News and Events
- Mr. Sherry Varghese George, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE presented a paper titled “Performance Analysis of V2V Sidelink Communication” at the 3rd IEEE International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) 2024 co-sponsored by IEEE Bombay Section held at International Centre, Goa.
- Ms. Deepa P L, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE,has Presented a paper titled A Hybrid Vision Transformer Model Using ResNet152 for Brain Tumor Classification in 1st IEEE International Conference on “Smart Power Control and Renewable Energy” (ICSPCRE-2024) organized by Department of Electrical Engineering from July 19 – 21, 2024.
- Infosys Springboard Certification
Dr. Swapna P S, Associate Professor, Mr. Anoop K Johnson, Ms. Deepa P L and Mr. Jinu Baby, Assistant Professors, Department of ECE, successfully completed the Artificial Intelligence Foundation Certification and the Artificial Intelligence Primer Certification by Infosys Springboard.
Lakshmi J.L, Jayakumari J “A Hardware Efficient Implementation of Sub-Block Interleaver for Polar Codes in 5G NR” in International Conference on Advancements in Power,Communication and Intelligent Systems (APCI) 2024, IEEE Kerala Section.
Alin Mariam Solomon, Jayakumari J “Improving User Satisfaction for Next Generation CRN using Utility Proportional Fairness based Resource Allocation Approach” in International Conference on Advancements in Power,Communication and Intelligent Systems (APCI) 2024, IEEE Kerala Section.
Mr. Shiras S N and Mr. Sherry Varghese George, Assistant Professors, dept. of ECE attended Five Day FDP cum Hands on Workshop on Wireless Communication Technologies for Beyond 5G Systems from 24 to 28 June 2024, Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam
Ms. Teena Rajan Assistant Professor of dept. of ECE completed the training in the division of Medical Instrumentation, BMT wing of SCTIMST, Trivandrum from Jan- May 2024
- L. Lakshmi, J. Jayakumari, “A reduced complexity rate matching and channel interleaver/ de-interleaver for 5G NR,” Engineering Research Express, vol.6, April 2024 (Scopus Indexed)
- Ms. Deepa P.L., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, was awarded the certificate of appreciation for the Malayalam translation of the course “Control Engineering” offered by IIT Madras on 26th March 2024.
- Dr. Jayakumari J, Professor and Head, Department of ECE presented a research paper entitled ” Analysis of digitally coded IRS aided mmWave Communication system” during the Second International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensor, Signal Processing & Communication Technology organized by Goa University on 23rd March 24.
- Ms. Teena Rajan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE presented a paper titled ‘Dry Electrode Design for Non-Invasive Fetal ECG Acquisition’, at Second International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensor, Signal Processing and Communication Technology (ICASSCT 2024), held at School of Physical and Applied Sciences, Goa University, Goa, India 23rd, March 2024.
The Biomedical Research Group, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MBCET, in association with the IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter, is organizing the five days FDP on Recent Trends in Healthcare and Assistive Technologies (RTHAT’24) at MBCET, from 29 January 2024 to 02 February 2024. The FDP comprises expert sessions on the recent trends in healthcare and assistive technologies, including the sensitization sessions on the various forms of disability and field visit. Faculty & Research Scholars of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and related disciplines. Registration details Registration Fee: Rs. 1000/- for faculty, Rs. 850/- for research scholars.
Registration Link:
Registration Deadline: 25 January 2024
- Ms. Syama Sasikumar, Ph.D. scholar of APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University under the guidance of Dr. Jayakumari J, Professor & HOD, Dept. of ECE has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis titled “Efficient Resource Allocation for Carrier Aggregation based Cognitive Radio Networks”, on 31 January 2024.
- e-NIX ,the Electronics and Communication Department of MBCET proudly presents the much-awaited event of the year ADHARVA ’23 , the technical fest of the ECE department on 10th February 2023. For more updates:
Coordinator: Shiras S.N Asst. Professor, ECED
- SCA’21 – Online STTP on “Scientific Computing Applications”Dates: 9 – 11 & 16 – 18 August 2021Coordinators: Ms. Athira V. and Ms. Deepa P.L., Assistant Professors, Department of ECERegistration Link:
- Hands-on workshop on Simulation and Implementation of Digital CircuitsDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering is organizing a 5-day Hands on workshop on “Simulation and Implementation of Digital Circuits (SIDC’21)” during 15 – 19 March, 2021. SIDC’21 is a staff training programme in which Faculty and Technical Staff from AICTE approved engineering colleges are eligible to apply. e- certificate will be provided to participants upon completion of the workshop and submission of Microproject.Co-ordinator: Ms. Ann Mary Alex, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE.For registration, clickhereFor brochure, clickhere
- Online FDP on Biomedical Engineering and its Applications (BMEA’21)Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is organizing a six-day online FDP on Biomedical Engineering and its Applications (BMEA’21) during 11-16, January 2021. Faculty, Research Scholars and PG students from AICTE approved engineering colleges/ universities can apply. Participants from industry are also eligible to attend the programme. e- certificate will be provided to participants who complete the programme with submission of feedback and assessments.Co-ordinators: Ms. Teena Rajan and Ms. Lani Rachel Mathew, Assistant Professors in the Department of ECE.
For registration, click here.
For the brochure, click here
- NPTEL Special Lecture Series
Schedule of live sessions from 19 April 2020 to till date, click here
- ISRO IIRS (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing) Outreach Programme
Currently there are 3 courses that are open for registration:
1. Application of Geoinformatics in Ecological Studies (Start date: 13 July 2020)
2. Geospatial Inputs for Enabling Master Plan Formulation (Start date: 27 July 2020 )
3. RS Applications in Agricultural Water Management (Start date: 03 August 2020)
4. Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis (Start Date: 17 August 2020)
5. Basics of Remote Sensing Geographical Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System (Start Date: 17 August 2020)
Registration Link:
- Dr M. J. Jayashree, Professor, Dept. of ECE and IQAC Coordinator and Student Activities Chair of IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter had coordinated the Annual event named “Ignium 2023” for the student members of IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter in online mode on 30th December 2023. Eight events including Idea Pitching Competition, Webinars, Biomedical Quiz, Interaction with Professionals, Experience sharing by an IEEE EMBS member and Essay writing competition were scheduled and conducted.
- Deepa P.L., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, was awarded the certificate of appreciation for the Malayalam translation of the course “Engineering Mechanics” offered by IIT Madras.
- Dr Jayakumari J, HOD, Dept. of ECE, chaired a technical session “Electronic Device Design, Functional Simulation and Performance Analysis” on 30/10/23 of 2023 5th International Conference on Circuits and Systems sponsored by University of Electronic Science and Technology, China and IEEE Chengdu CEDA hosted by Yangtze Delta Region Institute, China.
- Lekshmy S, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE successfully completed the Skill Development Training Program on ‘Internet of Things-PHASE III’ and scored above 75% in the final assessment under the joint venture of ISTE & BNY Mellon.
- H. Aravind Sarma, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE presented a paper titled “Deep Learning based Real-time Fall Detection Model” in the IEEE sponsored International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI 2023) organized by the Mahindra University, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering,Hyderabad, India from 21-23, September 2023.
- Swapna P.S, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE has authored a paper titled ‘Machine Learning based Antenna Design’ in the 2023 International Conference on Signal Processing, Computation and Electronics , Power and Telecommunication (IConSCEPT), organized by the National Institute of Technology Puducherry, Karaikal, during 25-26 May 2023.
- Manju Suresh, Lab Instructor, Dept. of ECE presented a paper titled “Dysarthria Speech Disorder Classification Using Traditional and Deep Learning Models” in the IEEE sponsored Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT 2023) organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India during 05-07, April 2023.
- Sherry Varghese George, Assistant Professor, successfully completed NPTEL course on “Evolution of Air Interface towards 5G” held from February to April 2023. He completed all the requirements of the programme with Elite plus Silver grade (5% Topper).
- Dr M J Jayashree, Professor, Student Activities Chair received a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of her selfless attitude towards all the activities and initiatives taken up for student members’ development during AGM 2023 of IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter at TKM Institute of Technology on 26th June 2023.
- Ph.D awarded: Ms. Vineetha Mathai, Asst. professor, was awarded the Ph.D degree on the topic “Investigations on Cognitive Radio Network Functions through Intelligent Algorithms” by the Anna University, Chennai, under the guidance of Dr. P. Indumathi, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology.
- Dr. Swapna P.S, Associate Professor, successfully completed NPTEL course on “Introduction to Internet of Things” held from January to April 2023. She completed all the requirements of the programme with Elite plus Silver grade (5% Topper).
- Dr Jayakumari J, HOD, Dept. of ECE received the Outstanding Women Researcher in Wireless Communication Award from Venus International foundation during the Annual women meet held on 4th March 2023 at Hotel Green Park, Chennai.
- M. J. Jayashree, Professor, Dept. of ECE and IQAC Coordinator and Student Activities Chair of IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter had coordinated the Annual event named “Ignium 2022” for the student members of IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter in online mode on 29th and 30th December 2022. Ten events including Idea Pitching, Workshop, webinars, Quiz, Interaction with Professionals etc., were scheduled and conducted during these two days.
- Dr. S Viswanatha Rao, Professor, Vice Principal & Dean (Academic Affairs – UG), was the Moderator for the Industry Roundtable panel discussion for the 5G Technology domain, held on December 16, 2022, in Trivandrum, hosted by ASAP Kerala in association with the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission, for the identification of existing and emerging job roles, the skill gaps in the current workforce, the skill sets that are in demand by industries and the strategies that can help develop these skill sets to benefit students and employers.
- Ms. Remya Annie Eapen, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE joined the PhD program of Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology (Digital University Kerala (DUK)) under the Full-Time Regular category of the School of Electronic System and Automation for the Academic year 2022.
- Ms. Luxy Mathews, Associate professor, Dept. of ECE, was awarded the Ph.D degree on the topic “Investigations to improve the performance of MIMO OFDM in LTE” by the University of Kerala, under the guidance of Dr. Sakuntala S. Pillai (Former Dean R&D, MBCET) and Dr. N Vijayakumar, Principal (Rtd), Govt. Engineering College, Bartonhill.
- Dr. M. J. Jayashree, Professor, Dept. of ECE and IQAC Coordinator is selected as the Chair of Women in Biomedical Engineering (WIBE), a newly formed sub-organizational unit of IEEE EMBS Kerala. The unit aims to help advance women in biomedical engineering and areas relevant to IEEE EMBS Kerala.
- Mr. Arun J. S, Asst. professor, Dept. of ECE, and Nodal officer of CATALYST got nominated into the State level IEDC Advisory Committee by Kerala Startup Mission.
- Ms. Deepa P.L., Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE was awarded the certificate of best paper for her paper titled “DarkNet for Brain Tumor Detection and Classification” in the International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and its Application (ICRTITA’22), 29-30 August 2022. The conference was organized by the Department of Information technology, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- Dr. Jayakumari J, HOD, Dept. of ECE, chaired a technical session for the 2022 4th International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCS 2022), Chengdu, CHINA, on 25 September 2022.
- Ms. Ancy S. Anselam, Associate professor, Dept. of ECE, was awarded the Ph.D degree on the topic “Optimization of low bit rate and low delay coders for speech signals” by the University of Kerala, under the guidance of Dr. Sakuntala S. Pillai (Former Dean R&D, MBCET) and Dr. Sreeni K.G. (Associate Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kotayam).
- Dr. M.J. Jayashree, Professor and IQAC coordinator, has been selected as the Student Activities Chair of the IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter Student Activities Execom 2022.
- Ms. Deepa P.L., Assistant Professor, was awarded the certificate of appreciation for the Malayalam translation of the course “Computational Electromagnetics” offered by IIT Madras.
- Arun J. S., Asst. professor, Dept. of ECE, has been elected as the Executive Committee Member of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE).
- Ms. Emy Mariam George, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of ECE, defended her Ph.D thesis entitled “Heterogeneous QoS Provisioning For Coexisting Wireless Body Area Networks”, on 22 April 2022. She completed her Ph.D work under the guidance of Dr. Lillykutty Jacob, Professor, National Institute of Technology Calicut
- Ms.Lani Rachel Mathew, Assistant Professor, successfully defended her Ph.D thesis entitled “Investigation into enhancement and reconstruction of speech for speech-impaired persons” on 30 March 2022.
- KTU has approved the guideship of Dr. Sreedevi P., Associate Professor (Area of Research: 5G and Optical Communication).
- Ms.Deepa P.L., Assistant Professor was awarded the certificate of appreciation for the Malayalam translation of the course “Cloud Computing” offered by IIT Kharagpur.
- Ms.Ann Mary Alex presented a paper titled “Hot Carrier Effect on Base Resistance of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors” in the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES 2022), on 12 March 2022.
- Mr.Jinu Baby, Asst. Professor, was awarded the certificate for his exceptional contribution as a primary evaluator in Toycathon 2021 – an inter-ministerial initiative organized by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell with support from All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
- Ms.Lakshmy S., Assistant Professor, was awarded the certificate of appreciation, for volunteering as proctor to guide and oversee competing teams for the IEEEXtreme 15.0 programming competition that hosted +12,900 participants, and held on 23 October 2021.
- Ms. Ancy Joy, Asst. Professor, has been selected as a designated reviewer in the editorial committee for the International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), indexed in SCOPUS, ISSN 2210-142X.
- Mr.Arun J. S., Asst. Prof., has been selected for the Management Development Programme (MDP) organized by IIM Kozhikode. It is an opportunity provided by Kerala Startup Mission to a very few selected nodal officers.
- Ms.Anu Susan Philip, and Ms. Emy Mariam George, Asst. Professors, emerged as the winners of the women’s doubles badminton, organized as part of the Annual staff sports meet for the year 2021-2022.
Prof. S.Viswanatha Rao., was awarded the Ph.D degree on the topic “Enhancing the Throughput of Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting”, by the University of Kerala, under the guidance of Dr. Sakuntala S. Pillai (Former Dean (R&D), MBCET) and Dr. Shiny G. (Professor, Government College of Engineering Kannur).
Ms.Swapna P.S., Assistant Professor, was awarded the Ph.D degree on the topic “Resource allocation in OFDMA Systems for Joint Uplink/Downlink Directions”, by the University of Kerala, under the guidance of Dr. Sakuntala S. Pillai (Former Dean R&D, MBCET) and Dr. Sreeni K.G. (Associate Professor, College of Engineering Trivandrum)
- Ph.D Admission
P.P.Hema, Assistant Professor, secured admission to NIT Calicut for the Ph.D programme in the department of ECE.
Mr.Jithin M. George, Assistant Professor, secured admission to NIT Trichy for the Ph.D programme in the department of ECE
- Ms.Ann Mary Alex, Assistant Professor, received an Elite Silver certificate for the 8 week NPTEL certification course on “ Design, Innovation and Technology” funded by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India in April 2021.
- Ms.Athira V, Assistant Professor, received an Elite Silver certificate for the 8 week NPTEL certification course on “ Design, Innovation and Technology” funded by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India in April 2021
- Mr.Jijo Jose has been nominated as the Coordinator for Mentor-Mentee Programme of Institute Innovation Council (IIC).
- Ms.Lani Rachel Mathew has been nominated as the Coordinator of Cell for National Innovation and Start Up Policy (NISP Cell)
- Mr.Arun J.S. was awarded the certificate of appreciation for being the evaluator for the second level evaluation of Young Innovators Program (YIP) 2020 conducted from 09 to 20 June 2021
- CERD Proposal Approval
Two student project proposals of the department of ECE have been approved for financial assistance under the CERD KTU funding scheme: ‘Voice actuated backrest for paralysis palliation’ (PI: Mr. Arun J.S., Students: Anjana Santhosh, Arun Y., Meenakshy Sunil) and ‘Speech therapy system for cleft lip/Palate patients’ (PI: Ms. Lani Rachel Mathew, Co-PI: Ms. Amritha B.J., Students: Deepthi G.A., Aneeta Sabu, Sowmiya V. and V. S. Devika).
- Ms. Ann Mary Alex presented a paper titled ‘Interfacial Trap Effect on the DC and RF Characteristics of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor’ in the International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc-2021) organised by Government Engineering College, Idukki on 16-18 June 2021.
- Ms. Deepa P.L. has been awarded the ‘Best Paper of the session’ for the paper entitled ‘A comparative Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Brain Tumor Detection’, in the IEEE Sponsored 3rd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC’21) held at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, India during 13- 14 May 2021.
- Ms. Lani Rachel Mathew has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member, in April 2021.
- Ms. Swapna P.S. has been selected as the reviewer for Wireless Personal Communications Journal (SCI-E Indexed).
- Ms. Deepa P.L. was awarded the certificate of appreciation for Malayalam translation of the course “Soft skills” offered by IIT Roorkee.
- RAR Approval
Review Authority for Research (RAR) at NISH, has approved the research proposal titled ‘Speech therapy system for children with cleft lip and/or palate’ , submitted by a team of 4 students comprising Deepthi G.A., Aneeta Sabu, Sowmiya V. and V. S. Devika from S8 EC2, under the supervision of Ms. Lani Rachel Mathew, and Ms. Amritha B.J.,
- Mr. Anoop K. Johnson has been selected as the execom member of the IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter
Dr. M.J. Jayashree, Professor
- Received the Special Recognition award, for her contributions towards building IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter Student Community in exceeding goals and surpassing expectations. during the IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter Annual General Meeting 2021.
- Nominated to the Board of Studies (BoS) of Electronics and Biomedical Program, KTU
Ms. Swapna P.S., Assistant Professor
- Selected as evaluator for Toycathon 2021
- Toycathon 2021 is an inter-ministerial initiative organized by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell with support from All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Ms. Teena Rajan, Assistant Professor
- Selected as the evaluator for the preliminary evaluation of K-DISC Young Innovators Program 2020
Mr. Jinu Baby, Assistant Professor
- Selected as evaluator for Toycathon 2021
- Selected as the evaluator for the preliminary evaluation of K-DISC Young Innovators Program 2020
- Awarded the certificate of appreciation in January 2021, for volunteering as proctor to guide and oversee competing teams for the IEEEXtreme 14.0 programming competition that hosted +7,300 participants , on 24th October 2020.
Ms. Lakshmy S., Assistant Professor, has been selected as the evaluator for Toycathon 2021.
Mr. Arun J.S., Assistant Professor
- Nominated as the judge for the event “Hack to the Future – The global impactful hackathon” organized by Finastra. The event happened online across 100+ countries and 4600 participants registered their product solutions. In the 67 day long event, the academic partner – APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, nominated 12 judges from Kerala.
- Selected as evaluator for Toycathon 2021.
- Nominated as the expert member in Trivandrum District Core Group for the implementation of ‘One District One Idea – MSME Development Challenge’ initiated by Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC).
- Moderated the panel discussion on the topic ‘Role of IEDCs in nurturing student innovations’, as part of the IEDC Summit organized by Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) and hosted by Adi Sankara Institute of Engineering and Technology on 29th January 2021.
- Represented the academic startup ecosystem in Startups Meet with the Chief Minister program, organized by Kerala Startup Mission, in Mascot Hotel on 18th January 2021.
- Dr. M.J. Jayashree, Professor, has been appointed as the college IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) Coordinator.
- Ms. Ann Mary Alex, Assistant Professor, has been selected as the Assistant Camp Officer, KTU Valuation Camp at MBCET.
- Ms. Lakshmy S, Assistant Professor, has been appointed as the Coordinator for Statutory Reports.
- Ms. Swapna P.S., Assistant Professor, has been appointed as the Associate Coordinator for NBA.
- Ms. Deepa P.L., Assistant Professor, has been appointed as the Associate Coordinator for NAAC.
- Dr. Sreedevi P. was added as reviewer of Journal of Optical Communication (Scopus Indexed) and reviewed one paper. (cite score – 1.1, h-index:14)
- Ms. Deepa P.L. was awarded the certificate of appreciation for Malayalam translation of the course “Integrated circuits, MOSFETs, Op-amps and their Applications”, offered by IISc Bangalore.
- Ms. P.P. Hema was awarded the certificate of appreciation for Malayalam translation of the course “Integrated circuits, MOSFETs, Op-amps and their Applications”, offered by IISc Bangalore.
- Dr. M.J. Jayashree got selected as Student Activity Chair of IEEE EMBS Kerala chapter.
- Ms. Teena Rajan and Mr. Jinu Baby were selected as subject experts for Young Innovators Program(YIP) by Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC) in association with Child Development Centre (CDC), Trivandrum.
- Ms. Ann Mary Alex has been empanelled as an Academic Auditor of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.
- Ms. Ancy S. Anselam got the Best Paper Award for significant contribution in the track of Signal Processing for the paper titled “Quality Enhancement of Low Bit Rate Speech Coder with Non-Linear Prediction” in the Springer International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (ComNet 2019) held on 12, 13 December 2019.
- Prof. Paul Thomas was awarded Ph. D. on the topic “Investigation on Biomedical Signal Analysis using Artificial Neural Networks and Wavelets.” by the Kerala University in July 2019.
- Mr. Arun J. S. got selected as a State Level Mentor in Young Innovators Program 2018-2021, which is a three year part time engagement with Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K – DISC). The program focuses to identify innovators from school level and to nurture their ideas and guide them through the process.
- Mr. Arun J. S. got special mentor appreciation in the 36 hour continuous coding in “Smart India Hackathon 2019: World’s Biggest Open Innovation Model” organized by MHRD, Govt. of India, AICTE, i4c and Persistent Systems in IIT Kharagpur on March 2nd and 3rd 2019.
- Mr. Shiras S. N. qualified GATE 2019 conducted in February 2019.
- Dr. Jayakumari J. visited University of Wollongong, Dubai on February 7th 2019 and had a discussion with Prof. Farhad Oroumchian, Associate Dean (Education) at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences and reached at an agreement to have a collaboration for the proposed 3rd International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMNET 2019) organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology. Dr. Mohamed Fareq Abdul Malek, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences accepted invitation to be the technical chair for the conference.
- Dr. Sreedevi P. was awarded Ph. D. on the topic “Performance Enhancement of Radio over Fibre Systems” by the Kerala University Syndicate on January 21st, 2019.
- Mr. Arun J. S. has been selected as the State Level Mentor for the Young Innovators Program (YIP) by the Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K – DISC), Govt. of Kerala.
- Ms. P. P. Hema qualified UGC – NET Exam conducted in December 2018.
- Mr. Felix P. Benedict qualified UGC – NET (National Eligibility Test) 2018 conducted on 8 July 2018.
- Dr. M. J. Jayashree received the Dewang Mehta National Education Award for Best Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder, World CSR Day & World Sustainability at Vivanta by Taj, Trivandrum on 20th January 2018.
- Mr. Arun J. S. was selected as the expert panel member for start-ups in District Planning Committee to frame future policies in the District plan of Thiruvananthapuram by the District Collector Dr. K. Vasuki, IAS.
- Ms. Syama Sasikumar got selection for doing full time Ph. D. with CERD Fellowship under the guideship of Dr. Jayakumari J.
- Ms. Revathy Sivanandan got selection for doing full time Ph. D. under the guideship of Dr. Jayakumari J.
- Ms. Ancy Joy got selection for doing part time Ph. D. under the guideship of Dr. Jinsa Kuruvila, M. A. College of Engineering, Kothamangalam.
- Mr. Sherry Varghese George secured the fourth rank in M. Tech in Telecommunication Engineering (2015).
- Ms. Anu R. G. secured the first rank in M. Tech in Microwave and television engineering (2014).
- Ms. Revathy Sivanandan secured the second rank in M.Tech in Signal Processing (2014) and won the Best Paper award for above in Signal Processing during NCTT 2014.
- Mr. Niyas K. Haneefa won the Best paper award for the paper, “ Clustering protein sequences based on Similarity Matrix” at the International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology”, ICRTET 2013, Bangalore.
- Ms. Teena Rajan won the second best paper award for the paper – “C band Chirp Spread Spectrum Signal generation using DDS-PLL Technique”, in the category-Best Content and Presentation, at the International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science Engineering(ICEECS) 2012 held at Coimbatore organized by IRD, India on 21st October 2012
Two day startup bootcamp organized
Catalyst Mar Baselios IEDC brought the zeal for innovation to life with its flagship event, INCEPTRA 7.0- The two day startup bootcamp, themed “Pirates of the Caribbean,” on October 5th and 6th at Shannon Hall. The immersive two-day event, aimed at first-year students, provided an engaging platform to explore the pillars of innovation, imagination, and interaction. The inauguration was graced by the presence of Dr. S. Viswanatha Rao, Principal, with an introductory address by Mr. Arun J S, Nodal Officer, Catalyst, Mar Baselios IEDC and Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, who underscored the event’s core themes of ‘Interact, Imagine, Innovate’. The bootcamp sessions were engaged by Mr. Arun J S, Nodal Officer, Catalyst who delivered technical and activity sessions on creativity, problem solving, innovation, marketing, startups and scaling.
With around 100 eager participants, the event offered a dynamic mix of activities, including design thinking, product development, and venture building, providing a hands-on experience that sharpened their startup concepts and enhanced their business acumen. The event was successfully organized by the Catalyst team, led by Krishnapriya Deepak (S7 CS 2), Sona Ponnachen (S7 EC 1), and Vasundhara S R (S3 CS 2) along with the other executive student representatives of IEDC and MuLearn.
Several standout participants were recognized for their exceptional contributions. Ganga B. Nair (S1 CS 1) received the Captain Inceptra Award, while Milind Krishna P (S1 EC 1) earned the Best Mate Award.
The Best Crew Award celebrated teamwork and ingenuity, and was awarded to Karishma T. Prasad (S1 CS 1), Vishnu R. Dileep (S1 EC 1), C A Amitha (S1 CE 1), Neeraj S (S1 EEE), Aditya R S (S1 ME 2), and R Gopi Krishnan (S1 CT).
The Pirate’s Choice Award celebrated the creativity and strategic investment skills of Gopika Harikumar (S1 CS 1), Ashwin P (S1 CS 2), Nandini D I (S1 CS 2), Fathima Jahnara (S1 EC 1), Arvind Vinod (S1 EC 2), Abhi Binu (S1 CE 1), and Amana Shema S J (S1 EC 1).
The event laid the groundwork for the next generation of trailblazers at Catalyst Mar Baselios IEDC.
The team from MBCET, comprising Aditya S (S6 EC2), Ferwin Lopez (S6 CS1), Gowri S (S6 EC2), and V Vany Suria (S6 EC2), secured first place in the hackathon ‘EDEN 3.0.’ This 24-hour event, hosted by Marian Engineering College, presented multiple problem statements for participants to tackle. Our team chose to develop an employee management system and emerged as the winners, securing first place.
Alumni Achievement
Ms Sheethal (2015-19 EC1) completed graduation from Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur
Ms. Ann Mary Biju (S6 ECE2) has been selected for the IEEE WIE Scholarship 2023-24 Funded By Quest Global.
MSME Conclave “Future ready MSMEs for India @ 100” attended
CII Kerala organised MSME Conclave “Future ready MSMEs for India @ 100” at Trivandrum. *Mr. Vipinkumar K. C. (COO- CR), Dr. Premchand (MED) and Ms. Merlin George (CSED)*, along with *Jyothish Ram J. N.(S8EC1), Aswin P. N.(S8EC1), Akshay Prasad (S8EC1), Karthikeyan N.(S8EC1), Silpa C.* from *MBCET Start Up* represented MBCET in the conclave.
The objective of the conclave was to promote and support the growth of MSME sector by creating a platform for networking, collaboration and knowledge sharing, among entrepreneurs, academicians,Industry Experts, and Government officials.
MuLearn Recognition in 2023: Celebrating Excellence
- Top Campus Award 2023:
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology has proudly clinched the title of Top Campus 2023 in The Mulearn Annual Awards. This prestigious accolade is a testament to their exceptional performance, securing an impressive 8 lakh Karma Points throughout the year. This recognition is a statewide achievement, positioning the college at the forefront of academic and skilling excellence.
Faculty Coordinator: Mr. Arun J. S., Assistant Professor, EC
Student Coordinator: Mr. Aditya S, S5 EC2
Mulearn, the academic platform of GTech – Group of Technology Companies, awards Karma Points to learners based on their contributions to the Mulearn Discord platform. Learners earn these points by actively participating in tasks related to various interest groups such as AI, Web Development, UI/UX design, Cyber Security, IoT, Blockchain, Entrepreneurship, Product Development, and more.
Team Codeify: Top Learning Circle in the State
In another remarkable achievement, Team Codeify has emerged as the Top Learning Circle in the state. Comprising Mr. Arun J. S., Assistant Professor, EC and Lead Enabler Mulearn MBCET, along with student team members Aditya S, Amrithesh S, Ameer Ansary of S5 EC2, and Prajwal P P of S5 CS2, they collectively amassed an impressive 25800 Karma points.
- A team consisting of Abhilash George(S5 CS2), Johann Joshua Knox(S5 CS2) and Ann Santhosh(S5 EC2) won second place at Dekathon 2.0, held at St Thomas College, Chengannur. They received 25,000/- cash prize as well as a fully sponsored one week internship at FabLab KSUM, Kochi.
The students of Mar Baselios college of engineering and technology got selected in the Top 100 coders competition organised by Gtech Mulearn in association with Kerala Startup Mission.During the hackathon, they developed their software products and showcased them in the Huddle Global, India’s Largest Beach Startup Festival from 16 November 2023 to 18 November 2023. They have placed themselves within the top 20k rank globally in the HackerRank platform. The members are
1. Aditya S, S5EC2
2. Amrithesh S, S5EC2
3. Prajwal Pramod, S5CS2
4. Abel Louis Fernandez, S1 CT
Faculty in-charge: Mr. Arun J S, Lead Enabler, Mulearn MBCET.
- Geethu B., Joshua G. Reji, Abbas Salim, Mekha Suresh, students of 2019-23 batch of ECE presented a paper titled “Resource Allocation in V2V Sidelink Communication” at the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems, Science and Engineering (IEEE RASSE 2023) which was held from 8th to 11th November 2023. The project was guided by Sherry Varghese George, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE.
- Ms. Revathy Sivanandan, Ph.D. scholar of APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University under the guidance of Dr. Jayakumari J, Professor & HOD, Dept. of ECE have successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis titled “Development of novel CNN for efficient tumour diagnosis from breast ultrasound images”, on 07 November 2023.
- Project team from S8 EC comprising Abhinav A. Pillai, Aravind U.R. and Varun George was selected to exhibit their project "Electric wheelchair using Sip and Puff Technology", as part of the "Ente Keralam" event organized by the Government of Kerala, at Kanakakunnu on 20th May 2023. The project was guided by Ms. Amritha B J, Asst. Professor, Department of EC.
- Ms. Terrin Mary Stephen, S8EC2, member of Industry and Public Relations team of IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter SA Execom 2022 received the Special Mention Award during AGM 2023 of IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter at TKM Institute of Technology on 26th June 2023.
- Eben Tom Thomas, Sruthi N. A., S. Hershni Raj, Jayadevan V., G. Niranjan and Gautham G. B (Fifth-semester students of the Department of ECE) have successfully undergone internship at Vinvish Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Technopark, Trivandrum, from 6th October to 15th October 2022.
- Abhiram Krishna RS (S5EC2), Sruthi N A (S5EC2), and Vignesh Kailas (S5ME1) secured the second position in the Vegathon ’22 National level 30 hours hardware hackathon organized by CDAC with Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology. The team is mentored by Mr. Jijo Jose, Asst Prof, ECED.
- MBCET Team got funding support of 1.5 Lakh in KWA Hackathon
The MBCET Team has been shortlisted for funding support in Kerala Water Authority (KWA) Hackathon programme organized in association with Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) for the development, installation, and trial of smart pumping stations in KWA . The team got placed one among the top three from a total of 51 proposals received across the state in the endeavor to build “Smart Pumping Stations- SPS” for providing uninterrupted safe drinking water to all by making use of the latest technology. The idea submitted by the team was reviewed at various levels by KWA & KSUM and finalized in the offline meeting with KWA – KSUM experts on 27-06-2022 and the Expert Committee has recommended for a funding support of 1.5 Lakhs for the product development.
Team Members: Mr. Vishnu P Kumar, Alumni ECED, Mr. Souraf N F, S7EC2, Ms. Jyothsna B, S5 EE1, Aparna S, S5 EE1 and Ms. Parvathy S Thampi S7 CS2, Team is guided by Mr. Jijo Jose, Assistant Professor, ECED and supported by Mr. Ajithkumar S. M, Lab Instructor, ECED and Mr. Nobert A Varghese, Lab Instructor, ECED for the concept development.
- M.Tech Telecommunication Engineering (2020-2022 batch) students, Mr. Ananthu Suresh S. L. and Ms. Aiswarya Krishnan U. secured the job offer to the role of Senior Engineer in Tata Elxsi, Trivandrum, after successful completion of their internships.
- B.Tech internship with stipend
22 pre-final year students from the department of ECE have secured internship with stipend, at Tata Elxsi Limited, Trivandrum, for a period of 12 months
- IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter Student Activities Execom 2022
Terrin Mary Stephen (S6 EC2) has been selected as the volunteer for the Industry and public relations, Aswani (S2 EEE) to the content Team and Amrutha Lekshmi (S6 CS2) as the SBC representative, of the IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter Student Activities Execom 2022
- Achievements in IEDC Summit 2022
- Best Student Innovator: Vishnu P. Kumar (ECE)
- Best Student Startup, Winners in Innovation Premier league Hackathon, Winners in IPL Startup pitch: Vaibhav K., Vishnu P. Kumar, Miladh Muhammed (ECE)
- Best performing IEDC in Thiruvananthapuram and First runner up in South zone: Catalyst Mar Baselios IEDC
- Student as resource person
Vishnu P. Kumar (Chief Technology Officer ,Catalyst Mar Baselios IEDC, and a student of final year ECE), gave an insight into the world of robotics and its future opportunities, as part of the event YROBOTICS organized by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) SBC MBCET. A total of 61 students participated in the event.
- M.Tech Internship with stipend
Aiswarya Krishnan U. and Ananthu Suresh S. L., of M4 Telecommunication Engineering, have secured an internship with a stipend, at the design and development center of Tata Elxsi Limited, Trivandrum
- Paper Presentation: The paper titled ‘Speech Therapy System for Children with Cleft Lip and/or Palate’ authored by Aneeta Sabu, Deepthi G.A., Sowmiya V., V.S. Devika (2017 – 2021 Batch), Ms. Lani Rachel Mathew and Ms. Amritha B.J. (Asst. Professors, Dept. of ECE), was presented at the 3rd Assistive Technology Conference, EMPOWER 2021, organized by International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore, during 28 – 30 October 2021.
- Mr. Vishnu P. Kumar of S7 EC2, was invited for XPLORICA 3.0: Crafted to Unite Technology and Fine Earth – an Expo on Robotics and IoT, to exhibit his projects in the field of Robotics, IoT and AI. Xplorica 3.0 was organized by IEEE SB LBSITW, on 05 December 2021, at LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Trivandrum.
MuLearn State Leads: Jessno Oommen Jose of S6 EC1, has been selected as the state leader of MuLearn, an industry enabled digital learning platform, launched by Group of Technology Companies (GTech).
- Vishnu P. Kumar of S6 EC2, mentored by Mr. Arun J. S., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE developed OXIFINE – A Low Cost IoT based Pulse Oximeter Device. The primary validation of the product was done at the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology (SCTIMST). The Technology Transfer of the product was initiated in association with APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU) on 5 August 2021. Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala will be providing the intellectual support and the distributed production of the Smart Pulse Oximeter.
- Ms. Syama Sasikumar, Research Scholar, presented a paper titled ‘Spectral-Energy Efficiency Tradeoff Enhancement: an Optimal
Resource Allocation Framework for 5G Underlay Cognitive Radio Network’ , in IEEE EUROCON, one of the flagship conferences of IEEE region 8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa), held in Ukraine, Europe, during 6-8 July, 2021.
- Anjana Santhosh, Arun Y. and Meenakshy Sunil (S8 EC1) secured the third position in the Abhinav Vichaar 2021 State Level Project Competition, for their project titled “Voice Actuated Backrest For Paralysis Palliation”. The event was conducted by Albertian Institute Of Science and Technology, Kalamassery. Initiated on 31 January 2021, the event had four phases – Abstract submission, Paper & Demonstration video evaluation, Virtual exhibition and Final presentation.
Faculty mentor: Mr. Arun J. S., Assistant Professor, Department of ECE
- Vishnu P. Kumar (S6 EC2)
- Secured the second prize in ‘ARTE-Amateur Robo Talent Exhibit’ – an online project presentation competition conducted by IEEE RAS SCT SB in association with IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter in May 2021.
- Delivered a session as part of the event ‘Y ROBOTICS ’ – an interactive session on the topic ‘Introduction to Robotics and Automation’ , organised by IEEE RAS SB MBCETon 31 March 2021.
- Vishnu P. Kumar (S6 EC2) , Miladh Muhammed (S6 EC2), and Brigitta W.L. (S4 EC1) has won the first prize in ‘Pitch it Green’ Idea Pitching Challenge conducted as part of E-Novus 2021 by College of Engineering Trivandrum. The members are part of the startup team EcoRich Technologies, mentored by Mr. Arun J.S., Assistant Professor, Department of ECE.
- Sania M.S. (S3 ECE) has been selected as the members of the IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter Student Activities Execom 2021.
- Syama Sasikumar, Research Scholar
- Acted as peer reviewer for the international journal – IEEE access.
- Acted as a reviewer for the Fourth International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial Engineering (MEIE2021) to be held in Kunming, China during 22-24 May 2021.
- Revathy Sivanandan, Research Scholar ,
- Delivered a talk on “The Role of Technology in Sports Training and Coaching” as part of the FDP organized by the Directorate of Sports & Youth Affairs, Government of Kerala, held at G.V. Raja Sports School, Thiruvananthapuram, on 18th March 2021. The session focussed on emerging technologies like wearable sensors, and applications of Artificial Intelligence in sports training and coaching.
- Delivered a session on “Applications of Image Processing for Ultrasound Imaging” as part of the online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Biomedical Engineering and its Applications (BMEA’21), organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MBCET, on 12th January 2021.
- C. Harikrishna Sharma of S5 EC2 , won the first Prize in the National Level Quiz Competition organized by C.K.M. Arts and Science College, Warangal, on 26 November 2020
- Ms. Sheethal Liz Mammen (S3 EC1, MBCET) secured the second prize in the online quiz event – ‘Cognizance’ organized by IEEE RAS and IEEE WIE of MBCET, as part of the science week celebrations, on 28th February 2021.
- Ms. Sania M.S. (S3 EC1, MBCET) was announced the winner of the event ‘Elysian’ – an article writing competition, organized by IEEE Computer society and IEEE SIGHT SB of MBCET, from 23rd to 25th of February 2021, as part of the science week celebrations.
- Vishnu P. Kumar (S5 EC2)
- Secured the third prize for the event ‘NOVA – an Arduino problem solving competition using Tinkercad simulation’, organized by IEEE Student Branch of FISAT, from 16th to 17th of February 2021.
- Won the second prize in the ‘Idea Pitching Challenge’ conducted as part of the IEDC Summit organized by Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) and hosted by Adi Sankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, from 28th to 30th of January 2021. He has presented the product CKit – The electronics Tinkering kit for kids, which is being developed by his budding startup EcoRich Technologies.
- Delivered a hands-on session on ‘Home Automation using IoT’ for Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) students on 25th January 2021. (DDU-GKY is the demand-driven placement-linked skill training initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India (MoRD)).
- Delivered a session on ‘IoT – Home Automation’ for students of Orisys Academy for Skill Development and Research, as part of his developer role in Heylyx Humboldt Pvt. Ltd., on 16th January 2021
As part of RAS IEEE, a Robotics Quiz Competition was held on 24th January 2021. 71 students participated in the event. Sujin S. Nair (S7 EC2), Nubi Fathima (S1 CS1) and Aravind Venugopal (S7 EC2), were announced the winners. The winners were awarded the certificate and a cash prize.
Student Co-ordinators: Arun H.P. (S7 EC1), Devika S.R. (S5 EC2)
- Team ‘EcoRich Technologies’ comprising Vishnu P. Kumar (S5 EC2), Miladh Muhammed (S5 EC2), Brigitta W.L. (S3 EC1) and Akshai R.K. (S7 EC1) emerged as the Runner – Up for the “She Power Hackathon”, organized by Kerala Start Up Mission in association with the US State Department and World Learning, the implementing partner. The hackathon aimed at addressing and solving critical issues concerning women. The Team received a cash prize of Rs. 15, 000.
Faculty Mentor: Mr. Arun J.S., Assistant Professor, Department of ECE.
an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser, designed by Vishnu P. Kumar (Robotics and IoT Community Head, IEDC) of S5 EC2, was installed at the Office of the Bursar and was activated for use by Fr. John Vilayil, Bursar, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology.
Mr. Vishnu A.J. of S7 EC1 was announced the winner for the circuit designing competition, organized by EMBS society of IEEE MBCET SB on 27th December 2020.
- Ms. Meenakshy Sunil (S7 EC1)
was conferred the ISTE Best Student award for the year 2019 – 2020
- Ms. Deepthi G.A. (S7 EC2)
was conferred the IET Mar Baselios On Campus Outstanding Engineer award for the year 2020.
- Deepthi G.A. , Aneeta Sabu , Sowmiya V. and V. S. Devika from S7 EC2, won the second prize in the Idea Pitching competition conducted as part of the IEEE EMBS CONCLAVE 2020 organized by IEEE EMBS Kerala Chapter on 12th December 2020.
Faculty Mentors : Ms. Lani Rachel Mathew and Ms. Amritha B.J. , Assistant Professors in the Department of ECE.
- Aksharakootam Club MBCET in association with ISTE MBCET Chapter organized Aksharam Fest and from the Department of ECE, Brigitta W.L. (S3 EC1) was announced the winner, Vasundaraa G. (S3 EC2) was announced the 2nd runner up for the event “Impromptu” – Just a minute (Malayalam)and Vaibhav K. (S5 EC2) was announced the 1st runner up for Impromptu (English), conducted on 5th December 2020. Faizan Ahamed Dawood Majahar (S3 EC2), Anamikaa S. Nair (S3 EC2), Gokul G.S. (S5 EC2), C. Harikrishna Sharma (S5 EC2) , and Vasundaraa G. (S3 EC2) were announced the winners and Adarsh S. (S3 EC1) and Vaibhav K. (S5 EC2) were announced the runner ups , for the event “War of Wits” – virtual debate competition conducted on 6th December 2020.
- Merish Kuruvilla Mathew (S7 EC2) secured the first prize for the debate competition – Engineer’s Debate, and Suma V. (S7 EC2)
secured the second prize for the Paper presentation, held as part of HORIZON’20 – a technical fest organized by the Department of Electronics (Electronics and Communication Engineering & Robotics and Automation), Saintgits College of Engineering on 5th December 2020.
- As part of the National Innovation Contest 2020 organized by MoE’s Innovation Council, Govt. of India, teams led by C. Harikrishna Sharma (S5 EC2, Theme : Waste management/Waste to wealth creation), Vishnu P. Kumar (S5 EC2, Theme : Agriculture and Rural Development), Sneha Saju George (S5 EC2, Theme : Smart Vehicles/ Electric Vehicle/ Electric Vehicle Motor And Battery Technology”) were nominated from the Department of ECE , for attending the online mentor-mentee session conducted from 6th to 26th of November 2020.
- Ms. Neha Sabu from S5 EC2 was a part of the team ‘Anamnesis’ which got selected as one of the top 12 teams out of the 120 teams all over India, and won a cash prize of Rs. 40,000/- in the CISCO ThingQubator programme. After 4 levels of screening and around 4 months of mentoring, the team developed a product “BitMedi”, a user-friendly secured app for the storage of medical records of patients in an organized manner.
- Mr. Vishnu P. Kumar of S5 EC2 was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of outstanding performance and for securing the 1st position in the ‘State Level Break The Chain Challenge 2020’ conducted by NSS Unit, University College of Engineering Kariavattom.
Automatic sanitizers, made by Mr. Vishnu P. Kumar of S5 EC2 with funding from IEEE and NSS, were distributed to 5 Government offices in Trivandrum
- AiDrone Pvt. Ltd. has been selected as iDEX (Innovations for Defence Excellence) Winner for the Defence India Startup Challenge 3 titled “Portable Spoof Emitter for Radiations” in the DEFEXPO 2020, a flagship biennial event organized by the Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India held at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on 7 February 2020. Co-Founder Joji John Varghese received appreciation from Shri. Rajnath Singh, Hon’ble Defence Minister of India.
- Gouri A. V. of S8 EC1 has been awarded the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) Kerala Section Best Student Award at the 18th Annual ISTE State Student Convention held at Govt. Engineering College, Barton Hill on 18 January 2020.
- The project Portable Brain Computer interface for Medical Applications is selected for funding.of Rs. 32500/- by APJAKTU guided by Dr. Jayakumari J.
Students involved: Daniel C., Rohith Satheesan, Sandra Jeeva, Shamil Shamsudeen
Guided by: Dr. Jayakumari J.
- Merish Kuruvila Mathew and Ano S. Philip won first and second prize respectively for the event Be the Stark in the technical fest of CDAC Trika 2020 on 14-15 February 2020.
- Gopi Dutt and Merish Kuruvila Mathew secured first prize for the team event Electricuit in the technical fest of CDAC Trika 2020 on 14-15 February 2020
- Gouri A. V. of S8EC1 is selected as the best student member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) Students’ chapter during the year 2018-19.
- Aravind Venugopal of S5EC2 gave a talk on “Actions on Google” at Dev Fest Google Developer Group, Coimbatore on 14 September 2019.
- Aravind Venugopal of S5 EC2 was selected as an Intel Software Innovator.
- Royce Thomas of S8 EC2 is selected for the second stage of Kerala Extended Reality Challenge 2019 organised by Kerala Startup Mission in collaboration with Unity Technologies. They have also invited him to attend a two day workshop conducted by Unity for the shortlisted candidates. His proposal was for developing an AR based Virtual Cadaver.
- Aditya Raj of S8EC2 presented a technical paper titled “A study on enabling Deep Learning in IoT for Disaster Management” in International Conference on Recent Engineering and Technology (ICRET) 2019 on 5th May 2019.
- The synopsis report prepared by Arjun S. of M. Tech. Telecommunication Engineering (2016-2018) has been nominated as one among the best M. Tech and Ph. D. thesis awards at the “Graduate Congress: GraTE’7’” organized by IEEE Communications Society, Bengaluru and Kerala chapter in Amrita School of Engineering, Kasavanahalii, Bengaluru.
Guided by: Mr. Sherry Varghese George
- Akhila B. Chandran, Nowrin N. R. of S5 EC2 bagged the third prize of Rs. 25000/- in the Social Sector Startup Category in Startup India Kerala Yatra. The project name was Disposafe.
Guided by: Mr. Priyadarsan U. S., Mr. Arun J. S.
- Joshin Samuel, Miladh Muhammed, Vishnu P. Kumar got selected to the second level of Cisco thinQbator organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management – Kerala (IIITM-K), Technopark. The project name is Smart Plug.
Guided by: Mr. Shiras S. N., Mr. Arun J. S.
- Uthara Renjith of S6 EC1 was selected as Infosys Campus Brand Ambassador during Infosys Recruitment Activities on 3rd October, 2017. Photo with Infosys HR manager Mr. Dinesh Kumar.
- Akshara Girish Murali and P. S. Lavanya Nair, both of S6 EC1 got selected as interns for doing advanced project topics of UST Global at their screening process.
- Stephanie Cherian of M4 TCE is the University topper in KTU results.
- Abhinand S. and Mr. Naveen S. of S7 EC won Rs 1 Lakh in the Startup Reality Show powered by Ausys Technologies Pvt Ltd. They are also the Runner up for the Marian Award for Technological Excellence.
- Ram Sankar H K, Mr. Rohith, Mr. Kevin John Mathew, Mr. Sainath, Mr. Arun Manohar (S4 EC1 ) are the 2nd runner up in ROBOCRAFT, an obstacle course race event on august 28th & 29th at Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, TVM, 2016.
- Priyadarshini G, Ms. Shruti Prasad, Ms. Leia J Thomas and Ms. Neha Mariam Varghese (S4 EC2) won first position in INVENTO, a product development competition held at LBS Institute of Tehnology for Women on 27th February, 2016.
- The project titled “UPASANA, A Diagnostic Tool Kit for ASHA workers” by Joji John Varghese (EC), Vivek Suresh Kumar (EC) and Arun Krishna (CS) has won the following accolades:
- Chosen for Texas Instruments Innovation Challange India Design Contest 2015 and won the 2015 Malayala Manorama Yuva Mastermind Prof. Sathish John Memorial Award held at JDT Islam Convention Centre Calicut. Mr Joji John Varghese was chosen to visit the National University of Singapore (NUS).
- Won the third prize for Tech Top 2015, held at Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
- Won the first prize in the Marian Award for Technology Excellence (MATE) 2015, held at Marian Engineering College, August 17, 2015.
- Won the third prize in FYPM 2015 (FOSS young professional meet) organized by ICFOSS Technopark
- Chosen among the best three projects in the Electronics For You and Renesas design contest 2015 at Bangalore
- Obtained All IEEE Young Engineers’ Humanitarian Challenge (AIYEHUM) 2015 Funding
- Mr Jeffin Alex George, Mr. R. Sreehari and Mr. Darrel Daniel of S4 EC2 received first prize in Robotic Arm, a competition held at IIT Mumbai, March 29, 2015. Mr. R Sreehari has been chosen for RoboGames 2016 to be held at US
- The project titled “Neosense” by Joshua K Mathew (EC), Kavya (CS), Vivek (CE) and Reshmi (EEE) was chosen for final round of TechTop 2014 project competition and won second prize.
- The project titled “LIOT, Internet of Things with Light Fidelity” by Joshua K. Mathew (EC), Vivek Joy (CE), Kavya Suresh (CS), Reshmy Prasad (EE) and Akhil R (CS) was chosen for Texas Instruments Innovation Challange India Design Contest 2015 and qualified for the Quarter finals.
- The project titled “VISTHAARA, A Scalable Home Automation System” by Nibin Peter (CS), Sathyajith S L (CS), Kiran Mathew Mohan (CS), Alex Mathew (CS) and Sachin S Daniel (EC) was chosen for Texas Instruments Innovation Challange India Design Contest 2015 and qualified for the Quarter finals.
- The project titled “EEG Based driver Alert System” by Vineeth G.K. (EC), Athul Prasad C.V (EC) and Joji S.Pramod (EC) was chosen for Manorama Yuva Mastermind 2015 project competition.
- The project titled “Smart Wearable Device” by Joji John Varghese (EC) was chosen for final round of TechTop 2014 project competition, Manorama Yuva Mastermind 2014 project competition and won prize in the Electronics for You Design Contest.
- The project titled “UFCharger” by Madhav M. Nair (EC) and Jeev Vinoy (EC) was chosen for final round of TechTop 2014 project competition.
- Jijina N. secured 1st rank for M. Tech in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Kerala. Ms Lani Rachel Mathew and Ms Rinju Mariam Rolly secured 2nd ranks and Mr Jithu Vimal secured 3rd rank for M. Tech in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Kerala.
- The project titled “STARK (Scientifically Trained Arm Robotic Kinesis)” by Anna Sony, Benjamin Mathews Abraham, Dainy Daynesious and Sristi Gupta of Dept. of ECE was chosen for final round of Manorama Yuva Mastermind 2013 project competition, as one among 25 projects shortlisted from over 500 projects all over Kerala. The project was also chosen for incubation by Startup Village in association with IEEE ComSoc, as one of the 6 best projects in Kerala
- The project “Robotic Arm for the disabled”, by Sanju Mathew, Saan Joa Rughas, Anjana Anandan, Parvathy G. and Mamatha Raj, of eighth semester Electronics and Communication Engineering, was the runner up in Yuva Mastermind programme conducted by Manorama 2011 in association with Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappalli and got first prize in Silver Ribbon, an event of the technical and cultural fest “Fugeniz” of Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Ernakulam. The prize distribution function is on August 2011.
- Aravind Prem (S6 EC2), was the Technical head of Cross roads 2016 and won 3rd prize in Baselian Fest group dance and annual athletic meet relay.
- Abhinand and Mr. Naveen (S6 EC1) won first prize for Paper presentation in Musaliar college and second prize in Project competition in Barton hill Government Engineering College.
- Shone C Achankunju of S4 EC2 bagged Silver medal in the 6th All Kerala APJ AKTU Inter-Zone Athletics Championship held at Chandrasekhar Nair Stadium,TVM on 01-03-2024.
- MBCET Lawn Tennis Women team Secured Second Runner Up position (Sona S – S5 EC1 & Anna Merry Cherian – S7 CS 2) in the KTU All Kerala Inter – Collegiate Championship held at TKM College of Engg. & Technology, Kollam.
- Ms. Sona S (S5 EC1) got selected in the University Lawn Tennis team which is to be held at Jain University, Bangalore from 10th to 12 November 2023.
- Shone C Achankunj of S2EC2 won the silver medal in the 100 meters race in the 5th APJ AKTU Inter- Collegiate Athletic Meet held on 29th April 2023.
- Anamikaa S Nair of S8 EC2 won Gold Medal in Discus Throw in the 5th APJ AKTU Inter- Collegiate Athletic Meet held on 29th April 2023.
- Rohan Geo Chacko of S5EC1 receiving the best Football Coach award of Pathanamthitta District from the Honourable Sports Minister Sri. Abdurahiman. It was a Government Program called ‘One Million Goal’ for School students at the time of Qatar World Cup Football.
- The MBCET team won first prize in the Battle of Bands conducted by Sree Achyutha Menon memorial College, Thrissur of the event iGen -2023.
- The MBCET team won first prize in the Battle of Bands-Dhanak’23, the inter-Collegiate Band Competition, hosted by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST). The team members are Ramakrishnan Hareesh (Drummer, S8 EC1), Vishnusankar M (Vocalist, S8EC2), Ganesh.G.S (Violinist), Archit.S.Thampi (Keyboardist), Abhijeet Leslie (Guitarist), Rishi J R (Guitarist).
- Namukk Kettan Pattumo- a Malayalam short film, directed and acted by MBCET alumni, was released on 17 December 2022. Kudos to the team!! . Writer, Director, and Actor- Mr. Jevin Jaison – Dept. of MED and Mr. Jyothis Philip- Dept. of ECE.
- Sruthy P J of S3 EC 2 is selected in the APJ AKTU team to participate in the South Zone Inter-University Shuttle Badminton Tournament to be held at Jain University, Bangalore from 21st to 24th November 2022.
- Ms. Sona S of S3 EC1 got selected in the University lawn tennis women’s team which is to be held from 10th to 12th November 2022 at Jain University, Bangalore.
- Pranav P Nair of S3 EC1 became the Individual Champion in the KTU Table Tennis Championship held at FISAT, Angamali. He is also selected for the University team.
- Ramakrishnan, S5 EC1, emerged as the winner of the Indywood Talent Hunt International 2021 – UAE/INDIA, in the Super senior category, for Music Production.
- Thanimayay – RK Musical|EKR Films : Thanimayay, a Tamil single, composed and programmed by Ramakrishnan Hareesh (S4 EC1) was released on 16 October 2021.Vocals: Vishnusankar M. (S4 EC2) and Abhirami A.S. (S4 EC1)Mixing and Mastering: Sangeeth Peter (S4 EE2)Link:
- Edwin John Joseph (S7 EC1) has been selected as the captain of the KTU University Basketball Men team. Edwin John Joseph has been elected the captain of the Team.
- Siddhi Sekhar of S3 EC2 won the Silver Medal in the district selection trial for Junior Girls Indian Round organized by the Trivandrum Archery Association.
- H. Ramakrishnan of S3 EC1 got an opportunity to perform at Mall of Travancore, Trivandrum, as part of Streat Night Market (Flea market conducted by Streat) , on 10 April 2021.
- Shamil Shamsudeen of S7 EC2 has been selected as the Captain of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Basketball Team for the 64th South India Inter-University Basketball Tournament at Hindustan University, Chennai.
- Ramakrishnan Hareesh of S1 EC1 performed in an orchestra that was held at Ganesham Auditorium, Thycaud as part of the Soorya Festival. It is one of the World’s Largest Art Festival conducted by Mr. Soorya Krishnamoorthy. The performance consisted of selected old and evergreen songs as well as classical music with Indian traditional instruments along with modern ones.
- Aditya Raj of S8EC2 won the zonal level of the prestigious Present Around The World (PATW) competition organized by IET. After that he participated in the South Asia Level and obtained the Third Prize.
- Aditya Raj of S8 EC2 won the IET-PATW in the Local Network Level Competition held in Mar Eprahem College on 21 March 21 2019. He will be going up to the next level – Regional Level Round (South Asia).
- Ashwin Abraham of S4 EC1 has been awarded IET- Kanyakumari Local Network (KKLN) Young Professionals (YP) Student Award held in Mar Eprahem College on 21 March 2019.
- Anjali B. S. and Anshula Vijayam S. J. of S8 EC2 got second prize in Synchro Dance Competition held at Ace College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
- Mr. Aditya Raj of S3 EC is one of the finishers of Trivandrum Marathon, held on October 2016.
- Joseph Kurian (S4 EC2) represented Kerala University in All India Inter-University netball championship from April 11-16 at Punjab University, Chandigarh
- Shara Sherly Samuel Koshy (S4 EC2) got Second prize in Kathaprasangam in the Kerala University inter college Youth Festival 2016 held at Chengannur.
- ParvathySasikumar (S4 EC2) won second prize in English poetry writing in Baselian Fest, 2016
- Gautamy S. Kumar (S4 EC1), Ms. Anjana Padman (S6 EC1), Ms. Aishwarya (S6 EC2), Ms. Maria Roniya, Ms. Swati, Ms. Aishwarya, Ms. Athira (S8 EC1) won 1st prize in Thiruvathira in Kerala University Youth Festival
- Shara Sherly Samuel Koshy (S4 EC2), Ms. Gautamy (S4 EC1), Ms. Aishwarya (S6 EC2), Ms. Athira. Ms. Maria Roniya, Ms. Reshma(S8 EC1) got Second prize in Keralanadanam group in the Kerala University inter college Youth Festival
- Haritha (S4 EC1) won 3rd prize in folk song in Kerala University Youth Festival and 1st place in Kerala Netball team Inter-University
- Gayathri, Akshara (S6 EC1) won 2nd prize in Margankali in Kerala University Youth Festival.
- Shilpa Sheeba Jayachandran (S6 EC2) got 3rd prize for Rangoli in Baselian Fest 2016
- Sruthi Sankar and Ms. Anjana Padman (S6 EC1) got second prize in group song in Kerala University Youth Festival , 2016
- Athira Krishnan R, Ms. Mariya Roniya, Ms. Aiswarya Krishnan, Ms. Swathy Chandran (S8 EC1), Ms. Shara Sherly Samuel Koshy (S4 EC2) won first prize in Group dance in Kerala University Youth Festival , 2016
- Kiran P, Mr. Pranav J (S8 EC2) got second prize in Dufmutt in Kerala University Youth Festival 2016
- Anuraj S, Mr. Sajith R, Mr. Roshan Geogy (S6 EC1), Mr. Deepak John Reji, Mr. Akhil Sanker, Mr. Ajay Sanker, Mr. Zabin P. (S8 EC1), Mr. Akshay B. S. (S8 EC2) won third prize in Kolkali in Kerala University Youth Festival, 2016.
- Gopika Sreekumar (S8 EC) got third prize in English debate 2016.
- Deepak John Reji (S8 EC1) and Mr. Sajith R (S6 EC1) were chosen as the Arts Secretary and General Secretary of the College Senate respectively.
- Ms Mariya Roniya, Ms Athira Krishnan R, Ms Swati Chandran and Ms Aishwarya Krishnan of S7 EC1 won the 2nd prize for Group Dance in the Kerala University Youth Festival, 2015.
- Ms Mariya Roniya, Ms Athira Krishnan R, and Ms Aishwarya Krishnan (S8 EC1) won the 1st prize for Thiruvathira in the Kerala University Youth Festival, 2015.
- Ms Reshma S S and Ms Mariya Roniya (S8 EC1) won the 3rd prize for Kathakali in the Kerala University Youth Festival, 2015.
- Ms Athira Krishnan R (S8 EC1) won the 2nd prize for Bharathanatyam and 3rd prize for Kuchipudi in the All Kerala BSNL Cultural Meet, 2015.
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