News and Events
- Raveesh G, Asst Professor, MED, who is now undertaking Ph.D at IIT Delhi has received Best Oral Presentation Award for the presentation on the topic “Atmospheric Water harvesting through waste valorization for sustainable water access in rural areas.” at International Conference on Cutting-Edge Science for Sustainable Development (ICCSSD-2024) held at Sharda University, Noida during December 20-21, 2024.
- The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology (MBCET), in association with the ISTE MBCET Chapter under ISTE Kerala Section, successfully organized a 5-day Short Term Training Program (STTP) from December 16 to 20, 2024. The program, coordinated by Mr. Deepak B. and Mr. Abhiram R. Nair, was attended by all technical staff from the department. It aimed to enhance their skills and competencies in mechanical engineering through a blend of theoretical and practical sessions. The program was designed to introduce participants to recent advancements and emerging technologies such as Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer-Aided Design (CAD), and 3D Printing. It also aimed to improve productivity through the use of tools like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The program commenced with an inaugural session led by Dr. Nidhi M.B., Professor at MBCET and National Executive Council Member of ISTE, on December 16, 2024, at 9:30 AM.
- A team of experienced faculty members from MBCET, along with a guest speaker, Mr. Kedar Mohan from CET, led the sessions. The program concluded with a valedictory session that recognized the participants’ efforts and contributions throughout the training. The STTP successfully enhanced the technical knowledge and practical skills of participants in mechanical engineering. It provided valuable exposure to modern tools and techniques, fostering improved efficiency and innovation.
- In continuation with successful MOU execution and 17 activities under UITM MARA further deliberations were attempted for Students and Faculty mobility as part of the initiative. Prof David from UITM MARA visited MBCET on 10 Dec 2024. Dr Nidhi MB co-ordinated the meeting.
- Mr. Vinod V., Asst Professor, MED, who is now undertaking Ph.D at IIT Hyderabad has received Best Presentation Award for the paper titled “Predicting pressure buildup behind an array of perforated plates : a simplified approach” at the 8th National symposium on shock waves at IIT Kanpur on Nov 15 2024.
- The paper “Production of biomass derived highly porous activated carbon: A solution towards in-situ burning of crop residues in India” by Mr. Raveesh G, Assistant Professor at MED, was selected by Editor-in-Chief Duu-Jong Lee for inclusion in the Editor’s Choice collection of Bioresource Technology Reports articles (in Science Direct) on the subject of “Using waste as a resource.”.
- Mr. Raveesh G, Asst Professor, MED, who is now undertaking research as part of his PhD at IIT Delhi, got the Best Research Poster Award at an event Open House 2024, which was held on November 9th, 2024. Approximately 250 research projects were showcased at this event to highlight IIT Delhi’s commitment to nation building.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Professor, MED delivered lecture on the topic “Sustainable innovations for Material efficiency” during the All India Seminar on ‘Material Efficiency in Clean Energy Transitions’ held on October 22 and 23rd 2024 at Visvesvaraya Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram organised by The Institution of Engineers (India), Kerala State Centre under the aegis of Mechanical Engineering Division Board, IEI.
- Mr. Raveesh G (ME Dept. MBCET, currently pursuing Ph.D. at IIT Delhi) presented both oral and a poster presentation of his research work entitled “Sustainable composite from agro residue for solar driven atmospheric water harvesting” at the 4th international conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterisation and Applications (AMSCA-2024) held from September 25-27, 2024 at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia.
- ME department Placement cell and department association Automata organised a talk on the topic ‘Opportunities in Administrative Services’ to the final and pre final year students on August 14, 2024. The talk was organised by Dr. Nidhi M B, Professor, MED. Resource person: Mr. A. U. Prasad, Head of Top Notch IAS.
- The UK is home to some of the world’s most renowned academic institutions. A session for higher education opportunities to pursue there was taken by Dr. Ahmed Onsy. He is a Professor of Mechatronics and Intelligent Systems Engineering at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), who contributes to research within the area of Maintenance and Intelligent Machines (Tribotronics) and is a member of the Jost Institute for Tribotechnology. The guest was welcomed to the department by Dr. K Muraleedharan Nair, Professor & Dean (Administration). The talk was organised by Department placement cell led by Dr. Nidhi M B, Professor, MED.
- Dr. Nidhi M B, Professor, MED and ISTE National Executive Council member had been the chief guest of the inaugural session at the Five Day Hands-on workshop on ‘Applications of AI and ML’ organised by St. Thomas Institute for Science and Technology Trivandrum on August 05, 2024.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Professor, MED delivered a talk on “Education 5.0: Leveraging power of digital information” at Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology, Trivandrum on July 22, 2024 as part of FDP organised by collegiate ISTE chapter.
- Mr. Arun M.G., Asst. Professor, MED, has successfully defended his PhD. thesis at NIT Calicut, titled “Aerodynamic noise characteristics of circular, non-circular, and tandem configuration cylinders in the subcritical flow regime”, under the guidance of Dr. T.J. Sarvoththama Jothi, Associate Professor NIT-C on July 22, 2024.
- A batch of 43 students from first year mechanical, civil and computer science had taken part in the 5 days of Internship training programme in Automotive Engineering at Jayamatha ITI, Nalanchira in association with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, scheduled during June 24-28 2024. Certificates were given to the students who successfully completed the training.
- A delegation from the Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) visited our college on 26/06/2024 (Wednesday) to see the facilities, especially civil and mechanical engineering. They interacted with some professors and students. They have shown interest in sourcing qualified engineers for their projects in Germany and the following high-ranking officials from DB visited the campus – Uwe Neumann, Head of Infrastructure Procurement, DB AG, Hr. Matthias Rolf Bühler, Head of International Procurement Office Asia, DB AG. Their visit was coordinated by the German Consultancy company HandsOn and its CEO Dr. Wilfried Krüger as well as Business Head Mr. Bernhard Krieger also accompanied the delegates.
The German Consul General H.E. Achim Burkart also joined the DB-Delegation.
- Students from 2024 batch of ME department attended and presented technical papers at the 2nd International conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems (ICFTES’24) held at NIT Calicut on June 6-8, 2024.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B. Prof. in MED, Siddharth S., Vaibhav Vinu S8 ME presented a paper on “Leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks of Weld Defect Detection” in the International conference ITechCET2024 organized by Musaliar College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta on 25 May 2024.
- A Six Day Hybrid Workshop on ‘Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering: Harnessing the power of AI, ML and IOT’ jointly organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering and ISTE MBCET Chapter, in association with ISTE Kerala Section and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) was conducted on May 06-11, 2024.
- OFFROADS’24, the prestigious Auto-show organised by Automata in association with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MBCET was held on April 20, 2024 (Saturday) at the college premises. The event was formally inaugurated by H. H. Prince Avittom Thirunnal Aditya Varma in the presence of Bursar, Rev. Fr. John Varghese Palanilkunnathil, Asst Bursar Fr. Thomas Mukalumpurathu, Principal Dr Abraham T. Mathew, Vice Principal Dr. S. Viswanatha Rao and student convenor Mr. Sooraj Menon.
- A patent by GoI has been granted on Feb 12, 2024 to the patentee [1.Dr.Nidhi M B (Faculty) 2.Salman Mohammad 3.Vimal George 4.Viswanath S (Students)], members from the Mechanical Department, for an invention entitled AUTOMATED BRAKING SYSTEM AND METHOD for the term of 20 years from the 5th day of March 2020 in accordance with the provisions of the Patents Act,1970.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Professor, MED inaugurated the Tech sphere exhibition on AI technology and robotics at Navajeevan Bethany Vidyalaya, Trivandrum on February 3, 2024.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Professor, MED was felicitated by Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) Trivandrum chapter for her achievements and contributions during 2023 on the Foundation Day celebration at IIIE TVM chapter on January 27, 2024.
- Mr. Bobin Saji George, AP MED, served as Program Committee member and Reviewer for 5th International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems (ICCIS 2023) organised by Malaviya National Institute of Technology , Jaipur (NIT Jaipur – An Institute of National Importance) and Soft Computing Research Society during December 16-17, 2023. The conference proceedings are scheduled to be published in Scopus indexed Springer Book Series, ‘Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor MED has been inducted as CII mentor for women leadership program from the month of October 2023 onwards.
- MOU with UITM MARA and MBCET were formally signed on October 3, 2023, to support student and faculty exchange programmes. Online knowledge exchange is initially intended. Dr. Nidhi M.B. MED organised the MOA exchange.
- The launch of the indigenously developed electric vehicle, Environ, a Campus Utility Vehicle, was held on 18 August 2023 at the College Amenity Centre. Hon. Minister of Transport, Adv Antony Raju flagged off the vehicle in the benedictory presence of H.B. Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos, Head of the Syro Malankara Catholic Church, Patron and Manager MBCET. The vehicle has been developed by the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a project of the SAE MBCET Chapter.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor MED, inaugurated the Social Science club at Madhuvan Sai vidyashram School Trivandrum on July 20, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor MED, had been the Chief Guest at the 5 day STTP on Machine Learning for Cyber Security organised by Toc H institute of Science and Technology on May 26, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED, serves as Session Chair at the National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Design and Application in Energy Development Programme’ held on 10th & 11th May 2023 organised by The Institution of Engineers (India), Kerala State Centre under the aegis of Mechanical Engineering Division Board, IEI.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED, was felicitated for her participation in the Judging Panel at the College of Engineering Trivandrum, School of Management, as part of the Yamistha 2k23 Management Fest on April 27, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED delivered a talk on “Design Thinking for Social Innovation” at Curtin University Dubai on April 14, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor in the ME Department, co-authored the book “Technology Management” with Kailas Sree Chandran, Assistant Professor at Bartonhill Engineering College in Trivandrum.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, ME Dept served as moderator for sessions organized by the Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD) Thiruvananthapuram Chapter as part of the Women’s Day celebration on March 08, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, ME Dept had been Panelist for in Bridge the Gap Symposium: Fostering Future Skills in Education, as part of SKILLEXPRESS Launch on January 23, 2023, at Trivandrum (organized by Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission and GTech MuLearn). Representatives from the university, student beneficiaries, Industry experts, and the Government as policymakers and facilitators participated.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED delivered a session on ‘Digital Green and Sustainable supply chain: Modeling and Analysis using Case Study’ in a Faculty Development Programme on “Trends in Modeling Supply Chains – Analytical and Simulation Perspective” at the College of Engineering Trivandrum on December 3, 2022.
- MoU renewal signing with UiTM Mara on 14 Nov 2022. Prof. David appreciated the ongoing initiatives and activities that were implemented during the first tenure.
- A MOU is signed between Mar Baselios College of Engineering & Technology & Skill Academy to facilitate Professional Skills Development and End to End Job Preparation of students on November 08, 2022. The partnership enables internship opportunities, skilling, Aptitude practice test, Industry expert connect talk sessions, resume preparation, job opportunities, etc under the initiative of the MED CGPU team led by Dr Nidhi MB. The online platform is free and can be used by any student of MBCET for placement preparation at their own pace.

Miss Bhadra SS(S2ME) is selected in the forthcoming 36th National Games representing Kerala in Triathlon, going to be held at IIT Gandhinagar, from 8th to 11th October 2022. She has Individual and Mixed team relay competition
Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED, attended as Panelist on Women in Academia and Industry in the 2nd IEOM (Industrial Engineering and Operations Management) India International Conference held from August 16-18, 2022. The event includes keynotes, plenaries, global engineering education, global business management, global supply chain, industry solutions, panels, and technical sessions.
Alumni Achievement
Nithin Jo Varghese (2015-19 ME), presently working as a Project Associate at the Dept of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT-Bombay for nearly three years is offered a fully funded Ph.D. position in the Department of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia. He will be working on the topic “Complex system modeling of hydrogen production networks”.
With the aim of helping the poor and needy people of our society, the students of our department started the functioning of a charity club, Aardram in the college, along with the help of faculty coordinators Mr. Akhilchandran B S and Mr. Ajeesh M V. “Aardram” as the word means compassion or solace, our aim is to provide a helping hand and comfort to those who are in distress and in dire need of help.
Aardram was deemed as an official club of mbcet with total 120 current members. The official logo launch event of the club was conducted on 29th of July 2022 at 1:00 pm. The logo launch ceremony was followed by a short speech from our chairperson, a remarkable musical performance by band Thira, vote of thanks by our vice-chairperson and lastly a striking dance performance by s2 mechanical students of team Aardram. Aardram aims to fill in the void and create remarkable memories and marks in the society as well as enthusiastic involvement in activities in and around the campus in future.
Department of Mechanical Engineering successfully conducted a one day technical fest, VORTECHX’22, on July 2nd 2022. The fest was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Thomas Mukalumpurathu, Asst.Bursar in presence of Dr. Abraham T. Mathew, Principal and Dr. Rajesh T.N, HOD and Dr. K Muraleedharan Nair, Professor & Dean (Administration).
A variety of technical events like RC Obstacle race, CATIA workshop, Machine hunt, Cycle race, CAD competition, Pit stop, Lathe master and fun activities were organised. More than 100 students contested for the events mentioned above. Mr. Ajeesh M. V., Faculty Coordinator and Jibi John, Student Head coordinated the programs effectively.
AIRSHIP Design Competition
India’s very first international Airship regatta ( Design and Engineering of Lighter -Than-Air systems) happened at IIT Bombay from 24-26 June, Team Skyarc got within first 10 teams and it was the only team who got qualified from South India and only team from Kerala. The participants were Vignesh K. , Arjundev J A, V.S Savio , Gokul Krishna Gopakumar from S4 ME1

Mr. Pradeep M., Associate Professor, MED has been awarded Ph.D. degree (Engineering) from University of Kerala.
Research Centre: College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Guides: Dr S. Anil Lal, Professor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam and Dr R. Ramesh Kumar, Professor, SCTCE Trivandrum.
Research Topic – ‘Bonded joints in FRP skinned cylindrical structure with cutouts’.
Mr. Vinod V., Assistant professor, MED has been selected for the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship through lateral entry scheme for his Ph.D. research at IIT Hyderabad. Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) Scheme, the prestigious and highest-paid fellowship, has been designed with an aim to improve the quality of research in various higher educational institutes in the country. His area of research is Blast Wave mitigation studies under the supervision of Dr. Lakshmana Chandrala, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad.
SAE Chapter Competition Series‘INITIUM’
SAE MBCETChapter organized a series of competitions. The series; named INITIUM; was conducted between December 2021 and January 2022. The competitions saw participants participating in team and individual events ranging from group discussions to technical quizzes and presentations. INITIUM was part of SAE’s Student Convention (Tier 1) event in which winning teams and individuals would represent MBCET in the upcoming Tier 2 events. The competitions were conducted and organized by SAE MBCET Student Chapter and its elected committee.
- Mr. Nithin Jo Varghese, 2019 Batch Mechanical passout student got admission to two year MSc programme, Master Mechanical Engineering (track Energy, Flow and Process Technology) 2022- 24 at TUDelft University of Technology, Netherlands.
- Mr. Ajesh Antony, 2019 Batch Mechanical passout student got admission to Master’s program in Mechatronics Engineering at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
Mr. Vishnu Asok J. S., Asst Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering secured employment in Chegg(R) a multinational EduTech company based in California, USA. A farewell was given to him by the Department on February 15, 2022.
A beach clean drive was organised by the mechanical department social extension activity on the topic “Sustainability study on waste disposal methods of common public” at Vettukadu Church premises on 26-02-2022. At the end of the activity the abandoned wastes were recycled to useful products viz, magazine holders, vertical gardens, room cooling devices, etc.
Dr. Rajesh T. N., Dr. K. Muraleedharan Nair, Dr. Vinod V. and Mr. Bobin Saji George, faculty from ME Department had visiting NPTI (National Power Training Institute) at Alapuzha on March 03, 2022 to explore the possibilities of a collaboration of MBCET with the institute.
Mr. Akhilchandran B. S., Asst Professor, MED has taken charge as Faculty Advisor of ISHRAE (The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) MBCET students’ chapter.
Participation in URJAVARAN conference
Mr Akhilchandran BS, Asst Professor and Dr Rajesh TN, Assoc Professor and Head, MED had participated in URJAVARAN 2021-2022, ISHRAE’s annual initiative towards Energy Efficient Buildings Engineering Services It is an event where in we went all out to share knowledge and ideas of the HVAC industry.
ISHRAE MBCET STUDENTS CHAPTER conducted a Webinar on “Thermal Management in Automobiles” on June 12th 2021.
Speaker: Mr Mahesh Kurup U., Senior CAE Analyst, Powertrain Cooling System, Mercedes Benz Research and Development India Ltd.
ISHRAE – Job Junction
Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) conducts ‘Job Junction ‘, an initiative to provide job opportunities to fresh graduate engineers across the country. Test was conducted on National level and five students got selected from Trivandrum, of which four are from MBCET. Following students from S8 Mechanical got selected – Ms. ArvaS. Swami, Sam RonyZachariah, James S. and Joel John.
Alumni offering placement
Mr. Akshay AV and Mr. Dan Simon, Alumni of MED got offer as roustabout in a petroleum company in Kuwait. The recruitment was done by Mr.Jithu George, Executive Director Enext Global &Kalister Group, who is also an Alumni of MED (2005-09 batch).
ISHRAE MBCET Students Chapter’ Core Working Committee (CWC) installation was done on 8th August, 2021. Dr. Rajesh T.N. and Mr. Chandrasekhar N.S. (ISHRAE National President- Elect) were the chief guests. New student members took oath as the officials. Akhil P. (S6) and Joppu Joseph (S4) were appointed as President and President-elect respectively, of ISHRAE MBCET chapter. Various dignitaries from HVAC industry were present.
Kerala Administrative Services (KAS) Winner Felicitated
Felicitation to Mr. Aswin P. Kumar, Alumnus 2010-14 batch, for securing 11″ Rank in KAS Examination.
SAE MBCET’s inauguration took place on 11th December 2021, Saturday at 2:00 pm. The meeting was presided over by Bursar Rev. John Vilayil, Principal Dr. Abraham T Mathew and the Head of Mechanical department Dr. Rajesh TN. The Chief guest was Mr. Ganesh Dharmar, Senior Lead- Advanced VR, Vehicle architecture, from Mahindra & Mahindra. The event witnessed the official launch of the logo of SAE MBCET Chapter by the Bursar followed by the principal giving a cash prize to the student who designed it. Chief Guest Ganesh Dharmar gave a lecture on the topic of bridging the gap between industrial and academic approach towards research.
SAE MBCET currently consists of 90 student members and is supervised by senior faculty advisor Mr. Mobin M Mathew and Mr. Abhiram R Nair as the additional faculty advisor.
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)deals with innovative approaches in the automotive sector. These innovations involve finding automotive solutions to transverse terrains such as air, water, land etc. The organization aims to find modern solutions to questions posed in the automotive world.

Congratulations to all the Toppers of 2016-2020 batch of ME!!
Aravind G. P. an alumnus of 2008-2012 batch of Mechanical Engineering. He has been awarded Ph. D by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram for his research work on “Numerical Studies on Mass Transfer Enhancement by Vortex Generators”.
International Research scholar at MBCET 
MBCET welcomes its first International research scholar, Mr. Zayar Sit Paing Thu from Myanmaar, under the Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF) of Department of Science and Technology. Mr. Zayar will do research under the guidance of Mr. Bobin Saji George, Asst. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering MBCET in the field of Nuclear Technology.
ATAL sponsored FDP on Robotics 
Five Days ATAL sponsored FDP on Robotics was conducted by All India Council of Technical Education and APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University organize by Department of Mechanical Engineering ,Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology dated from 8th July 2019 to 12th July 2019 full day in which 53 participants across Kerala participated for the same.
Department of Mechanical Engineering of MBCET has organised a 3 day International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Optimisation, ICAMeO-2019 in association with Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. As part of the inaugural ceremony, an Industry-Academia conclave was organised. During the ceremony, a MoU was signed between Universiti Teknologi MARA and MBCET. The keynote speakers from industry representatives includes Dr. Chiranjiv Roy, Vice President-Data Science & AI, Nissan Digital India and Mr. Raghunath Nair, Deputy General Manager – Connected Cars, Nissan Motor Corporation. Academic speakers includes Dr. David N V, Head of Research (International/Private Grant/VCSP), Dr. Saravana Kannan Thangavelu, Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia, Dr. Bipin Balaram, Amrita Viswavidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Dr. D. Bijulal, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GEC Bartonhill. 69 out of 101 papers were selected for oral presentation after a comprehensive peer review process and the selected papers will be published in scopus indexed AIP conference proceedings.
- A local chapter of NPTEL has been started at MBCET from the month of January 2017. Ms. Ruby Maria Syriac, Asst Professor from Mechanical Engg Department has been assigned as the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the chapter.
- Dr. K. Muraleedharan Nair and Ms. Nidhi M. B. were felicitated by His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, Major Archbishop-Catholicos of the Malankara Catholic Church, for remarkable achievements in Academics, during the Family Meet held in College on January 5, 2017.
- HLL Life Care Limited celebrated Technlogy day on May 11 2016. Ms Nidhi M B, APME was a special invitee from MBCET. On the event Quiz team from MBCET won the first prize receiving Rs 3000/- and certificates. The team includes: from S3ME1 Rejoy James,James Joy Poopady, Abhijith R.V,Adithya V.N.
- Cast iron Recycling Unit: A cast iron recycling cum production unit has been established at the Mechanical Engineering Workshop, MBCET on 21 August 2015 by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The unit aims at recycling the scrap cast iron generated inside the campus. It can stand as a production unit by producing the castings required for the Mechanical Department and can also support student projects with the additional cast iron scrap purchased from outside.
- Ms. Nidhi M. B. has won the IIIE special award, in recognition for her substantial contribution and promotion of Industrial Engineering as a professional at Chapter level and National level. The award was presented during the valedictory function of IIIE 58th National Convention held at Nagpur on 22nd October 2016.
- Eight semester B.Tech degree students of the department of Mechanical Engineering – Salman Nizarudin (leader), Rohit Anoop Choodan, Anwin Mathai, Gokul J, Aaron Haris Pereira has secured first positon in ALL IEEE YOUNG ENGINEERS HUMANITARIAN CHALLENGE 2015 (AIYEHUM 2015). Runner up positions to projects from Singapore and China.
The project is guided by Prof. Deepak B.This event was organised by IEEE R10 Asia-Pacific by inviting projects internationally.The competition aimed to inspire young scientists and engineers to become socially responsible through developing cost effective and solutions for community problems saw through 150 projects from 7 countries. Based on the projects’ impact on humanity, innovativeness and sustainability, a panel of judges shortlisted 20 projects from which our team topped the event.The project addresses a solution for the dire problem that Kerala is facing now: Plastic waste disposal. The project being ecofriendly and cost effective is very much adaptable to the lifestyle of Kerala and is expected to bring back Kerala to its former glory - Department has conducted a Short Term Training Program on RECENT ADVANCES IN MECHANICS sponsored by ISTE[Kerala Section] from 8th June 2015 to 12th June 2015.
- Department has conducted a Short Term Training Programme on “Fundamentals of Hydraulic Machines & Heat Engines Lab” from 2nd June to 6th June 2015.
- Department in association with PIC-Kerala/ KSCSTE organised one day workshop on Intellectual property rights and patenting procedure on 9th January 2015.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering of Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology has organized its first ever national conference titled Futuristic Technologies In Mechanical Engineering on 22 and 23 August 2014. In eleven technical sessions under five different tracks titled Machine Design, Computer Aided Design, Thermal Science, Production Engineering and Metallurgy and Material Science held over the two days, 48 papers were presented at the conference. The conference was inaugurated by the Chief Guest at the inaugural function, Dr.K.Sivan, Director, LPSC on 22nd morning. In his inaugural address, he lauded the importance of technologies and the inceptions an engineer should have in the development of every country.
- Mr. Pradeep M. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering has taken charge as Head of Mechanical Engineering Department.
- Ms. Nidhi M. B. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering has taken charge as Assistant – Head of Mechanical Engineering Department.
- Dr. K. J. Sreekanth, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering has joined Kuwait University as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. He is working on the idea “Modelling Urban Sustainability- Energy, Daylight and Walkability”, which is a joint program with MIT for building a new neighborhood with energy efficient technologies.
- The first edition of Mechanical Engineering Students Association newsletter was formally released on 8th June 2015.
- Mr. Vivek .S.A of final year M.Tech(Machine Design) has bagged a patent for his invention ‘RGM-Reciprocating Gear Mechanism, under the guidance of Ms. Ruby Maria Syriac, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Patent Details:
Patent No. 531/CHE/2015 A
Description: Reciprocating gear mechanism is capable of converting reciprocating to rotary motion and vice versa. This is advanced form of rack and pinion mechanism. A peculiar type of gear is used for conversion and this will give more efficiency than the existing slider crank mechanism. This can be applied as an alternate for withworth quick return mechanism.
- A patent by GoI has been granted on Feb 12, 2024 to the patentee [1.Dr.Nidhi M B (Faculty) 2.Salman Mohammad 3.Vimal George 4.Viswanath S (Students)], members from the Mechanical Department, for an invention entitled AUTOMATED BRAKING SYSTEM AND METHOD for the term of 20 years from the 5th day of March 2020 in accordance with the provisions of the Patents Act,1970.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Professor, MED won the MIET Mehaboobi Mohamed Yunus Memorial National award for the Best Women Engineering College Teacher for the year 2022, at the 52th ISTE National Annual Convention at Kalaburagi (Karnataka state) on February 12, 2024. Award includes citation and cash prize.
Mr. Arvind P. Assistant Professor in ME Department, has successful defended his Ph.D. thesis titled “Experimental Investigation on Tribological Characteristics of a Biodiesel Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” on January 27, 2024 under the guidance of Prof (Dr.) Asok Kumar N., CET. The examination board has recommended the University of Kerala for the award of the Ph.D. degree.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Professor, MED served as visiting faculty at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) Ahmedabad as Expert in supply chain management vertical during January 09 – 12, 2024.
- Dr. Rajesh T. N. and Dr. Nidhi M. B. has been promoted as Professor; Dr Premchand V. P. has been promoted as Associate Professor; Ms. Ruby Maria Syriac as Assistant Professor (Senior Grade); from the ME Department.
- Dr. Nidhi M..B. Associate Prof MED, MBCET (secretary IIIE and N C member ISTE) has won the Shri P K Das Memorial Best faculty award in Sr category in Mechanical Engg on 15th Dec, 2023. She selected among final 20 shortlisted faculty across India from 1548 applicants (cleared all 3 rounds interview and scrutiny). She is the only faculty from kerala to receive the award for this year by Nehru group of institutions.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED delivered a talk on “Design Thinking for Social Innovation” at Curtin University Dubai on April 14, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor in the ME Department, co-authored the book “Technology Management” with Kailas Sree Chandran, Assistant Professor at Bartonhill Engineering College in Trivandrum.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, ME Dept had been Panelist for in Bridge the Gap Symposium: Fostering Future Skills in Education, as part of SKILLEXPRESS Launch on January 23, 2023, at Trivandrum (organized by Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission and GTech MuLearn). Representatives from the university, student beneficiaries, Industry experts, and the Government as policymakers and facilitators participated.
- Mr. Pradeep M., Associate Professor, MED has been awarded Ph.D. degree (Engineering) from University of Kerala.Research Centre: College of Engineering Trivandrum.Guides: Dr S. Anil Lal, Professor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam and Dr R. Ramesh Kumar, Professor, SCTCE Trivandrum.Research Topic – ‘Bonded joints in FRP skinned cylindrical structure with cutouts’.
- Mr. Vinod V., Assistant professor, MED has been selected for the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship through lateral entry scheme for his Ph.D. research at IIT Hyderabad. Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) Scheme, the prestigious and highest-paid fellowship, has been designed with an aim to improve the quality of research in various higher educational institutes in the country. His area of research is Blast Wave mitigation studies under the supervision of Dr. Lakshmana Chandrala, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad.
- Dr. Deepak G. Dilip, Asst Professor, MED has authored a book chapter “Hybrid Micro-EDM” in Text Book on ‘Electric Discharge Hybrid-Machining Processes’ published by CRC Press. 1st Edition, 2022. eBook ISBN : 9781003202301.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED had been a Panellist at International Women’s Engineers Conclave – 2021organised by The Institute of Engineers India (IEI) Qatar Chapter, which was held on June 25th, 2021. Dr. Rajasree, VC KTU inaugurated the event. IEI Chairman Er A Sathar and team had organised the event.
- Mr. Bobin Saji George, Assistant Professor, MED worked as translator for the NPTEL course “Engineering Metrology” by IIT Kanpur into Malayalam.
- Mr. Remil George Thomas, Associate Professor, MED has been awarded Ph.D. degree (Engineering) in Aug 2021.Research Centre: NIT Calicut.Guides: Dr. R. Manu, Professor and Dr. Deepak Lawrence K.., Associate Professor, ME Dept, NIT Calicut.Research Topic – ‘Feature Recognition from Step AP 242 File for Computer Aided Fixture Design of Prismatic Parts’.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Dr. Vinod V.(Associate Professor’s) and Dr. Deepak G. Dilip (Assistant Professor), ME Department were approved Ph.D. guideship by the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), Thiruvananthapuram.
- Dr. K.Muraleedharan Nair (Professor & Dean-Administration), Dr. Rajesh T.N. (Associate Professor & Head) and Dr. Premchand V. P.(Assistant Professor), ME Department were approved Ph.D. guideship by the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), Thiruvananthapuram.
- Mr. Raveesh G, Assistant professor MED, has been selected for the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship through lateral entry scheme for his Ph.D. research at Dept of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi. Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) Scheme, the prestigious and highest-paid fellowship, has been designed with an aim to improve the quality of research in various higher educational institutes in the country. He is currently working in the area of Atmospheric Water Generation.
- Dr. Rupesh S. Asst Professor, had been the-Reviewer of the International Journal ‘Green Processing and Synthesis’, January 2020.
Reviewer of the journal ‘International Journal of Energy Research, Wiley, February 2020 - Dr. Nidhi M B, ISTE National Council Member rolled as dignitary for the Valedictory function of ISTE state students convention along with Dr. Suresh K, Principal GEC Barton Hill held at GEC Bh, 18-19 Jan 2020
- Mr. Deepak G. Dilip has been awarded Ph.D. degree (Engineering) in September 2019.
Research Centre: NIT Calicut. Guides: Dr. Jose Mathew, Professor and Head Mechanical engineering department, Dr. Satyananda Panda, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, NIT Calicut
Research Topic “Modeling and Experimental Investigations of Micro-Electric Discharge Machining on Inconel 718”. - Dr Nidhi M.B., was conferred IIIE Fellowship award on 14th Dec 2019 at SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat, on the occasion of 61st IIIE National convention and 5th International conference on Industrial Engineering.
- Dr Nidhi M.B. is elected as National executive council member ISTE for next term at 114th Meeting of ISTE National Executive Council held at Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar (Odisha) on 28-11-2019.
- Mr. Ranjith H., Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering secured Bronze Medal at the National Level Power Lifting Competition in 120kg+ category held at Pavanatma College in Idukki district
- Mr. Rupesh S. has successfully defended his Ph. D. final presentation in August 2017 and the examination board has recommended for the award of the Ph.D. degree.Research centre – National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Topic- “Theoretical prediction of behaviour of steam injected air Gasification of Biomass” under the guidance of Dr. C. Muraleedharan and Dr. Arun P., NIT Calicut.
- Mr. Nirmal M. S., has won the APJ Abdul Kalam Best scientific paper award at the International conference on Research in Engineering and Technology-2017 Conducted by Institute of Engineers on the Topic: Analysis of biogas combustion inside Porous radiant burner on July 15th 2017 at Trivandrum, Kerala.
- Mrs. Nidhi M. B. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering and National Executive council member ISTE has inaugurated ISTE chapter of Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology (chapter No-KE-083) on 14th November 2016 The inaugural function followed a sessions, by Smt. Nidhi M .B on Active learning
- Ms. Nidhi M. B. has won the IIIE special award, in recognition for her substantial contribution and promotion of Industrial Engineering as a professional at Chapter level and National level.The award was presented during the valedictory function of IIIE 58th National Convention held at Nagpur on 22nd October 2016.
- Ms. Nidhi M. B is elected as National Executive council member for ISTE New Delhi from ISTE Kerala section.
- Mr. Sujith S. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering secured the First Rank in Kerala University in M.Tech – Machine Design 2014.
- Mr. Deepak B.S. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and former M.Tech Machine Design student of the department secured second rank in M.Tech – Machine Design, 2014.
Faculty as Resource Person
- Nidhi M. B., Professor, MED served as visiting faculty at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) Ahmedabad as Expert in supply chain management vertical during January 09 – 12, 2024.
- Ms Ruby Maria Syriac, AP MED, successfully delivered the first knowledge sharing session on the topic ‘Assembly Modelling – A Hands on Experience’ under the MoU with UITM Mara Malaysia on December 20, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor MED, had delivered a lecture on ‘Lean Project Management’ on November 02, 2023 at School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT Vellore.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor MED, had delivered a webinar on ‘Project Management’ on October 8, 2023 at Govt Polytechnic College Chelakkara
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, ME Dept had delivered a session on ‘ECOnpreneurship and business models: converting ideas to business’ at WWF India Vazhuthacaud on Sept 23, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor MED, has delivered a session on ‘Role of AI and ML in cyber security’ on May 26, 2023.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED delivered a talk on “Design Thinking for Social Innovation” at Curtin University Dubai on April 14, 2023.
- Dr.Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, ME Dept delivered a talk at the design thinking workshop organised by YIP Sasthrapadham in BRC Nedumangad, Trivandrum on February 14, 2023.
- Dr.Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED delivered session on ‘Digital Green and Sustainable supply chain: Modeling and Analysis using Case study’ in a Faculty Development Programme on “Trends in Modeling Supply Chains – Analytical and Simulation Perspective” at College of Engineering Trivandrum on December 3, 2022.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED had delivered a webinar session on “Exploring Career opportunities in Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence” on June 12th 2021 at New Al Wurood International School, Jeddah, K.S.A.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED had delivered the following sessions on “Smart manufacturing – factory of future”, “Sustainable supply chain with case study – Modelling and analysis” and “Institutional sustainability – visual thinking approach” at the FDP on “SUSTAINABLE GREEN MANUFACTURING – INDUSTRY 4.0” organised by Dept of Mechanical Engg, Rajadhani Institute of Engg and Technology, during Aug 9-13, 2021.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED had delivered session on “SMART FACTORIES”, at Nehru College of Engineering and Research Centre, Thrissur on September 15, 2021.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED (National Executive Council member, ISTE Kerala Chapter) had inaugurated virtually the ISTE student chapter at SNMIMT Engineering College, Ernakulam on September 21, 2021.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED (National Executive Council member, ISTE Kerala Chapter) had delivered the keynote address for the International Conference (ITechCET) organised by MusaliarCollege of Engineering and Technology on Sept 25, 2021. Topic: Data Annotation: Tools, Trends and Applications.She also inaugurated and delivered a session on the role of ISTE in engineering education at ISTE student’s chapter in FISAT on Sept 24, 2021.
- Dr. Nidhi M. B., Associate Professor, MED had delivered a webinar on “NEP 2020: Highlights and Analysis” organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Mangalam College of Engineering, Kottayam on November 11, 2021.
- Dr Nidhi M.B. had inaugurated ISTE TKM student’s chapter Technical Fest on Astra 20 on 1st Feb 2020 and delivered the key note address.
- Dr Nidhi M B – ISTE National Council Member delivered a session exclusively for ISTE ExCom members on Role of ISTE in student Life, during the State annual convention held at GEC Bartonhill, 18 Jan 2020.
- Dr Nidhi M.B., Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept. was the resource person on the topic, ‘Strategies to sustain Engineering education in the disruptive technology era’, 7th Dec 2019, JDT Polytechnic as part of 30th Annual State ISTE Faculty convention
- ISTE chapter of Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology (chapter No-KE-083) is inaugurated on 14th November 2016 by Smt. Nidhi M. B. (Assistant Professor Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology and National Executive council member ISTE). The inaugural function followed a sessions, by Smt. Nidhi M .B on Active learning.
- Dr. K. Muraleedharan Nair functioned as chair for technical session, Propulsion Engineering stream, 17th National Conference on Technological Trends during 19-20 at College of Engineering, Trivandrum, August 2016.
- Ms. Nidhi, M. B. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering has inaugurated the FDP on “Research Communication” at Believers Church, Carmel Engineering College, Pathanamthitta, held from 27-28 July 2016. She delivered the key note address and conducted a session on Open source Software Tools Used for Research.
- Ms. Nidhi, M. B., Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering delivered a session on “Role of Professional Bodies in technical Education”, at Mohandas College of Engineering & Technology at STTP sponsored by Indian Society for Technical Education – Faculty Induction programme, ISTE-MCET Chapter from 27/6/2016 to 2/7/2016.
- Mrs. Nidhi M.B Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering delivered the keynote address on the occasion of Chapter Inauguration at Trinity College of Engineering, Trivandrum on January 10, 2015.
- Ms. Nidhi. M. B. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering gave the felicitation on the occasion Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Trivandrum, Chapter inauguration on January 7, 2015.
- Mr. Remil George Thomas and Mr. Unnikrishnan G. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering delivered talk at the workshop on “Outcome based Education”
- Mechanical Engineering Association AUTOMATA along with Placement cell MED organised a talk on ‘Higher Studies Abroad – Opportunities in Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and UK’ on April 26th 2023. Resource Person: Ms. Aiswarya Sasidharan, Branch Manager, IDP Education, Trivandrum.
- A talk was organised by ME association AUTOMATA to final year Mechanical students by Mr. Vishnu B. Valsan (Senior Consultant at Ernst & Young) in the topic ‘Fraud Detection and Application’ on March 27, 2023 at Pascal Hall. Faculty Advisor Dr. Nidhi M. B. coordinated the event.
- A talk was organised by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE India) MBCET Chapter for final year Mechanical students. Mr. S. Shanmugam (Ex Chairman, SAE Chennai Division) talkied on the topic ‘Careers and Competencies’ on March 29, 2023. Faculty Advisor Mr. Mobin M. Mathew coordinated the event.
- A talk was organised by ME association AUTOMATA to final year Mechanical students by Mr. Sai Ganesh (Business Consultant at Accenture) in the topic ‘Data Analytics’ on March 15, 2023. Faculty Advisor Dr. Nidhi M. B. coordinated the event.
- A talk was organised by Placement cell, ME Dept for the final year students by a team from Air India on ‘Opportunities in aviation industry’ on February 13, 2023.
- CGPU cell of Mechanical Engineering Department has conducted an invited tech talk on “Research oriented Education in Germany and insights in E- Mobility” on June 18, 2021. Few topics like Value of Internships, Jobs and higher studies in foreign universities, upcoming trends in e-vehicles were also discussed.Speaker: Dr. Geethu Balachandran (Volkswagen Germany)
- A talk on introduction to python and machine learning technology was provided to s5 and s7 students of ME department on Dec 03, 2021 by Mr. Vijith P., Software trainer, Orisys Academy for skill Development and Research.
- A talk on Current trends in IT field was provided to S5 and S7 students of ME department on Dec 07, 2021 by Mr. Raghunandan Menon, Founder Director, Sympl Augmented Learning Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (SALT).
- As an Initiative of department placement cell Sri. B. S. Warrier conducted a class on career guidance and related subjects on 13th February 2017 at the Visvesvaraya Hall from 09.30 AM to 12.30 PM.
- A training talk on NDT was conducted for the fourth year students by INDUSCAN, Nilambur in February 2017.
- A software training talk was conducted for the fourth year students by BIM SOFT in February 2017 to introduce the software packages in mechanical electrical plumbing.
- An orientation talk was conducted by EDWISE for the fourth year students in January 2017 to motivate the students for their higher studies in foreign university
- A training talk was conducted by SCORE in January 2017 for the third year and fourth year students to introduce the current job vacancies in the area of Quality Control.
- A lecture programme was arranged on the 14th February 2017 at Visvesvaraya Hall between 11:15 AM to 1:00 PM. Sri. A. M. Narayanan, Head, Energy Efficiency Department, Energy Management Centre (Kerala), Sreekaryam, Trivandrum
- Mahindra Tech conducted a training program on IC Engines assembly in November 2016 for the second year students.
- A talk on Naval Architecture and ship building was conducted by Mr. Ajit Abraham, Chief Engineer, Seaspan Shipping Company Ltd, Merchant Navy in October 2016 for final year students
- A talk was arranged by AUTOMATA& ISTE-MBCET chapter on 17th August 2016, by Dr. P. Kusumakumari, M.D, Professor & Head of Dept., Paediatric Oncology on Life Style Diseases.
- A patent by GoI has been granted on Feb 12, 2024 to the patentee [1.Dr.Nidhi M B (Faculty) 2.Salman Mohammad 3.Vimal George 4.Viswanath S (Alumni)], members from the Mechanical Department, for an invention entitled AUTOMATED BRAKING SYSTEM AND METHOD for the term of 20 years from the 5th day of March 2020 in accordance with the provisions of the Patents Act,1970.
- Nithin Jo Varghese, 2015-19 ME, joined for PhD at Princeton University, USA under Prof. Jyotirmoy Mandal in studying light and heat transfer/interaction at multi scale to develop advanced optical metamaterials. It falls under the purview of both the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.
- Mr. Jithu George (2005-09) executive director Enext global & APEX ENERGY was interviewed by The Energy Year a prominent International Oil and Gas magazine.
- Ai Drone is a start-up jointly launched by three engineers one among them, Mr. Ani Sam Varghese is an alumnus of the 2012-16 batch. Ai Drone Private Limited received ₹3 Lakh cash prize in DRDO’s Dare to Dream contest.
- AiDrone Private Limited is selected as the National Level Winners of Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge for implementing Dual Redundant Fault Tolerant Flight Control System for Drones using indigenous VEGA Thejas 64 SoC by HDG-CDAC (TVM).
- Mr. Nithin Jo Varghese (2015-19) got selected for a Fully funded Ph.D. scholarship at Princeton University, NJ, USA.
- Mr. Aswin Padmakumar (2010–14) accomplished an excellent achievement by ranking 11th in the Kerala Administrative Services.
- Dr. Jinoop An has received the best thesis award from Indian Laser Association during the National Laser Symposium conducted by Baba Atomic Research Center, Mumbai for his doctoral research.
To be a Centre of Excellence in Education and Research, imparting ethical values for the betterment of mankind.
To impart Technical Knowledge and Values through continuous Training and Research for the overall development of the Stakeholders.