

The Engineering Physics laboratory is well equipped with modern & advanced instruments for conducting lab experiments in various important areas of physics like optics, mechanics, electronics & electricity .  The laboratory of Engineering Physics brings the student into contact with activity in several technical subjects like Optics, mechanics, circuit analysis, electromagnetic fields etc., which drives the students to various technical areas. The laboratory includes sophisticated & advanced instruments like spectrometers, travelling microscopes, diode Lasers etc.


The Chemistry Lab has been set up to enable the students to acquire knowledge in the concepts of chemistry for engineering applications and to familiarize the students with different application oriented topics like new generation engineering materials, storage devices, different instrumental methods etc. All  experiments have been planned in cycles so that any individual student can conduct single experiments independently, provided with complete reagent racks. The laboratory is fully equipped with various instruments, glassware and chemicals for conducting experiments like Acid-Base Titrations, Complexometric Titrations, Colorimetry ,water analysis, pHmetry etc.


The language laboratory is well equipped with 64 teacher consoles and 1 teacher console, 65 webcams and 65 headphones (with mic). The systems are installed with Orell Talk Language Lab Pro Version lab software, a leading language lab software designed to enhance language learning through interactive tools, live communication, and personalized feedback. It facilitates language acquisition via features like audio-visual content, group discussions, and real-time assessments. The software has integrated Extensive English language learning materials and exercises and basic language learning material to facilitate learning across a heterogenous group of learners. It has a lesson studio (where the teachers can create their own material based on the student level), interactive student console as well as an interactive instructor console.


The Department can boast of its collection which includes the latest publications, periodicals and textbooks by different authors .The students are free to refer and borrow books any time of the day and they make extensive use of the library for their regular and project work.


Sustained excellence as a leading Centre for Basic Sciences and Humanities education imbibing its essential concepts, thereby enabling the future Engineers to have a competitive edge with a strong sense of Values.


Enhance scientific temper among students in creating Technological and Engineering solutions and further develop analytical skills, soft skills, management skills and entrepreneurship skills, to mould them into better Professionals.