Employee Code / ID No. 20723006
Qualifications M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed, (Doing PhD in Chemistry)
Orcid ID —-
Industry / R & D Experience —-
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 8606808986
Areas of Interest / Current Research Electrochemical Sensors using Metal Organic Frameworks.
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • Ms. Lekshmy O, Chemistry Lab Tutor published a paper entitled, “Iron removal from drinking water system using eco-friendly synthesized MOFs”, in Oriental Journal of Chemistry on April -2024 with ISSN:0970-020.(Scopus database, Q4, ESCI indexed)
  • Ms. Lekshmy O, Chemistry Lab Tutor published a paper entitled, “Chitosan-based Coating for Corrosion Protection of Copper”, in Futuristic Trends in Chemical, Material Science and NanoTechnology, Vol. 3, Book:1 (pp.251-256), Chapter-16 , 2024, ISBN : 978-93-5747-867-0, IIP series.
  • Published a paper on “ Development of hetero metal-organic frameworks of transition metal ions”, in Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Chemistry, 2018 Year : 2018, Volume : 37c, Issue : 1,  148 – 153, Article DOI : 10.5958/2320-320X.2018.00021.3
  • Published a paper on “ Effect of Method of Synthesis on the Development of MOFs of Transition Metal ions”, in Journal of  the Academy of Chemistry Teachers, Vol: 3(2), 2017, ISSN-2395-6801.
  • Published  a paper on “ Development of MOF based Corrosion Inhibitors”, on International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2021          ISSN No:-2456-2165
  • Published a paper on “ Eco-friendly synthesis of Magnesium based MOF “, in Journal of Surface Science and Technology, 2021, volume 37, issue:3-4, Online ISSN: 0976-9420, Article DOI:
  • International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Science, Proceedings, Year: 2020, Electrochemical Synthesis of Bimetallic MOFs, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
  • Neoteric Advances in Chemical Sciences(NACS 2021), Proceedings, ISBN : 978-93-5607-240-4, A Novel synthesis and corrosion study of Mg-MOF, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
  • International Seminar on Luminescence Materials, 2022, Proceedings, Synthesis and Photoluminescent studies of Eco-friendly modified Mg-MOF, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
  • National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (NCAFM-2023), Green Approach of Synthesizing Mg-MOF using flower extract of Clitoria Ternatea and its Corrosion Application, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
  • International Conference on Advance Materials and Technology (ICAMT-2024), Development of an electrochemical sensor based on Metal-Organic Framewok synthesized using green technology at NSS College, University of Kerala, Neeramankara.
  • International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Science (ICRAMS-2024), Comparitive Study of Magnesium based Metal-Organic Framework Synthesized by Green Method for Electrochemical Detection of TNT at MG College, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
  • Published a paper on “Iron Removal from Drinking Water System using Eco-friendly Synthesized MOFs” in Oriental Journal of Chemistry, Vol: 40, issue 2, April-2024.
  • Published a paper on “ Chitosan-Based Coating for Corrosion Protection of Copper”, in Futuristic Trends in Chemical, Material Science and Nano Technology, vol:3, book:1, chapter-16,2024,  ISBN : 978-93-5747-867-0, IIP series.
  • National Conference on Renewable Energy : Innovations, Challenges and Oppurtunities; NCREICO-2024, “Electrochemical Detection of Ascorbic Acid using Green Technology”, Mar Ivanios College, Trivandrum on November 15 -2024.
  • National Seminar on Neoteric Advances in Chemical Sciences (NACS) -2024, Proceedings,“Comparative Analysis of Mg-MOFs and Dexamethasone on Osteoblast Viability: A Promising Approach for Osteoporosis Prevention”, at the Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Karyavattom, Trivandrum on November 7 and 8, ISBN: 978-93-341-6346-9.
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) —-
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities —-
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations —-
Community Outreach Activities —-
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any —-

Dr. Preethi P C

Employee Code / ID No. 10723061
Qualifications MSc Chemistry, CSIR-JRF-NET, Ph. D
Orcid ID 0000 0003 4136 9544
Industry / R & D Experience5 5 Years
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 9446625012/703
Areas of Interest / Current Research Coordination Polymers/ Metal organic frameworks/Material Science
  1. Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  1. Preethi P. C, Harisankar A, Maneesha M, Sreeja T. G, Jamelah S. Al-Otaibi, Y. Sheena Mary, Resmi Raghunandan, Sr(II) based one-dimensional coordination polymer as an effective optical sensor for the detection of nitroaromatic explosives in aqueous medium, Optical Materials 154 (2024) 115750,
  2. Harisankar A, Maneesha M, Preethi P. C, Geethu G, Kavya M K, Midhun Murali, Resmi Raghunandan, Facile room temperature synthesis of ZIF-67 for efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under sunlight irradiation, Ionics (2024),
  3. A. Harisankar, P.C. Preethi, T.G. Sreeja, P. Rejani, M. Murali, R. Raghunandan, Zinc oxide functionalized MOF-5 for the adsorptive removal of Pb(II) metal ions and photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye in aqueous medium, Ionics (Kiel) (2024).
  4. Preethi P. C, Harisankar A, P.S Vindhya, V T Kavitha, Anoop S Nair, Resmi Raghunandan, Development of a Cu/ZnO@ZIF-8 nanocomposite as a pH-responsive drug delivery vehicle for the sustained release of doxorubicin in human lung cancer cell lines, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 90 (2023) 105147,
  5. Harisankar A, Preethi P C, Shahana A. Khadar, Vindhya P S, C V. Suneesh, Sreevidya T V., Resmi Raghunandan, Dual- Functional Manganese-Doped ZnO-MOF Hybrid Material with Enhanced Hydrolytic Stability: A Fluorescent Photoinduced Electron Transfer Sensor for the Ultrasensitive Detection of Acetic Acid and Chromium (VI), ACS Inorganic Chemistry (2023), 62, 43, 17766-17782.
  6. Preethi P.C, Harisankar A, Soumyamol U.S, Resmi Raghunandan, Synthesis of oxydiacetate functionalized strontium coordination polymer through gel diffusion technique: A new dual luminescent chemosensor for the detection of copper(II) ions and Cr(VI) oxyanions in aqueous medium, Polyhedron, 223 (2022) 115974,
  7. Preethi Prasannakumaran Nair Chandrika Kumari, Harisankar Asadevi, Sreevidya Tekku Veedu, Resmi Raghunandan, Hydrogen bond mediated turn-on sensor: Ultra-sensitive and label free barium-MOF for probing malathion an organophosphate pesticide, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1286 (2023) 135542,
  8. Harisankar Asadevi, Preethi Prasannakumaran Nair Chandrika Kumari, Rejani Padmavathy Amam, Shahana Abdul Khadar, Saranya Charivumvasath Sasi, Resmi Raghunandan, ZnO@MOF-5 as a Fluorescence “Turn-Off” Sensor for Ultrasensitive Detection as well as Probing of Copper (II) Ions, ACS Omega. 7 (2022) 13031–13041.
  9. Harisankar A, Preethi P.C, Y Sheena Mary, Sreeja T G, Resmi Raghunandan, Spectral, thermal, structural and DFT studies of a new luminescent heterobimetallic MOF of lead ad sodium based on diglycolic acid ligand having unusual coordination environment for photodegradation and antibacterial applications, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1285 (2023) 135472,
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) —-
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities —-
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations —-
Community Outreach Activities —-
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any —-

Dr. Shinu Asmy V S

Employee Code / ID No. 10725069
Qualifications PhD in English language Teaching
Orcid ID ——
Industry / R & D Experience 3
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 7540008853
Areas of Interest / Current Research English Language Teaching, Gender studies
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • Shinu Asmy VS എൻ്റെ സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം, എൻ്റെ ഇഷ്ടങ്ങൾ… ഞാൻ പഠിക്കട്ടെ. Moolyashruthi, 2018, 13(4), 30-33.
  • Shinu Asmy VS, Nagaraj P, Preliminary problems faced in educating the third gender community, Asia Pacific Journal of Research 2015; 1 (27), 20-24.
  • Shinu Asmy VS, Nagaraj P, Possibilities and Difficulties in Documenting Oral Literature with Reference To “Vaai Pattu” By Kunnam Kulam Kunjalavi, International Journal Of Scientific Research 2015; 4(9), ISSN No 2277 – 8179.
  • Shinu Asmy VS, Nagaraj P, Evaluating the Problems Faced in Communicative Competence by Second Level Students – With Specific Reference to Indian Context, Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 2015, 5(5), 524-528.
  • Shinu Asmy VS. Marginalizing through Language in “The Kite Runner. Social and Cultural Impact on Post Modernism” in the book “Social and Cultural Impact on Post Modern Literature”. 2013, pp 560
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) Nil
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities —–
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations —–
Community Outreach Activities —–
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any
  • Awarded Moulana Azad National Fellowship from University Grants Commission, Government of India in the year 2012.
  • Awarded 2nd Rank for MA English Literature at the University level in the year 2012.