Compliance of UGC Guidelines / Regulations 2018 for Autonomous Colleges
Details of the constitution of following statutory bodies, as per the Regulations/Guidelines. Governing Body, Academic Council, Board of Studies, Finance Committee.
Details of the constitution of following non-statutory committees, as prescribed in the Regulations/Guidelines.
Planning and Evaluation Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee, Examination Committee, Admission Committee, Library Committee, Student Welfare Committee, Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee, Extra-Curricular Activities Committee, Academic Audit Committee.
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Grievance Redressel
- Examination Committee
- Admission Committee
- Library Committee
- Students Welfare Committee
- Internal Complaint Committee
- Extra-Curricular Activities Committee
- Academic Audit Committee
Details of establishment of IQAC Cell, External Peer Team comprising of academicians of repute, Report of the External Peer Team review, uploaded on the website of the College.
Screen shots of the information uploaded on college website regarding the courses offered, the fees for the courses, the details of the faculty along with qualification and unique ID, the admission procedure, the details of relevant infrastructures, research activities of the college along with the details of Ph.D. students enrolled, if any, with the date of enrolment, topics and supervisor.
- Courses Offered
- Fee Structure
- Details of Faculty with Qualification, Unique ID
- Admission Procedure
- Details of Infrastructure
- Research Activities of the College
- Details of PhD Students enrolled with date of Enrollment, Topics and Supervisor
Whether the college has been conducting meetings of the statutory bodies regularly and uploading the minutes of the meetings on the college website. Copies of the minute(s) of meeting(s) may be provided.
Screen shot of the Undertaking uploaded on college website to the effect that all the Regulations notified by the UGC shall be followed in letter and spirit.