Mr. Praveen J S

Assistant Professor

Employee Code / ID No. 10221039
Qualifications M.Tech – Computer Science and Engineering
Orcid ID NIl
Industry / R & D Experience Nil
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID Nil
Mobile No (Optional) / Intercom Extension No. 9496100652
Areas of Interest / Current Research Computer networks, Cyber Security, Data Structures
Research,  Consultancy, Publication Praveen J.S. And ShibuV.S. Article: Structural Representation Of Colon Tissue Using Delaunay Triangle For Cancer Detection And Grading. International Journal Of Computer Applications 128(13):12-15, October 2015. Published By Foundation Of Computer Science (Fcs), Ny, USA.
Ph.D Research Guidance ( Research Scholar, E-mail ID, Research Topic/ Tentative Thesis Tittle) NIl
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations IBM Cybersecurity Skills Academy, Oracle Acadamy
Community Outreach Activities
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any