organized by Post graduate and Research dept of Physics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta, India.
- One day Basic Training Programme on Human Rights by National Human Rights Commission at NICHE, Kumaracoil, Tamil Nadu.
- International webinar on quantum materials and nanoparticles for advanced applications organized by Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
- LaTeX Workshop 2020 organized by Department of Nanotechnology, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education