Mr. Vishnu Prasad K.R

Assistant Professor

Employee Code / ID No. 10614054
Qualifications M.Tech
Orcid ID
Email ID [email protected]
Alternate E-mail ID [email protected]
Areas of Interest / Current Research Automobile engineering, Manufacturing, CAD, Additive Manufacturing
Research,  Consultancy, Publication
  • “Comparative study of nanoparticle additives in engine oil: an experimental approach”, The 7thJoint Asian Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 21st to 24th November, 2018, accepted for publication.
  • “Performance and Emission analysis of Spark Ignition Engine with Nano fuel additives”, The 7th Joint Asian Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 21st to 24th November, 2018, accepted for publication.
  • “Experimental Study of Nano particle additives in Engine Lubricant”, Second International Conference on Nano science and Engineering Application, 4th to 6th October, 2018, accepted for publication.
Academic / Professional Outreach Activities
  • Organizing committee member- National Conference on Futuristic Technologies in Mechanical Engineering,
  • Organized by MBCET Trivandrum, 22 nd and 23 rd August, 2014, International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Optimisation, ICAMeO-2019.
  • Organized by MBCET Trivandrum, 13 th to 15th June, 2019.
Membership in Professional bodies/ organizations ISHRAE(Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers)
Awards / Distinctions / Rank / Other Achievements if any NPTEL certificate courses – 5