Research & Consultancy
- Lekshmi Chandran M., faculty of CE Department, published the work, ‘Effect of Poisson’s Ratio of Developed Coir Latex Composite’ co-authored by Dr. Jaya V and Dr. K Balan in the Material Circular Economy, July 2024,Volume 6, article number 42.
- Lekshmi Chandran, M., David Cicin Iraniose., Anna Angel Thankachan., Hima S. V. Kumar., S. S. Vaibhav., Jaya, V., Balan, K., published the work ‘Effect of Latex Content on Morphological Behaviour of Coir-Latex Composite’. Material Circular Economy, July 2024 Volume 6, article number 41.
- Ms. Jisa Jose faculty of Civil Engineering Department, published a paper on “Optimizing chlorella vulgaris cultivation in an airlift photobioreactor using coconut oil mill effluent (COME) for biodiesel production” co authored by Thomas J Kallupurackel, Shibin S P and Vishnu Manirethnam in the Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, February 2024.
- Ms. Lekshmi Chandran, faculty of CE Department, published the work “A Field Study Using Coir–Latex Composites as Wave Barriers for the Attenuation of Ground Vibration” in the Indian Geotechnical Journal (SCImago indexed), December 2023.
- Dr Alice Thomas, Assistant Professor of the CED, presented two conference papers at Hydro 2024 which was conducted by Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune from 18th to 20th December 2024. The paper entitled ” Land Use Land Cover Change Detection Using GIS to Determine the Variation in Hydrological Parameters of Thiruvananthapuram District” was co authored by Joel Shajee, Sidharth Babu, Simjesh S G, Snehal Sabu (S8 CE2, 2020-24 batch) and Dr. Minu Ann Peter. The second paper entitled ” Early Flood Monitoring and Forecasting using ANN and HEC-RAS in Meenachil River Basin” was co authored by Rahul Rajan, Libin D Santhosh, Firdous S, and Anwar Muhammed A. (S8 CE1, 2020-24 batch)
- Anupama Krishna D, presented the paper titled ‘Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frames under Various Load Conditions with Pre-Applied Elevated Temperature’ in the 9th World Congress on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CSEE 2024), conducted in London, United Kingdom, from April 14-16, 2024 in online mode. Co authors: Dr. Priyadarsini R S (College of Engineering, Trivandrum ) and Dr. Narayana S, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum.
- Sonima A, Govind J B & Jisha S Vpresented a paper titled “Seismic Fragility Assessment of RCC Chimney Using Incremental Dynamic Analysis” in the first international conference on Recent Advances in Infrastructure Development, RAID 2024, held on 12th and 13th February, 2024 at NIT Calicut.
- Lekshmi Chandran M faculty of CE Department presented a paper on ‘Effect of poisson’s ratio of developed coir latex composite’ co-authored by Dr. Jaya V and Dr. K Balan, in the International Conference on Sustainable Materials for Engineering Applications, conducted from 1-3 February 2024 at IIT Madras.
- David Cicin Iraniose student of S8 CE presented a paper on ‘Effect of latex content on morphological behaviour of coir-latex composite’ co-authored by Anna Angel Thankachan, Hima S V Kumar, Vaibhav S. S and Lekshmi Chandran M, in the International Conference on Sustainable Materials for Engineering Applications, conducted from 1-3 February 2024 at IIT Madras.
PhD Guideship
APJAKTU has approved the PhD guideship request of Dr. Jaya S Pillai and Dr. Alice Thomas of Civil Engineering Department.
- Project titled “Waste water treatment combined with CO2 bio-fixation and bio-fuelproduction using indigenous micro-algae”. Group members are Devika Jose, Feba Ann Varghese, NavajithSasi, PallaviPremjith of S8 CE1, guided by Dr. Jaya S. Pillai
- Project titled “Electro-coagulation process for hospital waste water treatment”.Group members are Chikku Elsa Thomas, Nandana J., Susan Teji, Vaishnav J. of S8 CE2, guided byDr. Archana J. Satheesh.
Ms. Lekshmi Chandran M,Liander George, Nauzzin D,Malavika R Nair, Shivani P S, Praveen P S, Ashik K Azad has participated and presented a paper titled “Forced Gap Behaviour at Unsignalised Intersections : A Case Study” in the Ist Vision Zero Summit National road safety conference organized by Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal.
Ms. Lekshmi Chandran M. of Civil Engineering Department, presented the paper “Sound absorption property of coir latex composite using impedance tube ” in 8th International conference on Engineering Research and Innovations , Terna Engineering College, Nerul, Mumbai India on 22 September 2023 in Virtual mode.
- Students of S8CE2 Savinaj V Santhosh, Safa Zohra S, Ardra V M, Varsha H Nayar and Dr. Anupama Krishna D Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, has participated and presented a paper titled “EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF HERBOCRETE AND PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT USING EGG SHELL POWDER” in the 5th International Conference on “Recent Innovations in Science & Technology (RIST 2023)” conducted on 07th & 08th April 2023, organized by Holy Grace Academy of Engineering, Thrissur, India in association with ISET Research, India.
- Dr. M. Satyakumar Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, has participated and presented a paper titled “STUDY ON PEDESTRIAN VIOLATION BEHAVIOUR AT INTERSECTIONS” in the 5th International Conference on “Recent Innovations in Science & Technology (RIST 2023)” conducted on 07th & 08th April 2023, organized by Holy Grace Academy of Engineering, Thrissur, India in association with ISET Research, India.
The faculty members of the Department of Civil Engineering are undertaking research activities to bring the industry and the academics closer. The Department has been pioneering the research activities with the aid of funds received from various national and state level research institutions and funding agencies. The institution also funds the R&D projects internally for Departments in the form of in-house projects.
Students of S8 CE (Devika Jose, Feba Ann Varughese, NavajithSasi, PallaviPremjith) guided by Dr. Jaya S Pillai got an entry to the Final Round of Hackathon held at Ahmedabad during 28-29 April, 2023.
1. Ms. Lekshmi Chandran M, Dr Jaya V, Dr. K. Balanpublished a paper titled “Laboratory Study of Vibration Isolation Performance of Needle Felt Coir Latex Composite (NFCLC) Trench Type Wave Barriers” in SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (scopus indexed), Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2023 ISSN 2348-8352
2. Ms. Lekshmi Chandran M, Dr Jaya V, Dr. K. Balanpublished a paper titled “Mitigation of Train-Induced Vibrations with Developed In-Filled Coir Composite Wave Barriers” in International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 14, Issue 7, July-2023ISSN 2229-5518
Externally Funded Projects
Name of the Faculty | Project Title | Funding Agency and Date of Sanctioning | Status | Duration |
Jisha S V | Seismic Performance of Post-Fire Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints | DST | Ongoing | 3 years |
Dr. Jisha S V(PI)
and Dr. M. Satyakumar (Co- PI) |
Performance Evaluation of Ultra-thin White Topping Overlays | Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE),
August 2020 |
Completed | 3 years |
- Dr. Jisha S. V. and Dr. M. Satyakumar was sanctioned an amount of Rs.3,00,000/- from the Kerala State Council For Science Technology and Environment, Govt. of Kerala, for the project titled ‘Performance Evaluation of Ultra-thin White Topping Overlays’. Duration of the project is two years starting from November 2018.
- Dr. Jisha S. V. was sanctioned an amount of Rs. 63,000/- from the CERD, Govt. of Kerala, Research on the topic, ‘Seismic Soil Structure Interaction Response of Structures Subjected to Pounding’. Duration of the project is two years starting from December 2018.
- Dr. Neethu Roy was sanctioned an amount of Rs.27,99,500/- for the project titled ‘Influence of Polymer Dosage and Nature of Bitumen on the Microstructural and Rheological Characteristics of Polymer Modified Binders’ from the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, Govt. of India. Duration of the project is one year starting from May 2018.
- Dr. Jayasree S. and Mr. Akhil Raj S. R. was sanctioned an amount of Rs.4,00,000/- for their project ‘Development of sustainable concrete using black liquor as admixtures’ from the Technology Development Adaptation Programme scheme of the Kerala State Council For Science Technology and Environment, Govt. of Kerala. Duration of the project is one year starting from February 2018.
- Ms. P. Muthulakshmi was sanctioned a fund of Rs. 37,000/- for the project “Zero Waste Kitchen – A new method for Kitchen waste management” from CERD, Govt. of Kerala. Duration of the project is six months starting from March 2017.
- Ms. Bindu Biju was sanctioned an amount of Rs.1,35,000/- from CERD, Govt. of Kerala, Research on the topic “Flexural Behaviour of RC beams retrofitted with ultra-high performance steel fibre reinforced concrete”. Duration of the project is three years, starting from March 2017.
- Dr. Jayasree S. and Ms. Tisny D. B. was sanctioned an amount of Rs.12,05,387/- from Kerala State Council For Science Technology and Environment, Govt. of Kerala, for research work on “Corrosion Resistance of Blended Cement Concrete using Recycled Concrete Aggregates”. Duration of the project is one year starting from 2012.
Internally Funded Projects
Principal Investigator / Co-PI | Project Title | Approved budget | Status |
Sijo M Saji, Ann George | An Experimental study to evaluate the performance of Open Graded Friction Course Using Hot Mix And Warm Mix Technology | Rs. 96,500 | Ongoing
In-House Project
Principal Investigator / Co-PI | Project Title | Approved budget | Status |
Sijo M Saji, Ann George | An Experimental study to evaluate the performance of Open Graded Friction Course Using Hot Mix And Warm Mix Technology | Rs. 96,500 | Ongoing
The following student projects were funded by APJAKTU for the academic year 2022-23
- Project by students of S8 CE (AswinAsok, N Thanzeer, Arun Raj A, Nirmal Sabu Isaac ) “Development of Cement Treated Subbase (CTSB) Mix having Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates with Construction Demolition Waste for Optimum permeability and strength” Guided by Dr. Neethu Roy
- Project by students of S8 CE (Arpitha R Nair, Asmidh N S, Ganga Gopan, Govind S P ) “Mitigation measures using Soil bioengineering in rainfall induced landslide prone areas” Guided by Dr. Jisha S V
- Project by students of S8 CE (Devika Jose, Feba Ann Varughese, Navajith Sasi, Pallavi Premjith) “Wastewater treatment combined with CO2 biofixation and biofuel production using indigenous microalgae” guided by Dr Jaya S Pillai
Sponsored Student Projects
Name of the Students | Name of the guide | Project Title | Date of Sanctioning | Duration | ||
1) AswinAsok (MBT19CE035)
2) NThanzeer (MBT19CE090) 3) Arun Raj A (MBT19CE033) 4) NirmalSabu Isaac (MBT19CE088)
Dr. Neethu Roy | Development of Cement
Treated Subbase (CTSB) Mix having Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates with Construction Demolition Waste for Optimum permeability and strength |
18-03-2023 | 1 Year
1) Ganga Gopan
2) Asmidh N S 3) Arpita R Nair 4) Govind S P |
Dr. Jisha S V | Mitigation measures using Soil
bioengineering in rainfall induced landslide prone areas |
18-03-2023 | 1 Year | ||
1) Navajithsasi
2) Feba Ann Varughese 3) PallaviPremjith 4)Devika Jose |
Dr. Jaya S Pillai | Wastewater treatment
combined with CO2 bio-fixation and biofuel production using indigenous microalgae |
18-03-2023 | 1 Year
Sponsered Student Intership | ||||||
1) Aaron Johnson
2) Adheene M R 3) Alan A Vincent 4) Athena S 5) GovindSuraj Chand 6) Kiran Sara Abey 7) MeghanaSunil Saritha 8) RithinAlvito Anil 9) Adithya Devan A 10) AhammedSahil 11) Aman K Anwar 12) Arjun R Prem 13) Arjun U 14) Diya S 15) Niranjana S |
Dr. Elizabeth C .Kuruvila and Dr. Jaya S Pillai | Rejuvenation of Kambiyilkulam Pond, Kollam | Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt of Kerala and AICTE, 7th June 2022 | 1/07/2022 to 5/08/2022 |
- Ms. Parvathy U. was sanctioned an amount of RS. 70,000/- for the in-house project on ‘Mechanical Behaviour of ECC Encased Steel Composite Columns’. Duration of the project is one year starting from November 2018.
- Ms. Rintu Johnson and Ms. Anita A. was sanctioned an amount of Rs. 75,000/- for the in-house project on ‘Characterization of Flood Sediments’. Duration of the project is one year starting from November 2018.
- Ann George and Ms. Athira I. C. was sanctioned an amount of Rs. 55,000/- for the in-house project Investigations on Coconut Shell Modified Interlocking Concrete Paver Blocks. (2017-2018). Duration of the project is 16 months, starting from November 2017.
- Jisha S. V. was sanctioned an amount of Rs. 10,000/- for the in-house project on Dynamic Response on Buildings Considering the Flexibility of Soil. Duration of the project is 18 months, starting from November 2017.
- Ms. Jaya S Pillai was sanctioned an amount of Rs. 90,000/- for the in-house project tilled ‘Decentralized Wastewater Treatment using Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands: An Eco-San Approach’. Duration of the project is 16 months, starting from November 2017.
Faculty Pursuing Research
- Ms. Lekshmi Chandran M is pursuing research in the topic “Study to Evaluate Performance of Coir Composites for Ground Vibration Isolation”
- Ms. Ann George is pursuing research on the topic “Investigation on the effectiveness of incorporating geosynthetics in hybrid permeable pavement system”
Soil Investigation done at Poojappura Central Jail and Konchiravila U P School as part of the consultancy works of the Department of Civil Engineering for PWD.
Consultancy – GPS Survey
GPS Survey along Ashtamudi lake ongoing as part of the consultancy work for PWD.
Consultancy – Soil investigation
Soil investigation as part of the consultancy work “DPR preparation of Vazhimukku to Kaliyikkavila: Investigation for minor bridges and culvert” is ongoing from 24th January 2024.
- Preliminary site investigation was conducted at Pathanamthitta on 29/04/2023 and Thiruvananthapuram on 05/05/2023 for soil investigation as part for Sewerage Treatment plant construction for Kerala Water Authority
- Soil investigation work was done for minor bridge construction at Kottarakkarafor PWD Keralaand sewerage treatment plant construction atKarunagappally, Pathanamthitta, and Nedumangad.
Title of the collaborative activity | Name of the collaborating agency | Faculty-in charge | Date | |
Soil Investigation: Pachaloor | KWA | Mr. Sreeju Nair S B | March 2023 | |
Soil Investigation: Madhupalam | KWA | Dr. Jayasree S | March 2023 | |
Topographic Survey: Alappuzha (Pallathuruthykizhakkan bypass) | KIIFB | Mr. Nitin S,
Mr. Govind U P, Mr. Sreeju Nair S B and Dr. Amal Raj |
Nov 2022 and Dec 2022 | |
Soil Investigation at Pallipadam (Harippad) | KIIFB | Mr. Nitin S and
Mr. Sreeju NairS B and Mr. Govind U P |
Oct 2022 and Nov 2022 | |
Soil Investigation: Mukkad | KIIFB
Dr. Jayasree S | Oct 2022 and Nov 2022 | |
Soil Investigation: Varkala | KIIFB | Dr. Jayasree S | Nov 2022 | |
GPS Survey: Adoor Ring Road | KIIFB | Mr. Nitin S,
Mr. Govind U P, Mr. Sreeju Nair S B and Dr. Amal Raj |
Nov 2022 | |
Soil Investigation: ChavaraBhavan to Mundakal bridge | KIIFB | Dr. Jayasree S | October 2022 | |
GPS Survey: ChavaraBhavan to Mundakal bridge | KIIFB | Mr. Nitin S,Mr. Govind U P and
Dr. Amal Raj |
October 2022 | |
Soil Investigation: Kochuveli (Library Building) | PWD | Dr. Jayasree S | September 2022 | |
Soil Investigation: Kizhvaipur (School Building) | PWD | Dr. Jayasree S | September 2022 | |
Soil Investigation: Thiruvalla
( Hospital Building) |
PWD | Dr. Praveen P S | July 2022 | |
Soil Investigation: Ranni (ITI Building) | PWD | Mr. Jobin Joy | July 2022 | |
Technical committee member of Project Management Team, Rebuild Kerala Initiative | LSGD | Dr. Neethu Roy | Since 19/06/2020 | |
Member of the project advisory group of NATPAC for the project titled “Experimental investigation on Porous Asphalt Mix” by Sri. Jegan Bharat Kumar A., Scientist NATPAC. | NATPAC | Dr. Neethu Roy | Since May 2020 |
Consultancy Work
Project Title | Name of Faculty | Funding Agency | Amount
(Rs.) |
(Dates) |
Testing of Steel | Dr. Anupama Krishna D | Urban Scape Properties | 22,500 | 23/04/2023 |
Proposed site for sewage disposal tank, in Pachalloor | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | KWA, Govt. of Kerala | 123472.00 | 23/03/2023-25/03/2023
Proposed site for sewage disposal tank, in Madhupalam | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | KWA, Govt. of Kerala | 77355.00 | 22/03/2023 |
Concrete Paver Block | Dr. Anupama Krishna D | Kallara Grama Panchayath | 1500 | 16/03/2023 |
Testing of concrete cubes | Dr. Anupama Krishna D | KallaraGramaPanchayath | 900 | 15/03/2023 |
Concrete Paver Block | Ms. Sherin Mathew | Kallara Grama Panchayath | 1500 | 08/03/2023 |
Testing of concrete cubes | Ms. Sherin Mathew | Kilimanoor Grama Panchayath | 900 | 01/03/2023 |
Testing of concrete cubes | Ms. Sherin Mathew | Favourite Homes | 4,500 | 19/12/2022, 07/01/2023, 10/01/2023, 16/02/2023 |
Testing of concrete cubes | Ms. Sherin Mathew | Creative Structures | 1,500 | 22/11/2022, 18/01/2023
Testing of concrete cubes | Dr. Anupama Krishna D | Creation Villas and Apartments |
4,800 |
17/11/2022 |
New Building for Govt. VHSS, Keezhvaipur, Pathanamthitta | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt of Kerala | 116997.00 | 23/09/2022-25/09/2022 |
Library and Reading Room for Kochuveli St. Joseph Library | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | 51,968.00 | 21/09/2023-22/09/2022 |
Government ITI Building, Ranni | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | 64,705.00 | 08/07/2022-14/07/2022 |
Taluk Head Quarters Hospital Thiruvalla | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | 2,04,723.00 | 01/07/2022-07/07/2022
School Building GMHS, Kollakadavu | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | 1,46,045.00 | 21/06/2022-28/06/2022
Educational Complex, DIET, Kottarakara | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | 1,87,359.00 | 13/06/2022-17/06/2022 |
Taluk Hospital Santhivila, Thiruvananthapuaram | Ms. Jean Molly Simon | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | 1,34,752.00 | 06/04/2022-09/04/2022 |
Testing of concrete cubes
Ms. Sherin Mathew
Creation Villas and Apartments |
10,800 |
11/07/2022, 04/08/2022, 08/08/2022,23/08/2022,11/11/2022,1/12/2022,15/12/2022,17/12/2022, 07/01/2023, 13/01/2023, 06/03/2023 |
Proposed Road at Harippad, Pallipad-Melpadam Stretch | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | On Going | |
Construction of Road from Mundackal Palam – Chavara Bhavan – C Block, Alapuzha District | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | On Going | |
Construction of new bridge connecting Mukkattukadavu – Fathima Island – Arulappanthuruthu in Chavara LAC Kollam District | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | On Going | |
Proposed Site for Retaining Wall Varkala – Nadayara- Muslim G.H.S | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | On Going | |
Proposed Site for Road in Pathanapuram | Ms. Diana Alice Sugunan | PWD, Govt. of Kerala | On Going |
The staff members of MBCET engage in various consultancy activities for both Government and Private agencies/organizations. The consultancy activities contribute in improved industrial collaborations, enhancement of practical knowledge and thereby help in achieving the department goals related to Research, Consultancy and Development.
- Structural design of infrastructures
- Design of HMA mixes
- Water quality testing
- Soil investigation study
- Topographic mapping using GNSS and Total station
1. Soil Investigation work for PWD, Regional Investigation & Quality Control Laboratory, Thiruvananthapuram
a. Project 1: State Council for Open and Lifelong Education Kerala,Killipalam
Soil investigation work for the State Council of Open and Lifelong Education Kerala was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Jayasree, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering from 31st March 2022 to 3rd April 2022.
Staff Members: Mr. akhil Raj S R (Assistant Professor), Mr. Sijo M Saji (Assistant Professor), Mr. Edvin Roy (Lab Instructor), Mr.Shijin Kumar (Lab Instructor)

b. Project 2: Taluk Hospital, Santhivila
Soil investigation work of Hospital complex construction at Taluk Hospital, Santhivilawas conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, from 6th to 8th April 2022.
Staff Members: Dr. Jayasree S (HoD), Mr. Akhil Raj S R (Assistant Professor), Mr. Jomy Joseph (Assistant Professor), Mr. Vijin V J(Lab Instructor), Mr.Arun J (Lab Instructor)

c. Project 3: Educational complex at DIET, Kottarakkara
Soil Investigation work was conducted for Educational complex at DIET, Kottarakkara, Kollam from 13th June – 15th June 2022.
Staff Members: Dr. Jayasree S (HoD), Mr. Jobin Joy (Assistant Professor), Mr. Shijin Kumar R V (Lab Instructor), Mr. Anand M. C (Lab Instructor)

d. Project 4: Government Muhammadin High School at Kollakadavu
Department of Civil Engineering conducted a Soil Investigation study of Government Muhammadin High School at Kollakadavu from 21st to 28th June 2022.
Staff Members: Mr. Sijo M Saji (Assistant Professor), Mr. Anand M C (Lab Instructor), Mr. Sarath Kumar S (Lab Instructor)

e. Project 5: Thiruvalla Hospital
Soil Investigation study was conducted forThiruvalla Hospital from 1st July to 6th July 2022.
Staff Members: Dr. Praveen P S,(Assistant Professor), Mr. Vijin V J(Lab Instructor)

f. Project 6: Government ITI Ranni
Soil investigation study was conducted by Department of Civil Engineering for the construction of Government ITI Ranni from 8th July to 14th July 2022
StaffMembers: Mr. JobinJoy(Assistant Professor), Mr. Anand M C( Lab Instructor), Mr. Arun J( Lab Instructor)

g. Project 7: Library and Reading room for KochuveliSt.Joseph Library
Soil investigation study was conducted by department of Civil Engineering for Library andreading room for Kochuveli St. Joseph Library from 20 th to 21 th September 2022.
Staff Members:Ms.Diana Alice Sugunan (Assistant Professor), Vijin V J (Lab Instructor) , Shijin Kumar R V (Lab Instructor)

h. Project 8: Government V H S SKeezhvaipur
Soil investigation study was conducted by department of Civil Engineering for Library andreading room for Government V H S SKeezhvaipur from 23rd September to 26th September 2022.
Staff Members: Ms.Diana Alice Sugunan (Assistant Professor), Vijin V J(Lab Staff),Shijin Kumar R V(Lab Staff)

2. Soil lnvestigation Study and Topographic Survey (DGPS) for KIIFB works in Alappuzha District
Department of Civil Engineering conducted a soil investigation studyand topographical survey for the Construction of road from MundackalPalam- ChavaraBhavan- C Block in Alappuzha District from 11thto 13th Oct 2022.
Staff Members: Dr. Jayasree S (HoD), Shijin Kumar R V(Lab Staff), Edwin Roy (Lab Staff), Sarath Kumar (Lab Staff), Arun(Lab Staff)

Consultancy works done so far
The Department of Civil Engineering with its strong and dedicated faculty group, takes up consultancy activities in the various streams of Civil engineering. Over the years the Department has been instrumental in taking part in various prestigious projects through which the Department has built a strong rapport with the industry. Some of the major clients and consultancy works taken up by the Department are as follows.
- Material Testing
Title | Funding Agency | Amount (Rs.) |
Test on concrete specimens | Kerala Police | 5,900 |
Test on concrete specimens | Inkell Limited and other agencies | 8,100 |
Test on steel specimens | Public Works Department and other Agencies | 6,000 |
Total Amount : | 20,000 |
Title | Funding Agency | Amount(Rs.) |
Test on concrete and steel specimens | Inkell Limited | 10,200 |
Test on concrete specimens | Creations Villa’s and Apartments and other Agencies | 13,800 |
Test on materials | Favourite homes and other Agencies | 18,400 |
Total Amount : | 42,400 |
2. Architectural and Structural Design of Men’s hostel of MBCET
Under the leadership of Prof. P S Abraham, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, the Architectural and structural consultancy works for the extension of Mar ApremMens Hostel of MBCET was executed by Dr. S Jayasree(HoD) and Mr. Akhil Raj(Assistant Professor).
3. Structural Design of Ladies Hostel of MBCET
The Team including Mr. Akhil Raj S.R(Assistant Professor) and Mrs. Anita A(Assistant Professor)under the leadership of Dr. S Jayasree (HoD)carried out the Geotechnical investigations and structural design for the extension of the building,Alphonsa Ladies Hostel.
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University sanctioned financial assistance for the following student projects on 11.06.2024
Sl No. | Title of Project | Name of Students | Name of Supervisor | Amount Sanctioned (Rs) | |
1. | Solar Still Desalination Systems for the
Decentralized Treatment of Saline Water |
Alan A. vincent
S. S. Anfas Mohammed Gouri R. Vaidehi Shajil |
Dr. Jaya S. Pillai | 35000 | |
2. | Behaviour and Performance of Concrete Column
Reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars |
Aaron Johnson
Abhinav M. P. Amrita Sreeja Bhadra Nair S. |
Dr. Jisha S. V. | 50000 |
“AAKRITI 2024”
Department of Civil Engineering conducted the Project expo “Aakriti 2024” on 22/5/2024. The expo which showcased the innovative projects developed by the final year students was inaugurated by the Principal Dr. Abraham T Mathew. Dr. S. Viswanatha Rao, Vice Principal & Dean (Academic Affairs – UG), Dr. K Muraleedharan Nair, Professor & Dean (Administration), and many other faculties and students from different departments came and interacted with the project teams. Er. Sreekumaran Nair, Former Chief engineer, Kerala water Authority and Dr. Gicy M Kovoor, Dean, Prof. (Retd), MIT, Karnataka and were the Guests of honour and evaluated the teams. Faculties Dr Jaya S Pillai and Ms. Jean molly Simon coordinated the event.
Department of Civil Engineering conducted the Project expo Aakriti ‘23 on 22/5/2023. The expo was a showcasing of final year student projects. Many faculty and students from different departments came and interacted with the project teams.
Handing over of 3D prototype of the Anakkampoyil-Kalladi-Meppadi Tunnel Road to Government of Kerala
Department of Civil Engineering of MBCET has prepared the 3D prototype of the Anakkampoyil-Kalladi-Meppadi Tunnel Road under the guidance of the Officials from Konkan Railway Corporation Limited. The model has handed over to the Konkan Railway Corporation on 22/05/2023 at 3 PM in a function held at MBCET campus, in the presence of Sri Linto Joseph MLA Thiruvambady, Kozhikode, Sri Kadakampally Surendran MLA, Secretary Kerala PWD, Chief Engineer, Kerala PWD and other dignitaries.
The following student projects were funded by APJAKTU for the academic year 2022-23
- Project by students of S8 CE (Aswin Asok, N Thanzeer, Arun Raj A, Nirmal Sabu Isaac) “Development of Cement Treated Subbase (CTSB) Mix having Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates with Construction Demolition Waste for Optimum permeability and strength” Guided by Dr. Neethu Roy.
- Project by students of S8 CE (Arpitha R Nair, Asmidh N S, Ganga Gopan, Govind S P ) “Mitigation measures using Soil bioengineering in rainfall induced landslide prone areas” Guided by Dr. Jisha S V
- Project by students of S8 C.E (Devika Jose, Feba Ann Varughese, Navajith Sasi, Pallavi Premjith) “Wastewater treatment combined with CO2 biofixation and biofuel production using indigenous microalgae” guided by Dr Jaya S Pillai.
To be a Centre of Excellence in Civil Engineering education with a global perspective, creating ethically strong engineers for the service of society.
To provide Engineering Education which can create exemplary professional Civil Engineers of high ethics with strong conceptual foundation coupled with practical insight, to serve the industry and community.