Computer Science & Engineering
The Department offers courses that emphasize the fundamental concepts of Computer Science and Engineering, treating today’s systems as current examples of the underlying concepts. By educating students to think conceptually, we are preparing them to adapt themselves to the developments in this dynamic field. Our alumni have moved on to a wide range of careers that include software development and design, software testing, artificial intelligence, and other technical computing professions.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in 2002, with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. With rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation, the Department has always produced quality professionals, holding important positions in Information Technology and other Industries in India and abroad.
The department has around 567 students, 32 teaching faculty members and 5 technical staff members who teach how to think rather what to think. Staff members from other supporting departments also handle classes for our students. The students are not only trained in attaining academic excellence but are also encouraged to acquire industry exposure through industrial visits, in-plant training and projects .The learning atmosphere being more practical oriented makes the transition from an educational institution to an industry, effortless.
Our Faculty and staff are dedicated in providing our students with the best possible education by offering courses in the latest technology and providing the attention and support that is needed to produce talented graduates in the fields of Computer science and Engineering.
- MoU’s with various R&D organizations and MNC’s for skill development and for taking-up collaborative projects in the following specialized areas:
- Big Data / Data Science
- Internet / Cyber Security
- Cloud Computing
- Also have long term agreement with foreign universities for academic exchange and cooperation for the advancement and dissemination of learning in the field of computer science and engineering.
- MBCET , is the Zonal lead in the nation wide initiative on “AI and deep learning Skilling and Research” with University college, London, Brunel University, London and Bennett University. For more info Click here
Contact Information
HoD: Dr.Jisha John
[email protected]
Programmes Offered

Mr. G. L. Praveen
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Tech (Pursuing Ph. D)
Email : [email protected]

Mr. V. S. Shibu
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Tech (Pursuing Ph. D)
Email : [email protected]

Dr. Anne Dickson
Associate Professor( A-HoD)
Qualification : M.Tech, Ph. D
Email : [email protected]

Ms. Poorna B.R
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.E (Pursuing Ph.D)
Email : [email protected]

Dr. Shini Renjith
Assistant Professor (on study leave)
Qualification : MTech, PhD
email ID: [email protected]

Mr. Robin Joseph
Assistant Professor(On Leave)
Qualification : M.Tech (Pursuing Ph.D)
Email : [email protected]

Mr. Binu Jose A.
Assistant Professor (study leave)
Qualification : M.E (Pursuing Ph D)
Email : [email protected]

Ms. Vijitha Robinson
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech, P.G. Dip (IPR) (Pursuing Ph.D)
Email ID : [email protected]

Ms. Gayathri K. S.
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Tech (Pursuing Ph. D)
Email : [email protected]

Ms. Jisha Jose
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.E (Pursuing Ph. D)
Email : [email protected]

Ms. Dhanya L K
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Tech., (Pursuing Ph.D)
e-mail ID: [email protected]

Mr. Ramjith R P
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Tech (Pursuing Ph. D)
Email : [email protected]

Ms. Anjali S
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Tech Computer Vision and Image Processing (Pursuing Ph.D)
email ID: [email protected]

Dr. Priya Mariam Raju
Qualification : Ph.D(Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning), M.Tech in CSE, B.Tech in CSE
Email : [email protected]

Ms. Prathibha S Nair
Assistant Professor
Qualification :M.Tech, (Pursuing Ph.D)
Email: [email protected]
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Assistant Professor
Qualifications : M.Tech (Pursuing PhD)
Email ID : [email protected]

Ms. Lino Zachariah
Assistant Professor
Qualification : M. Tech (Pursuing Ph.D)
email ID : [email protected]

Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.E (Pursuing Ph.D)
email ID : [email protected]

Qualification : AMIE, ME(CSE)
Email : [email protected]

Ms. Neethi Narayanan
Assistant Professor
Qualification :M.E, (Pursuing Ph. D)
Email:[email protected]
Lab Coordinators

Ms. Linu Mole K C
Lab Instructor (Sr)
Qualification: COPA, PGDCA, MCA
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Naicy M John
Lab instructor Grade-1
Qualifications: Diploma in Computer Engineering,
BTech in Computer Science and Engineering
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Rejani L
Lab Instructor Grade 1
Qualification: Diploma in computer engineering
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Vichithra V R
Lab instructor Grade II
Qualifications: Diploma in Computer Engineering,
Email: [email protected]